Dead Guy Ale

Modern deaddrift


deaddrift says... #1

Apparently I'll make an annoying message go away by doing this. Well, alrighty then.

May 11, 2015 2:58 a.m.

deaddrift says... #2

Well I guess I misunderstood the comment tutorial thing. I lost Liliana and Arena and added 2 Swords and 2 Shields of Velis Vel. Shields is a nasty trick but it does rely on having either or both Blade Splicer and Pack Rat on the field. Now I'm kinda thinking 4 Splicers and 3 shields, make it more reliable? Hmmmm.

May 27, 2015 4:44 a.m.

deaddrift says... #3

Changes mid-June: Shields of Velis Vel was fun when it worked, but too conditional. It might see another shot as a one-of. Right now I am back on the Liliana train. I also swapped out two Blade Splicers for two Jotun Grunt as an early beater and graveyard hate.

June 20, 2015 1:27 p.m.

Harperod says... #4

I too have been playing this deck since its inception. I've always had a fondness for it... has this build performed better compare to the earlier build(s)? are certain match ups better or worse?

August 2, 2015 10:01 a.m.

berfandil says... #5

Leyline of Sanctity can stop burn decks really efficiently.

August 9, 2015 6:32 p.m.

deaddrift says... #6

Leyline of Sanctity is a good call. I guess it could see play against 8 Rack, Jund, and anyone else playing disruption, though I feel like I might need a 3-of to maximize the odds of having it in the opening hand. Any other decks I'm overlooking where Leyline pulls weight?

August 10, 2015 10:21 a.m.

deaddrift says... #7

I'm thinking about running two Grafted Wargear maindeck. They could make Spirit tokens a threat and do away with Percy and/or Bob when necessary. But what to cut? Trying to keep the average CMC down but the function up; I'm thinking about swapping for the two Go for the Throat or maybe one of those and one 2 CMC creature, either Tidehollow Sculler or more likely Jotun Grunt. Any readers have thoughts here?

August 17, 2015 7:36 p.m.

berfandil says... #8

If You would like making your tokens a bigger threat, consider the swords. (You know, Sword of Fire and Ice and his brothers...)

Instead of the Go for the Throats and the Victim of Nights I'd use 3 to 4 Murderous Cuts, causing me to put in 1 to 0 more creatures.

Also, I'd recommend You trying Desecration Demon instead of Abyssal Persecutor, since the first can give a real nice time for people seeing it in action for the first time. In my playgroup, it took them a while to figure out how to play against it - until my brother made his Vampire Nighthawks buffed up with some Stromkirk Captains... Other than that, it is 99% a destroy/exile spell that kills it, no creatures.

August 18, 2015 7:57 p.m.

deaddrift says... #9

SoFaI is so cool. I love that card and I actually own one. I also have a few of the others. But at equip they are using mana I need for something else, especially if I have to re-equip to new creatures. Pack Rat uses a lot of mana, for instance, and I'll want to both cast and re-cast Souls so I'll need mana for that too.

I can't run a 5 CMC kill spell with 4 Dark Confidants so the excellent Murderous Cut is unfortunately out. And I think that the certainty of Percy's every-turn trample damage is a better bet than the additional removal and conditional swing of DD, though I'm interested to hear if you've play tested both.

I've been thinking about the Burn SB hate and am considering 3x Kor Firewalker instead of 3x Leyline of Sanctity to keep the pressure up. Main problem is that putting anything in means taking out something else I also need.

Thanks for your suggestions. I like bouncing these ideas around, this deck is fun to play.

August 19, 2015 12:34 a.m.

deaddrift says... #10

Went 3-1 in a field of 31 players on Monday night: 2-0 v. Mono-U Tron; 2-1 v. BGr budget Rock; 2-1 v. UG Infect; and 0-2 v. Living End. I have some ideas for the next time I play that last deck.

August 20, 2015 2:40 a.m.

deaddrift says... #11

Went 1-2 with a round 1 bye tonight. 1-2 vs. Burn (Pack Rat was the winner here), 2-0 vs. another B/W midrange deck, and 1-2 vs. Mono-U Tron.

Lots of Tron and plenty of Burn in my meta lately. Sideboard changes: -2 Damnation and -1 Stony Silence for +3 Kor Firewalker.

