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Standard* Dritz


-Bean- says... #1

I think maybe Encroaching Wastes could be put somewhere. Mutavault and the occasional Maze's End control deck might be worth it, considering it's just a land.

September 13, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Dritz says... #2


I've waffled on whether or not I wanted Heliod, God of the Sun in the main or in the side. I would have had a more mid-rangeish deck if I had kept him in, or I would have had to ditch the Firemane Avenger s (which I wasn't keen on doing.

I figured, that he is worth playing in the side at the very worst as a decent board-in vs control. Against Wraths and bounce its a lot harder for Firemane Avenger to stay online consistently so I would end up swapping two of them out for Heliod, God of the Sun s so that I can have a token generator just in-case the game goes long while still having a hefty beater if I can force it sooner.

His tokens (and himself) also boost Ethereal Armor which is a very handy upside. Adding to that, I feel that Vigilance as an ability (especially en masse) is under-rated and worth having. He is yet another card that I wish I could fit into the main.

Heck, at this point I'm almost inclined to choke up the Maybeboard section with every card that I'm at least passively considering. haha

September 13, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Dritz says... #3


I've wanted to include utility lands (I played a pair of Slayers' Stronghold in an older version of the deck that I played before spoiler season) but considering that I'm beholden to Mountain s to keep Chained to the Rocks I don't feel that my color density for white can go much lower without inhibiting my ability to cast threats. Its possible a utility land could make it to the side but its still kinda iffy.

The reason that I feel I can't really spare spaces for non-white land even though I only play two that don't produce White is that in the older versions of the deck just the pair of Slayers' Stronghold would occasionally log-jam my Precinct Captain s and force me to play other 2 drops (which I wanted to cast less than him). I figure, now that I'm playing a full eight 2 drops that require WW its abysmally more likely that I'll run into a problem casting them promptly.

Hopefully that makes sense, (I get really ramble-y in the mornings because I have sleeping problems) thanks again for the suggestions and critiques!

September 13, 2013 1:07 p.m.

-Bean- says... #4

Haha, yeah I can get that. Your deck has high white density, and I myself have had those experiences where I can't cast my WW creature.

September 13, 2013 2:42 p.m.

jonhydude says... #5

The comments were tl;dr, but what about Martial Glory ?

September 14, 2013 3:24 a.m.

jonhydude says... #6

Just saw the sideboard.

September 14, 2013 3:27 a.m.

Dritz says... #7


Haha, Martial Glory was in the main until less than five minutes ago when Coordinated Assault filled its slot. I also mentioned in the description that I wanted to potentially have it in the main as its still quite good. I would likely rather have a 4th Coordinated Assault though.

I can understand about the (more or less) book of comments above though. haha Maybe I'll update the comment section in a little bit.

September 14, 2013 3:30 a.m.

Theophilus says... #8

Where are your Akroan Crusader s?

September 14, 2013 9:03 p.m.

Dritz says... #9


I like Akroan Crusader and would like to play him if it weren't for a few things.

  1. He is a red creature, and the tokens he creates are red, which means that Brave the Elements can't save him or them.

  2. Considering that all eight of my 2 drops cost WW its difficult to T1 a red souce and T2 into one of those as the only way to do that is with a Sacred Foundry .

  3. I'm not sure where he would go even if it weren't for 1 & 2. Favored Hoplite s spot is the only space I feel he could reasonably fit and I'm inclined to keep him. I do appreciate the suggestion and I'll drop him into the Maybeboard just to have the idea on-hand.

Thanks for the suggestion!

September 15, 2013 12:57 a.m.

Spootyone says... #10

+1 I like the Title and I like the deck. Anax and Cymede -- how are your feelings for that card? I think most assume it to be only good with heroic being activated, but to me a 3 cost 3/2 first strike vigilance seems worthy.

You may want to reconsider Hopeful Eidolon . For me personally, I've found it to never really be a dead draw despite it being a 1 drop. Early game, its a chump blocker, lifegainer, or something to enchant. Mid-game, its a buff for your guy, or chump blocker. And all the while, it's an enchantment (whether bestowed or not). I top decked the guy with a Fiendslayer Paladin on the field (with Unflinching Courage ) and a Pacifism on an opponent creature. Suddenly, I played the Eidolon and equpped with Ethereal Armor and had a 5/5 first strike lifelinker for 2 mana on turn 6.

