Modern asdf9660asdf


diatryma says... #1

+1 for sure, I've been waiting for a deck that makes Murmuring Bosk useful again =) love the deck idea too. Definitely a deck that doesn't need fetch lands as far as I can tell haha.

October 24, 2014 12:11 a.m.

Any thoughts on Nyx-Fleece Ram ? It'd be a solid wall on the cheap before Doran (with that turn-based lifegain) and after... "HE'S A WRECKIN' MACHINE!!"

October 24, 2014 1:37 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #3

Thanks for the support diatryma, with harbinger in the deck mana fixing is hardly an issue :)
Buckminsterfullerene, I have actualy been considering the ram for some time, but i don't know what to take out for it. I could fit one in and move a spellskite into sideboard, or put it in for skinshifter. those are the only cards that could come out for ram.. any sugestions?
also, what are your thoughts on a mainboard ensnaring bridge?

October 24, 2014 9:42 a.m.

Kryyn says... #4

Really like this list. I was looking around at Treefolk builds to make use of Murmuring Bosk and yours is the best I've seen so far.

October 31, 2014 8:31 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #5

Thankyou so much!!
I like to think that the reason this deck is so good is because a lot of the cards naturally come equiped with answers for things that are very common in the t1/t2 decks that we see today.

October 31, 2014 2:56 p.m.

Zur-En-Arrh says... #6

really love it, +1!!

November 2, 2014 10:12 a.m.

thepoetmustdie says... #7

I'd Like to see a Whip of Erebos in there instead of your sword. Mainly because of the interaction with your ETB effects and bringing in a fallen Doran to boost you're boys and swing hasty. Or for magic Xmas land (not so infrequent though) Siege Rhino or Tree, whip em' then angel on the stack of the whip effect at your next end step so you get to keep em' and have gained two extra uses from the etb effects. The haste is really relevant for me in a deck like this also Unflinching Courage and Setessan Tactics as singletons look to be good options to clear your path and squeeze in those extra points of damage.

November 3, 2014 11:26 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #8

those cards are really good in standard but are less effective in modern. THe whip is kind of interesting but the sword is all around better. unflinching courage is too risky to play and stessan tactics is not that good because I have to tap my guys. Overall most of the cards you sugested fit the niche that the sword does but are just not near as powerful. Thankyou for the suggestions though im always open for ideas!

November 3, 2014 4:56 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #9

Indomitable Ancients is pretty sweet with Doran. Even if you don't get a Doran, it will wall virtually anything or draw removal.

November 6, 2014 12:35 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #10

programmer, Indomitably ancients is a cute card but not worth the risk in modern. what I like about restoration angel and Siege rhino is that even if they get hit with spot removal, they still effected the board.

November 8, 2014 9:51 p.m.

hbomb33 says... #11

I'm not sure why you aren't running 4 Doran main deck. He is a major target for removal so it's always good to have a back up in hand.

November 14, 2014 10:22 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #12

Hbomb33, I agree with most of what you just said! however I don't want to draw into too many as they do turn into dead draws in most scenarios. also, Don't forget about Treefolk Harbinger!! In the case of playing a control deck or something where he will get removed every time, I have 1 in sideboard.

November 14, 2014 10:46 p.m.

emask says... #13

+1, awesome list!

Any use for Ghostly Prison?

December 10, 2014 2:31 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #14

Thanks! Im not sure what use Ghostly Prison would be in this list. I usually have some high toughness creatures to stop zoo in the early game, and removal for their creatures when I'm about to drop Doran and go aggro. I don't really need to buy myself time, I think I just need to make better use of my turns in general to make any more progress with this deck.
What do you think about running a Liliana of the Veil or two in this list? I feel like they'd be really quite good!

December 10, 2014 2:35 a.m.

