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Standard* Dritz


RagingPixels says... #1

Really like your deck so far.

with 13 Humans in your deck Cavalry Pegasus might be something to think about.

Also you only have 5 spells that target your heroic creatures.Altough i dont have any suggestions reagarding increasing that number , this might be something to look into.

September 9, 2013 11:36 a.m.

Dritz says... #2

@RagingPixels I'm actually a fan of Cavalry Pegasus so we shall have to see what comes along in the future, eh?

As for the number of spells I have that target my own creatures:

I've got the full 4 Ethereal Armor

3 of 4 Martial Glory s which can target multiple Heroic creatures,

And 2 Boros Charm s, although, admittedly they won't as often be targeting my creatures.

All together thats 9 spells, although, I would like to increase that number by a small amount. The biggest issue I've had so far is the non-synergy between things like Madcap Skills and saving my creatures from burn with Brave the Elements which makes them less main-boardable.

I had 2 Flames of the Firebrand to poke my own creatures for their buff effects in addition to being removal, but, I was at 62 and those being the only main-deck sorceries bothered me just a little. What I'm hoping to see out of spoilers at this point would be some awesome, cheap, white bestow creature or a white Heroic one drop. With luck something will come down the pipes! Anyway, thanks a lot for the suggestions, much appreciated.

September 9, 2013 6:15 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #3

I think Madcap Skills is a must have in this deck. It triggers heroic, makes your creatures more difficult to block and buffs the crap out of them.

September 11, 2013 8:05 p.m.

Dritz says... #4


The reason that Madcap Skills has not made it into this deck's mainboard is mainly because, while it is awesome and powerful, if I have to Brave the Elements for red because someone is casting something like Anger of the Gods then my Skills will fall off, and, so far, I can't tell if that is worth it just yet. This is the same reason that I don't have Gift of Orzhova in the deck's main/side/maybeboards as its entirely possible that I'll have to Brave the Elements for black.

If it were to go in it would probably replace Martial Glory which is a tough spot to replace as it lets me double trigger Heroic without leaving enchantments on them. I'm know I want them in there but I don't know if it is/is not worth it. So far I've been holding out hope for a simple Bestow creature that will me an okay creature so that I can comfortably use it as an enchantment.

September 11, 2013 10:33 p.m.

-Bean- says... #5

They just printed a fantastic Heroic trigger: Dauntless Onslaught.

September 12, 2013 12:27 a.m.

-Bean- says... #6

And maybe Gods Willing instead of Brave the Elements for Heroic, too.

September 12, 2013 12:30 a.m.

Dritz says... #7


I saw that, actually. I'm not sure if I'll play it mostly because it fills up the same basic slot that Martial Glory does while costing more. Paying three for something that isn't permanent also makes me a little hesitant. We shall have to see though. Thanks for the suggestion!

September 12, 2013 12:31 a.m.

Dritz says... #8


I've considered Gods Willing before and it has been sorely tempting as it does a lot for you, but, honestly the fact that it only affects one creature makes me like it much less. Usually I use Brave the Elements for profitably gang-blocks or full swings which Gods Willing doesn't fully enable. Its a close run thing so perhaps it could make the cut after some playtesting.

I feel like I would usually rather have Boros Charm though if I were going to have another protective spell after Brave the Elements as its mass protection is where its 'charm' lies as well, IMO. We shall have to see though.

September 12, 2013 12:35 a.m.

Stone_Munkee says... #9

I would definitely drop Firemane Avenger for Frontline Medic or Boros Reckoner . Avenger just doesn't get there without haste.

September 12, 2013 12:44 a.m.

Dritz says... #10


I've considered that myself but I honestly have to say that I feel like Firemane Avenger is part of the glue that makes this deck work. She may not have haste but a repeatable Lightning Helix is a force to be reckoned with and has carried many games by itself by immediately breaking a stalemate or putting the clock ahead of theirs.

Swinging as either a virtual 6/3 or as a 3/3 with free removal is part of what helps the deck tick in all honesty. As this deck isn't nearly as fast as a lot of the blitz decks out there the incremental value of being a removal spell and a creature with evasion that also widens the gap they need to cover makes up for its downsides IMO. I will definitely consider the idea though as it would reduce my overall curve somewhat.

Thanks for the suggestions!

September 12, 2013 12:50 a.m.

Stone_Munkee says... #11

I'm glad you've found a use for her! She has always just weighed my deck down and done nothing.

September 12, 2013 12:52 a.m.

no Gods Willing ? for heroic mechanic??

September 12, 2013 6:41 p.m.

Nevermind saw the above comments

September 12, 2013 6:50 p.m.

-Bean- says... #14

I get where you're coming from on Gods Willing . I haven't playtested, you know better. And I gained a ton of respect for you with that title change :P.

September 12, 2013 9:31 p.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #15

Have you thought about running a couple of Anger of the Gods ? I see you're removal is lacking, and you could most likely protect your creatures from the wrath with Brave the Elements . I think there are better options than Soldier of the Pantheon , Legion Loyalist for example. You can only target your Soldier of the Pantheon with Ethereal Armor . Either that or I say Main board Boros Charm and Madcap Skills over Brave the Elements and Martial Glory . Or even a 2/2 simply because of Supreme Verdict , +1 for Sure, because of the creativity.

September 13, 2013 12:09 a.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #16

Hey! Did you know Soldier of the Pantheon Isn't Heroic? I Sure Didn't. Oh well I still think Legion Loyalist is better, but with Soldier of the Pantheon in the SB in case you do play a good multi-color match up.

