Card Choices
Clash of Wills
: Strong early game counterspell and can still hold power in the late game. Having only one devotion is also a plus.
Dig Through Time: Does anything really need to be said? Ridiculous card advantage so good that it is banned in modern.
Disdainful Stroke: Great for the control mirror, and also can hit a Siege Rhino or
Rally the Ancestors
Dragonlord Dromoka: This card is okay against pretty much any match-up. All of the decks in standard want to cast spells on your turn, and a massive lifelinking evasive threat is always relevant.
Dragonlord Ojutai: Finds you counters and removal, is a 5/4 flyer, and is hard to deal with.
Dragonlord's Prerogative
: The reason that I put this card in was because Dig Through Time is hard cast with 9 enchantments, and instant speed draw is almost as powerful as Dig Through Time.
Narset Transcendent: Card advantage, and I can rebound a Dig Through Time,
Dragonlord's Prerogative
, or Ojutai's Command for extreme value. If you get the emblem, you win.
Negate: A powerful, cheap counterspell with the ability to completely change the tempo of the game.
Ojutai's Command: A counterspell, card draw, and lifegain all in an instant speed package.
Planar Outburst: Board wipes are necessary against Atarka Red, Esper Dragons (Silumgar, the Drifting Death), and Esper/WB tokens (and good against a few others). That is enough for me to put it in this deck.
Quarantine Field
: Late game topdeck bomb and can get rid of their pesky walkers.
Seer's Lantern: Guarantees the win in a grindy match and generates pseudo card-advantage (also can ramp you up to your dragons).
: The perfect removal spell. Exiles every good early creature except Siege Rhino, and we have Stasis Snare for that.
Silumgar's Scorn
: Counterspell at best.
Clash of Wills
x=1 at worst. Good in the early game as well as the late game.
Stasis Snare: An instant speed exile spell. For 3 mana. One of the best cards in this deck.