Hmm . . . I think Lili is a pretty tough call. She's always a pretty powerfully card, but this deck is built on synergy, and she doesn't bring it here. The only way she really helps with CA is if you bring in the Darkblasts. Mayhe test some, but without Lingering Souls, Eternal Witness, Noxious Revival, or some other way to make her +1 a net positive more often, I don't think she's ever the best thing you could be doing with your mana.

December 10, 2014 2:54 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #16

her +1 is a net positive with Sword of Light and Shadow. I feel like she would be better then vampire nighthawk in this build, but then again the lifelink is good. If I were to put lili in, id drop vampire nighthawk and putrefy. I agree with what you said about synergy, so I could throw another sword in. If I go this route, what should I take out for another sword?

December 10, 2014 4:29 p.m.

emask says... #17

I really like the Nighthawk, but mostly because it seems to be the less likely play, with more surprise. Lil would do fine I think, are you considering one or two?

Another 3 mana odd ball card would be Stillmoon Cavalier. It's a pretty fun play, not great against red, but definitely not a common play either! Might want to use a different sword with him though...

Reason I mentioned the Prison was because of it's utility as a stall tactic. Could possibly replace Leyline of Sanctity if your matchups against red and the like aren't super difficult. I've made a few lists in the past with the Leyline, then switched to a card like Ensnaring Bridge or Ghostly Prison because I found they were more useful in more matchups. Love Pithing Needle too.

Anyway, deck looks good and you're obviously doing well. These ideas are just for the hell of it really. Knight of the Holy Nimbus with a sword would suck for the opponent...

December 11, 2014 3 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #18

Don't get me wrong, I love night hawk too. I praise him highly in the description. He just seems to become less and less relevant as the deck continues to evolve. I don't really need to run Ghostly prison because the high toughness creatures act as a stall element in themselves. Zoo has a very hard time dealing with my deck.

December 12, 2014 10:57 p.m.

emask says... #19

Yeah, no worries. Just thought it might be able to replace the Leyline. Lil would be great for sure. I just love NIghthawk so much, but again, more so because it's unexpected. I'm not trying to say better by any means!

Best of luck!

December 13, 2014 4:39 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #20

thanks for your input! Im definitely a fan of the nighthawk, but Liliana is just so powerful I feel like I don't even have a choice. I wish there weren't cards that were so powerful that it gave you less options, but thats magic unfortunately. To be honest I think veil is a fun card, but Im stubborn and don't like feeling as if I have to play it.
in any event, thanks for the discussion! every time I talk about this deck to somebody it gets a little better I feel.

December 13, 2014 9:43 p.m.

emask says... #21

Yay! No problem. Yeah, I'm bad for playing cards purely because I like them vs their effectiveness sometimes. I'm not a big fan of Geist of Saint Traft. I like magic more when you try and make the pieces fit into something crazy. Not a fan of when they spoon feed you powerful cards.

I think Lil is great. She's fun and while strong, not unfair in any way. Guess Traft isn't either, but at the time in Standard, I couldn't bring myself to play him.

Best of luck with the deck!

December 15, 2014 3:04 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #22


December 15, 2014 2:21 p.m.

CommanderMath says... #23

How's the match-up against tron or affinity for you?

December 17, 2014 7:07 p.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #24

afinity is a very easy match up. Doran hoses Cranial Plating and Crime/Punishment is a very effective board wipe. Tron can go either way mostly. I haven't played against it for a while but It does okay. GR tron is a better matchup then U tron. GR tron I remember being a decent matchup, but against U tron I basically fell on my face. I should add some answers to that.. do you have any ideas?

December 19, 2014 12:22 a.m.

CommanderMath says... #25

Well I play blue tron, so Im not sure if I want to give away my secrets :P idk what is giving you problems is but leyline for hexproof is nice. Graveryard hate can help against Academy Ruins. If emrakul absolutely must go away, terminus or Final Judgment works, but that might be just shooting yourself in the foot. Sometimes you gotta accept you lose to some decks though.

December 19, 2014 12:42 p.m.

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