Let's switch life totals.

Modern DBCooper

SCORE: 161 | 75 COMMENTS | 18679 VIEWS | IN 66 FOLDERS

bengalio says... #4

theinvincible333, unfortunately neither Lich nor Dark Ritual are modern legal. :(

I really like this deck list a lot. It looks to be a very exciting homebrew deck and I hope play testing goes well for you. One thing I might consider is shifting the Leonin Abunas to the sideboard and trying to main deck a few control spells like Path to Exile and Remand. Remand would help buy you some of that time to set off your combo and most decks you face will not have main deck artifact hate. Also the artifact tutor is very heavy in your deck and understandably so since you are looking for Soul Conduit, Platinum Angel and Immolating Souleater but I might try cutting a Fabricate or two to make room for some control.

Again thanks for posting this looks like a really fun list! Let me know how it goes.

March 15, 2015 11:22 p.m.

DragoLion says... #9

Have you thought about maybe doing a Master Transmuter swap out for Soul Conduit? Getting the wincon faster that way at instant speed of popping in Platinum Angel at instant speed could be fun and not having to ramp as high with the ability. My only real question is what is your answer to Stony Silence?

All in all great deck. I like the idea of super jank kitchen table stuff. +1 from me.

March 26, 2015 11:11 p.m.

bengalio says... #25

LOL. This final list looks impressive. I loved watching you develop this deck and the new name kicks ass. I'm looking forward to hearing your tournament results.

March 31, 2015 12:08 a.m.

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