goblins, wizard, dragons, die

Standard orionwinterfire


itzpestilence says... #1

Sick deck. Seems like you have no control in your meta though which is the exact opposite for me. how does the deck perform against control?

April 19, 2015 3:46 p.m.

Control is a chess match. It's actually mainboard Negate

Monastery Swiftspear & Goblin Rabblemaster are excellent. I try to soak up removal and counters and hold tokens until I'm ready to blow descent. There's a pretty narrow window to be disrupted at that point. Seems like the balance of aggro vs combo keeps the opponent off balance.

April 19, 2015 4:24 p.m.

itzpestilence says... #3

What do you take it for negate? Just curious.

April 20, 2015 8:10 a.m.

itzpestilence says... #4

Take out*

April 20, 2015 8:19 a.m.

My earlier comment was supposed to be "sometimes i mainboard Negate"; that's what i get for typing quickly on my phone.

If i mainboarded it now, it would prob be for 1 ea fodder and jet.

When it's being sided in, what i take out depends on what I'm facing of course, but also what i showed in game 1. Typically if I'm boarding in 4 Negate it's against black or red when i expect a lot of token hate, or against blue c ounterspells.

I'll take out some Dragon Fodder and Goblin Rabblemaster and play the hand conservatively, building my hand so i can drop tokens with a Negate in hand to protect them before dropping descent on them.

OR, I'll take out say, 1 each tempest & descent, then drop 1 or 2 token spells or threats on the field at a time, wait for hate, then drop more, burning blockers along the way.

Honestly all the scry and dig is the key I think- and making good decisions as far as when to hit the aggro gas pedal and when to sit back and build the combo.

April 20, 2015 12:24 p.m.

killermookie says... #6

Played this deck recently. Won the game against three others with Dragon Tempest, Descent of the Dragons, and 8 goblins.

Next game I became a threat before the start. They all ganged up on me. I'd say this was a successful deck.

May 1, 2015 12:02 a.m.

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