Modern asdf9660asdf


Pinkyplys says... #1

I like Spellskite in this deck +1 xD

I think you need some trample. What about Rancor or Selesnya Charm ???

February 4, 2014 12:45 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #2

I like the idea of adding in more trample (I already have it with Garruk wildspeaker) but unfortunately neither of those cards have good synergy with my strategy.
What do you think about Llanowar Augur or Unflinching Courage ? I think both cards could be good in the deck but also open up opportunities for my opponent to gain card advantage through a 2 for 1. What do you think?

February 4, 2014 1:19 p.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #3

pretty good but not much of a tree folk deck its really just a junk deck but i like some of the cards in here like the sword ill side board that just for protection against B/W/X decks that like to control me ill make my own junk real quick and show you some other ideas to it

February 7, 2014 10:32 a.m.

DigitalShadow says... #4

upvote for TomSka

March 1, 2014 2:54 a.m.

Scorprix says... #5

March 12, 2014 9:24 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #6

while the interaction that card has doran is cute, its not strong enough to be played with competitively.
one of the things I like most about this deck is its diversity and a card being dependent on another is not a good plan for this deck!
thanks for the advice however, and of course,the +1 :)

March 13, 2014 1:50 a.m.

pacis_victus says... #7

how about a copy or two of Tower Defense ?

April 25, 2014 11:39 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #8

I like the way that card works with Doran, but without it its kind of unusable.Look at lingering souls for example.. 4 1/1 spirits are good.. add in mirror entity and its great. Seeing as how I run only two copies of Doran, this would end up being a dead card in my hand for most of the game.. not too good!I like the flexibility of this deck, this makes me dependant on Doran and that slows me down.If you could think of any cards that work well without Doran, but are even better with him out (skinshifter for example) those would be awesome. Or maybe some advice on my removal? those things would be fantastic as I think I could clean up my removal and there has to be some better modern cards out there. What about discard?

April 25, 2014 11:51 p.m.

Kre says... #9

What keeps you to Arbor Elf when you can go for Llanowar Elves or Birds of Paradise ?

May 5, 2014 11:40 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #10

Im glad you asked :)
Arbor Elf is the best manna dork for this deck because most of my lands are forests, and it has 1 power. Murmuring Bosk counts as a forest, and I have cards to tutor for it. This makes Arbor Elf is just as good as Birds of Paradise but can swing as an added bonus :)

May 5, 2014 2:46 p.m.

I have some tribal decks that need reviewed. A Horror Tribal, and a Myr Tribal. Check out my page if you want. I would appreciate it.

May 6, 2014 9:40 p.m.

LittleLeaf says... #12

I'm loving this deck. You have a lot of very good synergy here, as well as cards that are just powerful in a vacuum and that fit your strategy. I don't really have anything in terms of card suggestions here; you've put together a great deck. +1 from me. Keep up the good work!

May 15, 2014 10:15 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #13

Thanks a lot man! I've put quite a few hours into this and im proud of it. I'd like to get Liliana of the Veil back in the deck, she works really well in the deck for removal wise and a really quirky combo with Sword of Light and Shadow . beyond that I have been thinking about integrating discard as a bigger strategy but I'm hesitant to take out the powerful removal. I also had Eternal Witness in the deck at one point.. what do you think about Eternal witness? What do you think about adding in more discard?

May 15, 2014 10:45 p.m.

As much as pressure goes, I'm not sure if this would work, but a few Blood Seeker works real well in conjunction with removal and punishing token spammers.

May 15, 2014 10:47 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #15

I usually don't worry about token decks because of Maelstrom Pulse and Crime/Punishment . Beyond that Blood seeker is just kind of meh to me, its got a weak body and Its performance depends on my opponent to much. Thanks for the feedback though! I can appreciate the thought process, this deck loves utilitarian creatures :)

May 15, 2014 10:59 p.m.

spartan989 says... #16

sick deck! :D

May 19, 2014 8:37 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #17


May 19, 2014 9:04 a.m.

TeejayRancor says... #18

Love this deck :)

May 27, 2014 6:28 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #19

Thanks man :)

May 27, 2014 6:41 p.m.

Prima says... #20

Indomitable Ancients , Slagwurm Armor , Tree of Redemption , and Unstoppable Ash would all be amazing. Indomitable Ancients would be a great one-of to tutor up with Treefolk Harbinger . Slagwurm maybe as a two of, as it is great with Doran. Tree of Redemption is just amazing, and Unstoppable Ash with Doran=Amazing. Additionally, when they kill it, if you Championed a Harbringer, it's effect triggers again.

May 27, 2014 9:03 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #21

I might consider unstoppable ash as it can be tutored and does bring a lot to the board. I am just hesitant to do so because they could kill the harbinger in response and leave him as a dead card in my hand for quite some time. Thats something this deck doesn't really like. I don't really care for any of the other suggestions because this deck is not really built around doran, it just has him in it. maybe if I added some Mutavault the ash could be better, but as of right now it just seems to risky. Thankyou so much for the suggestions. if you have any advice on how to improve the deck outside of the tribal aspect that would also be excellent :)

May 27, 2014 11:46 p.m.

Prehcise says... #22

Running 4 Verdant Catacombs may be a good idea because it can even fetch Murmuring Bosk . Also, I'd move 2 Inquisition of Kozilek and add 1 Thoughtseize to Mainboard. Treefolk Harbinger with Changeling is a pretty cool combination. +1 for the neat idea!

May 28, 2014 5:38 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #23

thanks man, I appreciate the feedback :)
The lands are out of my budget for the moment but the discard is something I can mess around with. What would you suggest I board out for the discard?

May 28, 2014 5:40 p.m.

Prehcise says... #24

Maybe -1 Abrupt Decay and -2 Putrefy . You currently have 15 removal spells, which is quite a bit. Putrefy seems like it would be best in the Sideboard, depending on your meta.

May 28, 2014 6:03 p.m.

OpenFire says... #25

Want to be a total troll playing Doran, the Siege Tower ? Play Zur the Enchanter :P

June 23, 2014 3:31 p.m.

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