Okay, that was a lot to write, but basically all I'm saying is that I feel it's a nice card worth a second try :) Just a thought!

September 15, 2013 1:11 a.m.

-Bean- says... #11

Based on the other costs of Bestow creatures, I'm thinking that Hopeful Eidolon 's Bestow cost is 3W. It's pretty huge in limited, but I don't know if it'll be great in constructed.

September 15, 2013 3:08 a.m.

Stone_Munkee says... #12

Just the simple fact that Bestow creatures can boost Ethereal Armor or hell even Sphere of Safety is hilarious and will be abused to no extent

September 15, 2013 3:13 a.m.

Dritz says... #13


I'm a big fan of Anax and Cymede as I feel like first strike and vigilance together, coupled with a natural 3 power does a lot of work. I mean, after all I have more of them in here than Fabled Hero s (which I suppose could be split 2/3 instead of 3/2 but I like it this way at present.) haha

I want to like Hopeful Eidolon but I feel like it isn't quite good enough in this deck. If I were to take it back to its pre-rotation iteration (it was a Path of Bravery deck which took first at FNM) then I would almost definitely include at least a couple of him just because there isn't a Nearheath Pilgrim after rotation to help spread around lifelink. As I said, as it stands, I don't think that this deck can really use the Eidolon particularly better than the other stuff already in there.

I'll definitely keep the recommendation on Hopeful Eidolon in mind, thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah, if the bestow cost is where it seems to be then I'm think it won't quite be worth it. Honestly though, if I were going to hedge a second guess after just looking at the spoiled card I would say it looks like 4W and not 3W. On the whole, I just hope its an incidentally spread around mistake and that it somehow costs less than its peers. Seems unlikely at this point though.


Yeah, I had made a Sphere of Safety deck when it was first printed (just for fun) but obviously it was lacking some key pieces. It was certainly fun though. haha I'm curious how playable it will become with all these new toys for it.

September 15, 2013 9:27 a.m.

Epfoiler says... #14

i think that everyone assumes that red/white are the ''hero'' colors, but i have realized that as cipher says cast that it is blue/black that can do the most damge with heroic

September 15, 2013 11:41 a.m.

Grizzly103 says... #15

I've been working on alot of similar boros builds recently and I just have a couple suggestions. I don't think you're creature count is high enough or fast enough to warrant using firemane avenger. I played with a battalion deck for a while and although it's a very good card you are never going to get the lightning helix ability off unless you can some how give it haste or put out a creature with haste the following turn to trigger it. Her ability is too slow and too fragile for this deck as it is.

My second suggestion is that you drop coordinated assault and swap it out for a stronger instant. You may not always have two heroic creatures out at once and then it's kind of weak outside of being maybe a surprise first strike combat trick.Those are just my suggestions after play testing your deck a couple times. Good luck!

September 15, 2013 1:31 p.m.

Dritz says... #16


I'd argue that its debatable that U/B can do the most outright damage but between Triton Tactics , Boon of Erebos , Hidden Strings and Agent of the Fates you can certainly get a lot done. If I had the proper duals at this very second I would at least toy with the idea of going America or Dark Boros.


Honestly, I disagree with your assessment of Firemane Avenger s inclusion in this deck. I can see where you are coming from as a 4 drop that doesn't immediately impact the board can be hit or miss, but, I've never really ever been unhappy to draw her and rare has the board been where I felt I couldn't hit Battalion when I needed to. Granted some of my perspective on it is from the last version of this deck, but, that deck had an slower creature curve than this one. As a secondary conciliatory point, I did have a pair of Frontline Medic s in the last deck which made it easier to swing in with her, but, I feel like anything like Precinct Captain (who does a great job enabling Battalion by himself IMO), Anax and Cymede or Fabled Hero can all do solid work punching in. I'm sure that I wouldn't mind playing Heliod, God of the Sun in lieu of Firemane Avenger , but, as it stands I'm not sure which I would rather have in the main.

