an aggro deck that uses cheap damaging spells like Boros Charm and small, fast creatures like Goblin Guide.
Pestmaxxing by Frykas
Estouvadu: Red Burn by Estouvadu
Chandra Burn by DMBLaan99
Monored Double-Burn by AspieGG
Boros Self-Inflicted by Alxdeckbuilder
storm by MonoBlueDeath
Rapture by Tiadon777
Burnin' by ds_rock
Lifegain? No, burn by RuneLongsword
izzet burn by triplet93
Mono-Red Vintage Burn by TheMagicJankster
Toxic Red Deck v4.5 by RuneLongsword
Badland Burn: Rakdos Vintage by The_terk
Hell Hath No Fury by voghammer
Ultimate Average CMC 1 Burn by MrMortifex145
Gyre Fire by DelightfulWaffle
Lannister Elves by kmayo
Mono Red by Fmoraesb
RB Chaos Burner (Cheap Vintage) by znerol75
True Budget Mono Green Burn by AxNoodle
Here be Dragons!! by Urzas_Driving_Goggles
OldSkool 9-Rack! by BotaNickill
animar soul eater by ZEPHYER69
Atog of the voult by marklenders
Red & Black Kind-of budget-friendly Storm by primusinterpares
how to lose all your friends by D_boss
Ritual X by DistortionSlayer
OldSchool 93/94 Counter Burn by HashMasta
Brall's Forked Spitfire (Dueling) by Brall
Flight of the Dragons by timeforgulag
In Flames by slivers211
Vise Trap by Watertower420
Mono-Red Vintage Burn by supersoaker32
Candelabrasurge by TheStephenation
ChannelBall by TheStephenation
Red Lotus by Domzig138
Mono red burn by NeoGeo
Mycocynth Tyrant by Nocturnal_Toothpick
Cooking with Lightning by keezfocer
SinBalls by DarkBitchual
budget vintage? by potatomaster132
C4 by chapin316
Channel Lavaburst by Domzig138
More Elves Please by morthaeus
Lightning, Explosions, and More! by Feltrix
Zombie Tribal-Black Deck Wins by zin1000
1+1=0 by luisserpa
LightningLotus by Domzig138
Goblin rush! by geartank
Red/Brown 93/94 by gumgod
Ramping Burn by zazz_master
LANDBLASTING (Seismic Assault) by Smoge
Red Army of Union of Goblin Socialist Republics by GoblinBiomancer
Eternal burning flames by Ware-wolf
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