The Ten Guilds Singleton Project - ON HOLD
The goal is to create ten EDH decks based on the ten guilds of Ravnica, each headed by it's respective guildmaster (as of Return to Ravnica). The decks will contain the guild's champion, who will act as a pitch-hitter general. Had the idea when I realized I had played five of the RtR guildmasters as generals, thought I might as well finish out the cycle! I think the RtR guildmasters and champions are some of the strongest candidates for EDH generals, in terms of flavor, functionality, and flexibility. Other possibilities include: -A level of balance across all decks -Complete cycles across all decks (shocklands, gates, charms, etc.) -One or two strong "themes" per deck (tokens, mill, reanimation, etc.) -Include full mega-cycles of Ravnica and Return to Ravnica cards? -Possible 1000-card singleton? The Ten Guilds are: Remaker - Simic CombineInfluence - Azorius Senate
Spin - Selesnya Conclave
Spectral - Orzhov Syndicate
Nightbringer - Cult of Rakdos
Daimonic - Gruul Clans
Incandescence - Boros Legion
Lightning - Izzet League
The Liar - House Dimir
Zero - Golgari Swarm