Jeskai tokens

Standard* Mr_Miltank1


R5i3P says... #1

January 21, 2015 8:49 a.m.

Mr_Miltank1 says... #2

I honestly do not think Soulfire Grand Master is good in this deck at all. The buyback is too high and the whole point of casting spells is triggering the Ascendancy to draw into more spells.

January 21, 2015 9:46 a.m.

R5i3P says... #3

With the amount of burn that you have in this list, you don't need to attack with Soulfire Grand Master to get it's value as a two-drop - you need to attack with Seeker of the Way to get that same value.

January 21, 2015 9:32 p.m.

Mr_Miltank1 says... #4

Soulfire Grand Master is dying to take over a deck but I just don't see her shinning in this deck she relies too much on the perfect situation in this deck

Seeker of the Way is a tricky card for your opponent to destroy, when it attacks the opponent has to try and work out if you have any way to pump him since it can end in a blow out if not blocked and can destroy a key creature if left back to block, it is also hard to remove without a straight up destroy creature spell since with prowess it can be pumped past burn/drown in sorrow or even Bile blight range

January 22, 2015 7:39 a.m.

Jemb says... #5

I'd probably split the difference between the Soulfire Grand Master and Seeker of the Way if you really want to keep the sekers around...

As r5i3p said above, you have 14 burn spells (Jeskai Charm sorta counts), thats a lot of health to gain back from casting spells, something wich the seeker has to risk its life for. Having 4 Valorous Stance means you should be able to protect you creatures better than most jeskai decks... You may even want to switch those to Gods Willing or Ajani's Presence assuming they are in for the indestructible part, 1 mana but does the same thing... (Valorous Stance seems more like a sideboard for this deck imo, bring it out against decks with large creatures, or just get some exiles like Suspension Field in the SB)

January 23, 2015 9:52 a.m.

Jemb says... #6

Oh, also cutting Chandra, Pyromaster for a couple Soulfire Grand Masters may be a good idea if you want to keep 4 seekers and still have the lifelink, Chandra is pretty meh in this deck now honestly there's better stuff that can go in those 2 slots, put Chandra in the SB against big blockers if needed.

January 23, 2015 9:54 a.m.

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