B/W Athreos

Modern* weylinish


Changes, the Second —March 11, 2015

Purchased some Extirpates online and waiting for those to come in to change out with something in the deck, but won't know for what until they come in; they might replace two of the 1-of's and the pair of Blind Obedience.

Taking user Shill's advice and considering putting a playset of Doomed Traveler in the main deck.

Added an additional Ob Nixilis, Unshackled and two more Silence to help with more control until I can chain Death Cultist off of Athreos, God of Passage and Ob Nixilis.

Shill says... #1

I feel like you are putting in too many random 1 of's. Should probably stream line this a bit more. I would consider having a bunch of cheap enter the board or when it dies effects:

Doomed Traveler, Cartel Aristocrat, Black Cat type things

March 9, 2015 1:32 p.m.