GW devotion manifest

Standard pidgeon


werecatslash says... #7

how does Crux of fate not destroy manifests?

March 5, 2015 4:40 a.m.

reaper9134 says... #8

they do its the fact that if he sacs his elemental before it wipes all his faceups make manifests

March 5, 2015 8:38 a.m.

pidgeon says... #9

Correct. If whisperwood elemental is out with some little guys (satyr or mystics) and you are getting ran over or the board state is neutral, then play crux and sac the elemental. Leaving your opponent with nothing and you with new manifests.

With ugin, since he exiles, you cant sac the elemental with thw same effwct, but since manifests and nessa's 4/4 lands are colorless, you can board wipe with Ugin and be left with an army of 2/2 and 4/4s.

And if they play bile blight, since manifests don't have names, it only will affect the one that is being targeted.

This deck can handle itself shirt game as a standard mono green beat deck, but if you get into late game, crux and ugin are huge game changers so long as you have some sort of board built up.

March 5, 2015 1:10 p.m.

werecatslash says... #11

awesome, thank you for explaining that to me. +1 from me i like this deck idea.

March 5, 2015 1:38 p.m.

Ra1nStorm says... #14

They can use Drown in Sorrow instead of Bile Blight and destroy all your manifests though.. i would be careful against any black decks.

March 9, 2015 10:09 p.m.

pidgeon says... #15

Yes, absolutely. I pretty lucky that my meta almost entirely won't play Drown in Sorrow

March 10, 2015 12:28 a.m.

Hydrax says... #16

I really like this! +1 from me!

Can't really think of any suggestions, the deck looks awesome as it is.

Perhaps Pharika, God of Affliction in the sideboard? If you face a Reanimator deck like Sultai Whip or any kind of Delver deck, you can use Pharika to get rid of their important cards from the graveyard. Sure, you'll be giving them Tokens but you can Crux of Fate them away.

You can also use it on your own graveyard to give yourself Tokens if you need chump blockers or just more Aggro.

I've found it to be pretty versatile but that's just me.

Nice deck though, I really like it!

March 10, 2015 12:44 a.m.

Hydrax says... #17

Also, (sorry for the double comment) I noticed some cards from DTK that you might be interested in:

March 10, 2015 12:51 a.m.

pidgeon says... #18

@Hydrax thanks for the posts and the +1.

Those 2 DTK cards will make great sideboard cards

I originally had pharika in the sideboard but I wasn't drawing ugin as much as I wanted so I removed pharika for the 4th ugin.

I think I will take your advice and put pharika back in there. I didn't ever put the fourth ugin back after the first round

I think I will main board actually. Thanks again for suggestions and comments.

March 10, 2015 1:38 a.m.

The curve on this deck is a nightmare. You're pretty much not putting any pressure down at all before turn 4, and that's if Elvish Mystic lives that long. Which if you're doing nothing isn't likely. Trim some of that top end, you can't just cram Garruk, Apex Predator and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and expect to reliably get there with just Mystic and 23 lands. Any control deck or any of the Abzan variants will completely demolish you being this slow, and mono red will just completely smash through you.

Also, playing 25 creatures and board wipes does not tend to work out in practice.

March 10, 2015 2:25 a.m.

pidgeon says... #20

reverendvile777 thanks for your comment. I do believe you missed the entire point of the deck and why it's structured the way it is.

I've been playing this deck for over month now and the curve is no where near a 'nightmare.' 4 cards with a casting cost of 6 more doesn't fit the nightmare level to me.

The point you make about putting pressure on until turn 4 is true and that's exactly what this deck does. It defends and sets up until late game and then takes over the board.

UB control does give the deck problems, but it does that to every deck. If I go against a red deck, that's what sideboards are for. And most variants of abzan get overwhelmed by this deck.

Again, thanks for your comment.

March 10, 2015 2:57 a.m.

I love how you calculate expensive cards by leaving out the fat ass 5 drop slot which alone is 20% of the deck. When you factor in everything else it's almost 35% of your deck. The first playtest I did I had 3 5 drops, Ugin, 2 land, wayfinder. Pretty dismal and it's going to happen more often than not.

And it doesn't defend anything. It just sits there while aggressive decks smack you silly left and right. Midrange decks drop threats long before you and have answers as soon as you play anything relevant. Any kind of control deck, especially Abzan or UB variants crushes you. You lack any kind of game against red decks main or side. Token strategies just go wide and you have nothing to stop it beyond Blights out of the board. It's just a poorly thought out "cram expensive goodstuff and have no reasonable way to live to use it" deck. I can't honestly think of a deck that this would have any kind of decent match against with this kind of curve and lack of offense. Not even Caryatid to block.

March 10, 2015 4:15 a.m.

pidgeon says... #22

reverendvile777, again, thank you for your post and opinions.

March 10, 2015 4:42 a.m.

Alex.moellmer says... #23

Like the idea of the deck, my kruphix control runs similar in a sense it holds off till big drops but I admit to a point you may have issues especially since no counterspells from blue and not all that much removal in main, I think you could take out the voyagers an half the mystics for caryatids and if possible find room for the new green mana dork which taps for 2 green for ferocious trigger. But still I like the deck but your weak spot pre turn 4 will be lack of action or solid action mana dorks are nice but know one likes chump blocking with a mystic although if all goes well you can have a courser turn 2

March 10, 2015 5:10 a.m.

bretters says... #24

My thoughts... Take out pharika from main and gen hydra and add in 2 caryatid OR 2 nylea God for tranple OR 2 bile bought heh

March 10, 2015 10:32 a.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #25

You want to be able to ramp fast into large threats, otherwise you will most likely be overwhelmed a lot early game.

I would run 4x Sylvan Caryatid for ramp and the fact that he is an excellent blocker early game with 3 toughness, dodges targeted removal or burn, and dodges Drown in Sorrow.

I would completely take out 4x Satyr Wayfinder. 2x Tasigur, the Golden Fang doesn't justify 4 of him, I don't think. He's good in whip because you want to fill your graveyard, and in BUG control you also need fuel for Dig Through Time besides Tasigur, the Golden Fang.

If you're dead set on keeping Wayfinder, I would take out the Crux of Fate and switch it with Murderous Cut so you're actually using the fuel in your yard more often. I think Crux is actually going to be a lot worse soon because of the large number of dragons hitting in this set. Plus, Stormbreath Dragon is still in standard and you would have no way to remove him mainboard otherwise beside Ugin...

Have you tried the new mana ramper Shaman of Forgotten Ways? It seems like he would be awesome in here, maybe even better than Courser.

March 10, 2015 4:04 p.m.

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