I'm inclined to agree on the second point that I kinda want Martial Glory back in the main in terms of more consistent actual power should I not be packing on Heroic creatures, but, apart from the fact that I have twelve main-boarded Heroic creatures I feel that for a single mana I'll be more able to consistently protect the investment on-board while leaving mana open to threaten the Assault on the attack or block.

If I wasn't already trying to find space for Dragon Mantle or trying to put Boros Charm back into the main I would love to find space for both Coordinated Assault and Martial Glory . (Of course if I were running blue I would be all over Triton Tactics )

We shall have to see what happens after I get some solid play-testing in as we approach release. I'll definitely take your critiques under advisement, thanks for the help!

September 15, 2013 2:07 p.m.

Epfoiler says... #17

Dritz I think that wizards plans on adding the other scry land colors next set, but i would agree that some of lands needing to enter tapped. The ability to know went out use them can help, but i don't think that it would be that hard to abuse Hidden Strings with a card like Agent of the Fates . I like the look of Wavecrash Triton as a way to lock down whatever, and with Aqueous Form your guys hit every time, and then you definitely get your heroic trigger, and your blocker. if you would check this rough draft that I actually put together. the land is not what i would do, but it was just a quick idea until i have more time. Dark Hero's???.

September 15, 2013 3:26 p.m.

Eskimole says... #18

I would DEFINITELY add the fourth Soldier of the Pantheon . You are an aggro deck right? I would suggest taking out a Chained to the Rocks , as, while it is very efficient, it doesn't actually kill the opponent. Being fast out of the gates is what this deck wants to be doing.

A fourth Coordinated Assault could be worth considering due to the high number of Heroic creatures you're running. They obviously become a LOT better when you activate heroic. Seriously, think about it. If you activate heroic just ONCE on Phalanx Leader with maybe 2 other guys out, you're getting a FREE Gavony Township activation power in addition to the effects of the spell.

September 15, 2013 8:42 p.m.

Dritz says... #19


I wouldn't be against having a fourth Soldier of the Pantheon , but, considering that I'm at six 1 drops already between the three Soldiers I already have and the three Favored Hoplite s I feel like very many more 1 drops and it will be a little hard to keep up a later-game offensive. Also, considering that this deck has exactly zero hasty creatures, and considering the play-style that its had in past iterations, I feel like removing my already relatively small amount of potent removal for another 1 drop creature might be the wrong way to take it. But, hey, I've been wrong before. We shall have to see I suppose.

I'd gladly add a 4th Coordinated Assault or some Dragon Mantle s if I could, but, I'm kinda strapped trying to find space at this point in time. If you've got any suggestions on where they could fit I'm game.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated!

September 16, 2013 8:26 a.m.

KronicNinja says... #20

First of all: Really liking this deck, its just all around great! And its not outragiously expensive like every other post-rotation deck ive seen.Secondly: Growing up in a Greek household, I appreciate the fact someone made a deck with a Greek name! ! :D+1 from me!

September 16, 2013 6:31 p.m.

jasocks says... #21

Too much heroic and not enough spells that target your guys... At least that's what it seemed like to me while play testing.

September 16, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Emrakool says... #22

Them Heroic creatures have an ability that screams "Enchant me!" with a mana cost and body that screams "White weenie!" Unless you're absolutely sold on the mechanic and the Humans theme, I'd recommend sticking to just the creatures whose Heroic triggers give global buffs.

Fabled Hero is still decent as a 2 of, but I'd probably recommend Hopeful Eidolon over Favored Hoplite for its double use. Keep the legion going strong!

September 17, 2013 1:29 a.m.

Dritz says... #23


I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the comment!


In some ways I agree with you, the problem is that I feel I'm a little strapped for space to include more Heroic enablers. I would gladly include a 4th Coordinated Assault , a couple of Dragon Mantle s or a few Boros Charm to help remedy that, but, until I can more rigorously playtest the deck I feel like its alright where it is.

Apart from that, I'm also hesitant to increase the number of enablers at the expense of some of the creatures because at a certain threshold I feel like I'll draw too many enablers for the creatures I have instead of drawing too many creatures for the enablers I have (which I feel is the easier problem to overcome).