I would like to get Ghost Quarter into the mainboard to fight Tron, Infect, Affinity, etc. but I am not sure what to pull to make room. I'm thinking -1 Plains and -1 other utility land but can't decide which. Not Mutavault though because that is absolute money with Pack Rat An early Pack Rat that sticks wins games. It is extremely powerful.

August 25, 2015 1:49 a.m.

berfandil says... #12

What About Tectonic Edge instead of Ghost Quarter? I haven't seen much urza trons yet, but when he has four lands, it seems like OK to start removing, since it won't that often be be the full tron. Also this way he doesn't get the basic land Ghost Quarter would give him.

I would cut one Godless Shrine for sure, other than that, I don't really know - but I think there should be at least 3 if not 4 land removals. Maybe try Fulminator Mage?

Love seeing Miren, the Moaning Well and Vault of the Archangel btw. :)

August 25, 2015 2:20 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #13

Pit Keeper could be kinda nice in the grindy matchups.

August 25, 2015 3:22 a.m.

deaddrift says... #14

Thanks guys.

berfandil (cool handle; Tolkien?), the reason for GQ instead of TE is b/c killing the Urzatron before he has a chance to use it is very important. You are right that it is a self-inflicted tempo hit. But leaving the 1 mana in reserve to activate TE is tough to do and almost feels like a self-tempo hit too. The low average CMC (needed due to Bob, and truth be told, 2.11 is higher than I'd like) means I rarely feel I need more than 5 mana total to play out the game. GQ is specifically considered better against Tron than TE, though TE is considered better overall.

tclaw, Pit Keeper is an interesting piece of tech. It would have come in handy in my final match tonight for sure. However, I have a lot of tokens in play most games and I have 2x maindeck GY hate in Jotun Grunt. The 2 CMC creature slot is also jam-packed already. If I go back to a more Tidehollow Sculler-heavy build that might be a very cool idea to try out, thanks!

August 25, 2015 8:06 a.m.

deaddrift says... #15

1-3 tonight in a field of 32 :(

Much bad luck was had.

0-2 vs. Merfolk (which is a very hard MU in my experience): missed 2 or 3 land drops in each game, leading to several no-play turns. Pretty hard to win like that...

1-2 vs. RWg Burn: I would have had this if I hand't got greedy in game 3 and put my Wargear on my Kor Firewalker. That guy had no reason to think I had any artifacts or enchantments in my deck--never having seen any in five games together--but he had nonetheless boarded in two Destructive Revelry on the off chance he might hit a Spellskite with it. Naturally he had one in his hand, and open mana, to kill the equipment and thus do away with my otherwise near-untouchable Firewalker. Grrr! Lesson learned.

2-0 vs. Mono-G Infect: This is a favorable MU with all our disruption and removal. I was bale to keep her off her critters all of both games. Infect has consistently been easy for this deck to beat.

1-2 vs. Zoo: Long games where I saw virtually no removal or disruption of any kind in G2 and G3. I did have many, many Lingering Souls and spent a lot of time chump-blocking. Eventually lost in turns after her resolved Collected Company at my end-of-turn, followed by her topdecked Bonfire of the Damned to hit me and then swing around my sole Persecutor with four 2/2s for the win.

Games 1 and 4 I was consistently unlucky and the deck did not play as it could. G2 I lost on a corner-case misplay on my part. Still pretty happy with the deck but I would have been happier with a little better performance tonight.

September 1, 2015 1:26 a.m.

berfandil says... #16

Man, against Merfolk, it wasn't your fault really, was just bad draw. Thats a pain on GP, but not there. ;)

Leyline of Sanctity could be decent against the RWg burn too - You asked what other decks there are that You may have overlooked when considering the card.

September 1, 2015 5:15 a.m.

deaddrift says... #17

Thanks, berfandil. I have 2 Leylines but when I have tested them they have led me to make bad mulligan decisions, and they add no pressure of their own. Though it is true that they are versatile against several archetypes.

I am thinking about more changes to main and side. More testing to come...

September 1, 2015 9:24 p.m.

deaddrift says... #18

Tonight 1-3 in a field of 41, again bad luck dogged my draws/hands. I kept Grunt maindeck and added Damnation to the board, removing Pithing Needle.

