It's Not Easy Being Green

Commander / EDH RamaLama

SCORE: 149 | 287 COMMENTS | 34016 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

vlisides4 says... #1

No Tooth and Nail?

March 17, 2017 11:08 a.m.

demonicgrizzly says... #2

I don't think he really needs it, not likely that he has any creatures combos to tutor up. Now if he had Craterhoof Behemoth, that might be a hoot with omnath. Or Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, however that is not a very cacsual card by any means.

March 17, 2017 6:03 p.m.

RamaLama says... #3

Yeah vlisides4, I had Tooth and Nail in the deck until recently, but since I've lowered the CMC by about a point and embraced the full voltron of this build, there's aren't any crazy creatures to tutor up any more. As demonicgrizzly pointed out, I don't have a Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger or an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or such to go get with Tooth and Nail, so it would end up being high mana cost distraction from the aim of the deck, and that is to keep pumping up and attacking with Omnath, Locus of Mana.

That being said, the deck is currently in a state of flux. I've only played one game with it as it sits currently, and while it performed very well, it'll need more fine tuning, I'm sure.

Thanks for the comments, guys.

March 18, 2017 9:31 a.m.

Grantley91 says... #4

I think if you're going to go Voltron, you need less creatures and more, well, Voltron. Maybe cut the creatures down to 15-18 to make room for more equipments or auras? Definitely needs more protection for Omnath, like Darksteel Plate and perhaps more Swords. You can never have too many Swords.

March 18, 2017 9:53 a.m.

RamaLama says... #5

Thanks for the comment, Grantley91.

As I said earlier, this deck is still going through some changes. It is going from a somewhat Voltron build, to mostly Voltron.

I started out early on trying to pillow fort Omnath, but ended up moving away from that strategy and more toward protecting the mana he's storing rather than Omnath himself. I do think I'll take your advice though and add Darksteel Plate, and maybe Lightning Greaves and/or Swiftfoot Boots to the build.

Not sure I need any more swords though. Sword of Feast and Famine is definitely the best one to include here, and maybe the newer Sword of the Animist too. I haven't decided on that one yet.

March 19, 2017 9:03 p.m.

Emzed says... #6

I am not a fan of Darksteel Plate, there are just way too many ways around it: Swords to Plowshares, Cyclonic Rift, Tragic Slip, All Is Dust, Control Magic and Song of the Dryads are examples for various ways to handle an indestructible creature. So unless you are confident that indestructibility is actually good in your metagame (i.e. people rely mostly on Wrath-effects, cards like Doom Blade or deathtouch creatures), 5 mana to play and equip Darksteel Plate probably isn't worth it. An important aspect of the problem is that you have to spend your mana before your opponents spend any mana on the cards you're trying to counter, like a Wrath of God. They see the problem in advance, and can adapt their plans accordingly. For example, they could Return to Dust your Plate, then follow up with their Wrath. Of course, it's not always likely they have the right tools for that kind of play. All i am saying is that relying on Darksteel Plate is risky, since in a game with 2-3 opponents, someone will usually be able to interact at some point.
In comparison, a card like Sword of Feast and Famine protects the equipped creature to some degree, while providing some valuable offensive bonuses. Even if it gets removed after a turn or two, you hopefully reaped some solid benefits already.

March 20, 2017 8:12 a.m.

RamaLama says... #7

Thanks Emzed, you're probably right about Darksteel Plate although it does look better to me right now because.....short story follows:

As you know, I've reduced the CMC of this deck considerably, but have only played the deck once since making the wholesale changes and that was weekend before last. It was a five player game with my playgroup.

Two of the group couldn't get started and weren't much of a threat. The player directly across from me was playing the new Atraxa commander as a Super Friends deck, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen planeswalkers, something stupid like that, and was the biggest threat other than me at the table. Directly to my left was an angel/pillow fort deck.

Early on I attacked one of the two players who couldn't get started with 10 commander damage, because I didn't have any evasion at the time and he had no blockers. After getting Rancor onto Omnath, I attacked the Super Friends player for 17 commander damage. Then I screwed up.

Being a nice guy, I decided not to attack the Atraxa player again the next time around and instead attacked the angel/pillow fort player for 23 commander damage, but knew that she could block enough of it to not incur lethal damage. Anyone else I attacked would have been knocked out of the game. She took 20.

Anyway, I pass the turn and the player I had just attacked played Wrath of God. I look down and the only thing I have out to protect Omnath is Yavimaya Hollow, and since Wrath of God said he couldn't be regenerated, Omnath slinks off to the Command Zone.

The Super Friends guy didn't lose any of his planeswalkers, so he won the game before I could get cranked up again.

