Gattison's EDH/Commander Decks


  1. EGH (Elder Goblin Highlander): Krenko, Mob Boss (Goblins)
  2. The Magic Mind Drinking Game (Mill, Drinking Game): Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker (Mill)
  3. Naya'll Feel Marath (+1/+1 Counters Tempo): Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch* (+1/+1 Counters)
  4. All This for a Cheap Thrull: Athreos, God of Passage (Thrulls & Sacrifice)
  5. Izzet Even Funny Any More?: Mizzix of the Izmagnus (Spellslinger & -Spells)
  6. Massive Attack (Angel Tribal Reanimator): Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld (Angels)
  7. Schrödinger's Litterbox: Lord Windgrace (Lands Matter)
  8. Ueshiba Morihei's Worst Student (Aikido/Chaos EDH): Obeka, Brute Chronologist (Chaos)
  9. The Wolverine Who Laughs (Kadena/Morph EDH): Kadena, Slinking Sorcererfoil (Morph)
  10. I Get High With a Little Help From My Friends: Alela, Artful Provocateur (Enchantments, Flying Matters)
  11. The Splice Must Flow (Golems Tribal): Ich-Tekik & Rebbec (Golem Tribal)
  12. Black Jokes (Gallowbraid Group Slug & Life Swap): Gallowbraid (Voltron)
  13. I Didn't Flinch, I Was Just Blinking: Ranar the Ever-Watchful (Blink & Tokens)
  14. What if This is Osgir as it Gets? (Boros Artifact): Osgir, the Reconstructorfoil (Artifacts & Recursion)
  15. Cold as Ice, Willing to Sacrifice (Negan EDH): Negan, The Cold-Blooded (Sacrifice & Treasures)
  16. ABCDEFGHIJKELEMENTALPQRSTUVWXYZ: Horde of Notions (Elemental Tribal)
  17. And This is My Other Brother Daryl: Daryl, Hunter of Walkers (Fight & Stomp)
  18. Carrion, My Wayward Swarm (Grist Insects + Song): Grist, the Hunger Tide (Insects & Reanimator)
  19. Lose Your Illusion (Minn EDH): Minn, Wily Illusionist (Illusion Tribal)
  20. Kosei Canseco, Modified, Allegedly (MonoG Voltron): Kosei, Penitent Warlord (Modified/Voltron)
  21. Murder Hobo: The Gathering: Sefris of the Hidden Waysfoil (Venture into the Dungeon)
  22. Michonne-ary Style: Michonne, Ruthless Survivor (Voltron & Zombies)
  23. Reach Arounds & Butt Stuff (GW Reach Tribal): Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist (Reach Tribal)
  24. Who's Burn is It?: Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip (Aggro Burn)