Shadow of the Colossus

Commander / EDH brokendwarf


@brokendwarf: Avenger of Zendikar is quite the wombo combo when you have Craterhoof Behemoth. I don't usually suggest "combo's" per say, but each card can hold its own individually as well.

Yeah...I thought Garruk, Caller of Beasts +1 would be a problem lol. If you want my opinion on Garruk Wildspeaker, then I'd say he is okay. I think Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury has significantly more utility in her first two abilities, but Garruk Wildspeaker's ult can double as a win con.

In response to you previous comment about cuts...the cuts I suggested are for whatever you would like them to be. You asked for cuts, I suggested potential candidates and possible replacements. What you do with that is completely up to you. I had no intention of sounding like I was forcing you to do anything and apologize if I came off that way.

January 2, 2017 2:37 a.m.

If you are still looking for more cuts, I'll give another suggestion - Sigarda, Host of Herons. I honestly don't see what she does for your deck, you have around 30 creatures so losing one should not be an issue. Sigarda is pretty much only good for the following scenarios: 1. She is your general, 2. You attempting a voltron strategy, or 3. Stax-like strategies are rampant in your meta. If none of the aforementioned apply to you then she pretty much fits your description of a "vanilla fatty."

January 3, 2017 9:18 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #3

Annihilator might be a thing in his meta too.

January 3, 2017 9:57 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #4

Sigarda has proven her worth. Yes, I'm not the only with Eldrazi and anyone playing 2 colors or less is most likely running All Is Dust.

January 4, 2017 12:55 a.m.

Perfect-fright says... #5

Hi, first of all love your decklist. I'm in the process of putting together a Mayael deck of my own and I was just wondering how Godsire justifies it's place in your deck? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the card, imo its one of the beastiest beasts a Mayael deck can run. But it seems a bit underwhelming compared to other more game impacting fatties. Is it meant as token sacfodder for Greater good?

August 6, 2017 7:05 a.m.

brokendwarf says... #6

Perfect-fright - It started in the deck as a flavor card, kinda like Mayael's Aria, which I've removed since. Sometimes it works really well as a one-man army under Seedborn Muse. Mostly it's still in here cause I have the token for it (which was hard to find), and cause I haven't quite found the creature to replace it. I'm very selective on the creatures I put in, and I just haven't found the right one. Maybe Ixalan will have a really good Dinosaur I can use.

August 6, 2017 11:34 a.m.

Sertar8 says... #7

The fact that you show your updates make it realy fun to see how far your deck has gone. Good work with this one.

October 8, 2018 2:03 p.m.

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