So, that's why the Darksteel Plate idea sounded pretty good to me when Grantley91 suggested it the morning after my crushing defeat at the hands of Wrath of God. /;-)

March 23, 2017 8:36 a.m.

Grantley91 says... #8

You'd be surprised how often that a simple equipment like Plate is overlooked. It gets really fun when you play white and can cast Indestructibility on it, too. I've won more than a couple games by doubling up protection like that. Commander is all about contingencies, and there's a reason Darksteel Plate is a staple.

March 23, 2017 8:55 a.m.

Emzed says... #9

I hope this doesn't come over the wrong way, but 'it's a staple, so you should always play it' isn't a good argument. Sure, there is certainly 'intelligence of the masses' as to which cards are good, but factors like your specific deck, playstyle and metagame should be considered. As i said before, i think indestructibility is a very metagame-dependent feature: It's somewhat narrow since various cards can circumvent it, and requires your opponents to rely on a specific set of answers. So, if that's true for your metagame, go ahead. But keep in mind that your opponents will learn from their mistakes, and if they lack answers once, they might adapt by the next time you face them.
To give somewhat more specific advice, have you considered Heroic Intervention instead of Darksteel Plate? While being a one-shot effect, it has plenty of upsides: It answers a lot more types of problems (e.g. Swords to Plowshares, Maze of Ith, Control Magic, Strip Mine) and protects your whole board instead of just one creature. You always have mana floating anyway, so keeping the mana ready isn't a problem for you. As an instant, you can actually counter a problem that your opponent already invested mana and a card into. (I mentioned this before, Darksteel Plate gives them all the information beforehand and allows them to adjust their plans.) I also think it matters a lot for Omnath that Heroic Intervention only costs 2 mana, since every single point of mana counts towards his power. In addition to that, you only pay that mana once you actually want the effect. For Darksteel Plate you basically lose 5 power on Omnath upfront.

March 23, 2017 10:25 a.m.

Grantley91 says... #10

Like I said before, Commander is all about redundancy, so why not both? ;)

March 23, 2017 10:31 a.m.

RamaLama says... #12

Hmm Emzed, I didn't even know about Heroic Intervention. I guess I'll have to include it on my want list. Thanks for the heads-up.

You're right about redundancy, Grantley91, but I do have that feature with Bear Umbra, or cards that will immediately pop Omnath (or a copy of Omnath) back out after being destroyed in order to protect the mana pool. Cards like Winding Canyons, Savage Summoning, Yeva, Nature's Herald, Nim Deathmantle and Mirrorpool protect the mana pool, which forgoes the need to keep Omnath himself protected to some extent.

Unfortunately, as sometimes happens, none of this stuff was on the field when I got Wrathed in that game. /:-(

March 24, 2017 9:19 a.m.

TMSandro4 says... #13

RamaLama, definitely a little too expensive for me but nonetheless an awesome deck. Love the mana ramp that is taking place practically at all times. It seems you have thought about just about everything in this deck, nice job.

April 10, 2017 9:34 a.m.

thuih says... #14

Very cool deck. I have a similar Omnath deck with slightly different goals, but it looks like you know what you want your deck to do.

Don't know if this is too casual un-friendly to you but Tooth and Nail is a pretty incredible card for Omnath.

Also Nissa's Pilgrimage is just a straight up better [Cultivate] in mono green if you want a slightly better cheap replacement (or want a third).

Feel free to look at my Omnath and take whatever ideas you'd like, but your deck seems good to me.

April 17, 2017 12:07 p.m.

RamaLama says... #15

Thanks TMSandro4 and thuih.

thuih, I had Tooth and Nail in the deck until fairly recently. Back when I had some fatties to tutor for, especially Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, it was a good card to go after them, but since I've changed the deck to make it faster by lowering the CMC quite drastically, I don't really have anything to tutor for that would make it worthwhile to spend that much mana. By entwining Tooth and Nail, I would be spending almost half of the mana needed to kill someone with commander damage in order to go get what...more mana ramp? By the time I could easily spend that much mana, I should already be in pretty good shape.

Good call on the Nissa's Pilgrimage. It is a better Cultivate or Kodama's Reach. I think I may just keep all three after I grind over what to take out for it, so thanks for that.

You have a nice Omnath deck, I like it. I think I would enjoy playing it.

April 18, 2017 10:03 a.m.

SenseiSheep says... #16

So what about draw power? that's the issue I seem to run into with mono green, is the lack of draw and sometimes the over abundance of land. you have a lot of land and a lot of cards to search for lands. how would you go about fixing that for a fellow green player?

April 24, 2017 9:11 p.m.