0-2 vs. Grixis Twin: Mana screwed both games, never saw any gas. Misplayed G2 by not leaving mana up to Path his Exarch. First time I'd ever actually played against a Twin deck.

0-2 vs. a BUGw Gifts Ungiven build: No graveyard hate or ANY targeted removal drawn in this entire match = I lose.

2-0 vs. a janky BG Infect build: His deck was not competitive and he died to swarms of Spirit tokens.

0-2 vs. Living End: No disruption T1 = problems for me. In G2 I mulled to 5 and had two IoK but she was able to draw a 3rd cascade card by her T3. Again, I did not see any graveyard hate or sweepers at all for this game.

Jotun Grunt would have been excellent tonight except that he was hiding out all night. Relic of Progenitus did not appear in my hand either except for G2 of match 1, where naturally I got both of them.

September 8, 2015 1:16 a.m.

deaddrift says... #19

Tonight 0-2-1 in a field of 31. I might be bad at playing this game. Nonetheless I had fun. (I had a bye in round 4.)

Match 1, 0-2 vs. Amulet Bloom: My first time playing against this deck. I didn't really know when to use Fulminator Mage, but after the game he advised me to kill any regular land he had if I ever saw that the other lands were only Karoo lands. Maxed out at 3 mana G2, bummer. Sided in: 2 Disenchant, 3 Fulminator Mage, Sided out: 3 Pack Rat, and 2 something else I forget.

Match 2, 1-1-1 vs. Izzet Control: G1 went long but he won. In G2 I mulled to 5 but won riding Kor Firewalker and Lili the whole game. G3 went to turns and drew, but I might have won with more time, because he was top decking against another Firewalker. Sided out: 5 targeted removal. Sided in: 3 Kor Firewalker and 2 Relic of Progenitus, which did not show up in hand. (Nor did Jotun Grunt. That guy is elusive at times.)

Match 3, 1-2 vs. Burn: I've played this fella several times now and we both know what the other is up to (or so I thought). G1 was an easy win for him as expected. G2 I IoK'ed his Path to Exile on T1 to make space for my Firewalker. I ended up getting two Firewalkers out against him... which meant that I won. In G3 he sided in his own three Kor Firewalkers, and saw all three during the game! He was so proud to be gaining life from his own spells. I mulled to 4 on the draw in this game (!) and held with 2 Path (both of which killed early Firewalkers from him), 1 Marsh Flats, and 1 something else. In this game I actually got him down to 1 life with my own Firewalker and Spirit Tokens before he topdecked the final burn spell to finish me off. Sided out: my 3 non-Path targeted removal and 3 Pack Rat for 3 Kor Firewalker and 3 Fulminator Mage. Fun game, this one.

Kor Firewalker was huge for me tonight. Leyline of Sanctity would not have put pressure on in the same way. Twice I used Ghost Quarter on my own land to do away with Spreading Seas, after first tapping and floating the mana. That worked well as mana fixing actually despite the tempo loss, though both times I was on the play in that game.

I will be paying some extra attention to the sideboard to develop my best options for a meta in which I feel like I might see literally any Tier 1 or Tier 2 deck that is currently in play. I'd love to get some advice and dialog going about sideboarding.

September 15, 2015 3:03 a.m.

deaddrift says... #20

Came in third at 3-1 tonight in a field of 16; my LGS has two Modern nights now but the big one is on Monday with typically 30+ players. Tonight did not feel as competitive.

2-0 vs. Bogles: Bogles dies to Lili and IoK/TS.

2-1 vs. Dredgevine: My deck was dominant in the two games I won and not terrible in the one I lost, but I didn't have the I needed. (See below.)

0-2 vs. Grixis Control: In this match my mana was completely inadequate; with six colorless utility lands, two Urborgs, and only 23 lands total, it seems I am too greedy. I have to make some breathing room by adding a Plains and losing a Lili, I think.

2-1 vs. Affinity: I had some nonbos in this match and I could have sideboarded better.