September 13, 2013 12:14 a.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #17

Dauntless Onslaught is good too.

September 13, 2013 12:16 a.m.

Dritz says... #18


I've toyed with trying Anger of the Gods but I'm not sold on the idea as it requires at least 4 mana (which is the top of my curve) and two cards to reliably not wipe my own board with it. It isn't a bad idea though and it might end up in the side instead of Ratchet Bomb should no big tokens see much play.

As for Legion Loyalist I've always been a big fan, and he has been a Grade A allstar in other decks, but I'm not convinced he would be a better fit in this one. Part of my concern is that he won't be saved by Brave the Elements (which I'm still convinced should remain a 4 of main. Its never been a dead draw and I have used it for a variety of reasons).

I've wanted to put at least two Boros Charm s back into the main as the versatility is just fantastic. I'm not sure what should go though as I feel like my creature ratios are pretty solid at this point and I'm already a little low on spells to trigger Heroic. Its a similar situation to Flames of the Firebrand which I would also not be adverse to having even if I never targeted their creatures with it. As for Dauntless Onslaught , its obviously good, but I like Martial Glory more than it on the whole, mostly because it costs less.

As for Madcap Skills (and other valuable enchantments like Gift of Orzhova ) the main reason they aren't in as I'm concerned that I'll end up tearing them off with the Brave the Elements and I'm not sure they are individually good enough to be in the side-board (or even what I would take out for them).

Anyway, I really appreciate the input. Thanks a bundle!

September 13, 2013 12:55 a.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #19

I would go 2/2 Split for Boros Charm and Brave the Elements . The charm helps protect your enchantments as well as your creatures. And then SB what best favors your match-up. Charm also gives you another Heroic ability, and offers a game ending blow. Don't limit yourself to just white creatures because of Brave the Elements , when there is just as good alternatives.

September 13, 2013 1:07 a.m.

Jimhawk says... #20

The two cards I'm testing right now for the Boros deck I'm working on are Weapon Surge and Dynacharge . Both are able to profitably trigger Heroic when necessary, and they also have an efficient overload cost that can instantly win a game. I will probably end up only running one of the two, if either, but I thought it would help to spread the idea. It's very difficult trying to find the right mix of spells; traditionally, a Boros aggro deck wants nothing but burn spells to provide the necessary reach to win the game, but Heroic puts a completely new spin on things that really changes the way such decks are built.

As usual, I'm waiting for the full Theros spoiler before I start releasing any of my decks, but this is fantastically made.

September 13, 2013 1:21 a.m.

Thomaster22 says... #21

i like the idea of Chained to the Rocks but i dont think there is enough mountains to rely on it

September 13, 2013 1:26 a.m.

Dritz says... #22


I like the idea of a split of Boros Charm and Brave the Elements but I'm loathe to lower the Brave number at all especially with lots of people looking to play Anger of the Gods as an answer to decks like this one.

Being able to do something as simple as a T3 Precinct Captain and leave a single mana open threatening a complete blowout if they attack and broadly nullifying usual removal and combat threats at once is unspeakably helpful. Its possible that I'll lower the number, especially if it is less helpful than it has been in past deck iterations.

As for restricting myself to White creatures, I can see your point there. Part of it, though is that I feel that it isn't just Brave the Elements inhibiting my choices it is also the fact that all eight of my 2 drops are WW. Meaning that I already have to either be very heavily commited to White just in my landbase which makes any earlier red drops (T1 in particular) more and more liable to become weight in hand because I couldn't get them out there on their proper turn.

Legion Loyalist does make up for some of those problems as he can be relevant in may sitiuations, but, as the deck currently stands I feel that it is the need for consistency on my 2 drops which is dictating part of my land usage which is then further re-inforcing my usage of Brave the Elements . Maybe I'm looking at it incorrectly but we shall have to see as things go along


I've definitely considered Weapon Surge in the past and I was a big fan of Rally the Peasants in an older deck I used to play. As such they are definitely both fine suggestions that could make it in. The fact that they have options is really what I like most about them, honestly and, depending on the new spoilers, they may make it into progressive versions of the deck.

Also, thank you very much for the compliment, it is very much appreciated!


(And, by extension, @BorosLegion4125)

I'm glad you appreciate the deck name change, I thought it was, at the worst, a fun idea. As for Gods Willing I'm still keeping them in mind, they do do a lot for the mana especially when you are saving a Phalanx Leader or Fabled Hero . Its another card that is vying for the highly limited real estate in this deck. haha


I wish that I could comfortably include more Mountain s in the deck or that there was an Evolving Wilds equivalent that I could at least experiment with.

As it stand, however, going by the card odds given by TappedOut I have a combined chance of 76.8% of drawing a Mountain or Sacred Foundry by T3 (which is when I would likely need it more than burn or similar) and an 83.6% chance of having seen a Mountain by T4.

It isn't ideal by any means but there are a few things backing that up, even just a little. The four Temple of Triumph s all let me see an extra card, and the three Magma Jet s all let me see an extra two. Between these effects I'm currently comfortable with my capacity to draw into a Mountain equivalent by the time it would really be relevant although I would not be adverse to somehow bolstering that.

September 13, 2013 3:51 a.m.

You could always slide in a 5th Sacred Foundry and hope you never draw all 5.


September 13, 2013 3:55 a.m.

Dritz says... #24


Now there is an idea I can get behind! haha

September 13, 2013 3:56 a.m.

-Bean- says... #25

What's your reasoning behind Heliod, God of the Sun in the sideboard?

September 13, 2013 12:51 p.m.

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