Emzed says... #17

I keep hearing/reading that people think green has trouble drawing cards. Sure, it can't really compete with blue, and you can certainly argue black comes in second, but green has great card advantage options as well. In my eyes, used correctly, they can be even better than most black tools (with the exceptions of Ad Nauseam and Necropotence which are both insane). I'm not going to go into detail, but just list you some green card advantage: Sylvan Library, Glimpse of Nature, Harmonize, Fecundity, Skullmulcher, Greater Good, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Genesis Wave, Soul of the Harvest, Primordial Sage, Recycle, Regal Force, Shamanic Revelation, Rishkar's Expertise, Praetor's Counsel, Seasons Past, Vizier of the Menagerie. Also, you have access to colorless cards like Mind's Eye, Memory Jar, Skullclamp, Horn of Greed and Slate of Ancestry. Obviously most of those cards require specific circumstances to work, like a high powered creature, a big number of creatures or lots of mana. Just select the ones that fit what your deck is trying to do and test to find the right number.

April 24, 2017 9:42 p.m.

thuih says... #18

Life's Legacy, Soul's Majesty, Momentous Fall and the above mentioned Rishkar's Expertise and Greater Good are all amazing once Omnath becomes huge.

A fun trick with Life's Legacy and Momentous Fall is that you can pay the "sacrifice a creature" cost before the mana cost to get a little more value out of your sacrificed Omnath.

Regal Force is nice because it's tutorable, but you'd know better than I if you'd get value out of it in your deck.

April 25, 2017 2:31 a.m.

LIsten Ive had an omnath deck for 3 years that is like combined around 150 that just recks. omnath gets stupid ramp so you dont need all the expensice shit. get Elvish Mystic type cards to get omnath faster from there on omnath is jjst ramping for u. so switch all the ramp with just fatass hyrdas, eldrazi's and baloths.

May 25, 2017 8:54 p.m.

RamaLama says... #20

You sound a little hostile there the_monogreen_h3dr0n_c0llector. There are so many ways to build a deck, you can even buy a Commander product from Wally World for like 40 bucks that plays pretty damn well, I know, I've played against some of them, or you can spend upwards of a couple of thousand dollars for a deck. Play what you what you like. Omnath can be built any number of ways and I have probably built him in most of those ways myself before settling on this build.

Even if you want to build Omnath in the way that I currently have him, you don't have to spend crazy money. Like for instance, you don't have to buy a $60 Karn Liberated when you can spend a few cents on a Scour from Existence and basically get the same effect I use Karn for in this deck. It may even be better since the exile effect is at instant speed rather than sorcery speed.

You can replace Extraplanar Lens and all the snow covered lands with something like Vernal Bloom and save another $30. Three Visits at $65 is the same card with a different name as Nature's Lore which is about a buck, and nobody says you have to have both.

You don't have to have a $45 Survival of the Fittest in the deck when there are so many good tutor cards out there. So replace that card with something like Wild Pair for like 40 cents, or Living Wish or Ring of Three Wishes or Time of Need or whatever.

I haven't even given this a whole lot of thought and I've already knocked $200 off the price of the deck without hurting it much at all. It's all about small increments. Is card "A" just a tiny bit better than card "B"? It's the kind of thing I grind over.

I'm sure your deck plays perfectly well, but there's no need to get all pissy about someone else's build. Build your deck the way you want and let other people do the same.

May 26, 2017 11:21 p.m.

BloodFetch says... #21

But budget is gay

May 27, 2017 9:58 a.m.

I'm not hostile, wtf. just leaving a comment, just trying 2 help. so no need 2 get all social justice warrior their bud. and BloodFetch LOL

May 28, 2017 4:42 p.m.

nice add of Vedalken Orrery. totally makes the powerful green cards absurdly busted (think of end-step Tooth and Nail for Avenger of Zendikar and something like Regal Force or Craterhoof Behemoth)

June 2, 2017 2:59 p.m.

RamaLama says... #24

Thanks demonicgrizzly.

I put Vedalken Orrery in the deck so that I can recast Omnath when he gets bumped and not lose my mana pool, but it can also come in handy for flashing in something that's needed on the spur of the moment, something like Akroma's Memorial if I'm being pooped on from the air. I could just hold certain cards like that in my hand and flash them in if I need them, but not have to pay for them if I don't.

I took some of the high mana cost cards out when I lowered the curve on the deck, so I no longer have Tooth and Nail or Regal Force to flash in.

June 3, 2017 5:53 p.m.

Izu_Korasu says... #25

..... Three Visits, Karn and Survival of the Fittest ... this is casual? interesting definition.....

Hermit Druid feels like an odd choice, self mill doesnt seem like the thing this deck wants to do, especially with Greenseeker or Veteran Explorer as options.

also Squall Line, Strength of the Tajuru and Helix Pinnacle seem like good options for mana sinks (in the event of your manapool emptying and are reasonable wincons)

June 3, 2017 6:09 p.m.

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