Abyssal Persecutor is absolutely the real deal. No way I would ever take it out in the current meta. Grafted Wargear and Sorin, Solemn Visitor felt very strong again tonight. Sorin's +1 and -2 were both great. Grafted Wargear is the perfect equipment, and only partly because it gets rid of Percy. Equip 0 and +3/+2 on cheap flying Spirit or Vampire tokens is very, very good. It makes them into closers. You can also use it to kill Bob if low on life, and in the meantime he's been a 5/3. It absolutely fits the deck to a T. If I could find room for a third Grafted Wargear I would add it in a second.

Had a lot of fun tonight, the deck played as intended and I avoided many of my typical boneheaded misplays. Comments about the sideboard are invited because I feel that is an area with room for growth.

October 3, 2015 5:43 a.m.

deaddrift says... #21

A 2-2 play report from last night, forgot to take out the Lili and add a Plains irl, instead of just online, and right away I gaped out big.

1-2 vs. Zoo: I beat her G1 with Percy and 2x Souls for chump blockers galore against her swarm. Then in G2 I searched for my nonexistent second Plains but ended up shocking myself to cast Path on her Voice of Resurgence. On her turn. Like a dope. Tunnel vision. Ugh. She won G3 riding Voice too after double Pathing both my Rats. Loxodon Smiter was a big player. Major misplay G2.

1-2 vs. Dredgevine: In G1 he pulled three Vengevines and swung too big for me. In G2, Relic of Progenitus bought me room for Percy to swing in, while Spirits chumped his creatures, just as happened in match 1. In G3, two early IoKs only helped him dredge, and no Grunt or Relic meant I should have mulliganed to 5 instead of held hand disruption. Another three Vengevines. Well, live and learn (or don't). Didn't see Jotun Grunt in hand once. Misplay G3.

2-0 vs. Mono-B devotion: A Zombies/Griselbrand build. In G1 disruption and removal took care of his Phyrexian Obliterator and Griselbrand, leaving Pack Rat to easily clean up against Bloodghasts. G2 also fell quickly to Pack Rat.

2-1 vs. Burn: Not my buddy this time but a new player. I played cautiously G1 on the draw after seeing a Mountain. Lingering Souls x2 raced him FTW. In G2 I mulled to 3 and then ceded, a new experience for me. In G3 I won with Percy and Pack Rat even after my he Pathed my Kor Firewalker right away.

I feel dumb about Match 1 and Match 2, but again that's how I learn, it seems. I made myself a neat little notebook to record matches in, so hopefully that'll help.

Shambling Vent made an appearance now and again (I added a two-of), but neither felt like it was slowing me down, nor saw any meaningful play. I ran into some Ghost Quarter a couple of times. Grafted Wargear was always welcome except when I had both of em early. Percy was huge again. Used Miren once as an out. Lingering Souls was invaluable tonight. Pack Rat is really very good in the right circumstances.

October 6, 2015 9:54 a.m.

deaddrift says... #22

2-2 tonight in a field of 23.

1-2 vs. Grixis Delver

2-0 vs. UWRG Jeskai Ascendancy

2-1 vs. Naya Company

0-2 vs. Grixis Twin

October 13, 2015 2:19 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #23

I feel like 10 sac outlets is the right amount to play for Percy. I'm a big fan of Miren, the Moaning Well too, it's exactly what any Percy deck needs. What was setting you back in the Grixis match ups? I recently cut Victim of Night in favor of Dismember just to deal with Gurmag Angler.

October 13, 2015 11:30 p.m. Edited.

Manapanda says... #24

Shambling Vent seems kinda weak in Modern.

October 13, 2015 11:48 p.m.

deaddrift says... #25

Hi APPLE01DOJ, thanks for looking.

To be honest, part of what's holding me back is is newness to the format and the opposing decks, plus I tend to make misplays. The Delver match was very close but in G3 I stalled out at 3 lands and he had a god hand opener that my single IoK was not able to disrupt.

Vs. Twin in G1 I mulled to 6 and then foolishly shuffled away my scry by dropping Marsh Flats (the second time I have made that mistake). Then he drew into a Tasigur (immediately after I Thoughtseized him and saw the coast was clear to drop Jotun Grunt), delving away his graveyard and making Grunt a one-turn wonder. In G2 I had to mull to 5 and then I stalled at two lands. In short, there was some luck involved.

October 13, 2015 11:52 p.m.

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