As a follow-up point I generally feel that almost every Heroic creature in here is acceptable if they didn't have Heroic (or if I couldn't enable it). The main exceptions being Phalanx Leader , and to a lesser extent Favored Hoplite (as I would rather have a 4th Soldier of the Pantheon , Hopeful Eidolon or a Dryad Militant assuming I couldn't use the Heroic ability). If you've got any suggestions on balancing that ratio I would be happy to hear them.


I can certainly understand your point 100%. If Favored Hoplite didn't have a self-damage prevention rider on him then I probably would have filled his space with a 4th Soldier of the Pantheon (still might do that as a 2/1 for one is awesome) or with some combination of Hopeful Eidolon s, Dryad Militant s, Dragon Mantle s, and similar. I'll definitely be paying close attention to see whether or not Favored Hoplite is just a pipe-dream or the real deal here.

When it comes to Fabled Hero I'm alternatively completely sold on his inclusion as an exploitable seat for pumps, and sometimes I feel like I only include him because he feels like a Mirran Crusader (but maybe isn't quite worthwhile) and that I would be better off with Fiendslayer Paladin s or Frontline Medic s, et al, again.

After that it kinda breaks down into an internal squabble of deck direction. If I start reducing my Heroic creatures then I don't need to enable them as much and maybe going back towards a Path of Bravery deck with a side of Heroic would be better. haha

September 17, 2013 9:17 a.m.

jtbaxter12 says... #24

How about Gods Willing in place of Brave the Elements ? That way you can still help protect a creature while also being able to get more heroic triggers. And the Scry 1 isn't bad either.

Also, I would run 3 Heliod, God of the Sun in place of Firemane Avenger . Your 2 drop creatures both cost double white mana, so I don't you'll have too much trouble meeting the devotion requirement. And if you replace Fabled Hero with Boros Reckoner you'll have an even easier time at doing so.

My last suggestion would be switching Magma Jet for Boros Charm . Sure, Magma Jet is a nice piece of removal that lets you dig deeper into your deck. But I would take the versatility and raw power of a Boros Charm over it any day. Helps protect your creatures from board sweepers, can target to activate heroic triggers, and finish off an opponent with that 4 extra damage. It's just an all around better card for the same converted mana cost.

September 17, 2013 10:21 a.m.

Dritz says... #25


When it comes to Gods Willing I have to say, that, although I can't dispute its utility, that I feel that the mass protection afforded by Brave the Elements is usually far superior. Being able to gang block an a big creature or full-swing unopposed through creatures that share colors is a huge boon and I feel that being able to save just one creature is not usually worth it comparatively.

As for Heliod, God of the Sun it is much closer, but, here is what I feel. I, personally find Firemane Avenger to be nicer in a majority of games because its evasive and is potentially repeatable removal. On the other hand I feel like Heliod, God of the Sun is usually better against control where the its harder to maintain Battalion and where Heliod's token generation ability can really shine. It is a close run thing, but, until I've had time to really thoroughly try out both in the meta that comes up I think I'll stick to Firemane Avenger for the present.

I can see the wisdom of swapping Magma Jet s out for other things as the 2 damage it deals isn't always going to be relevant, especially against things like Fleecemane Lion or Voice of Resurgence (which I don't really usually wish to burn.)

The thing is, that if I swap out the Magma Jet s then I'm not left with only Boros Charm to consider. I also have Dragon Mantle (works nicely with Scry, pumps Ethereal Armor , is Firebreathing , and replaces itself in addition to triggering Heroic) and a 4th Coordinated Assault that want in, and that leaves me only 3 spaces to do that.

If I swap any of the Heroic creatures out then Boros Charm becomes more attractive as I usually use its two non-targeted abilities more often than the other. If I don't then Dragon Mantle becomes more appealing. Although, to be honest, both the Charm and Mantle are pretty appealing as is and it is difficult to decide.

(Also, swapping out Magma Jet for anything other than Dragon Mantle also leaves Chained to the Rocks being more directly vulnerable to the possibility that I won't draw a Mountain .)

I'm willing to give swapping Magma Jet into the side a shot for now but I'm not 100% sold that its the best plan.

Anyway, I appreciate the suggestions regardless of what ends up happening. Thanks!

September 17, 2013 11:45 a.m.

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