Competitive Dark Red build relying on early annoying threats and mid-game locks.
This deck was used at the 2018 Seattle GP and did as well as I could have hoped. Main concerns stem from life gain as this deck needs to land on a curve.
RD 1: GW Cats (1-1-1)Life gain for them in game one was not of a concern as I had them defeated on turn five. They missed a land drop and couldn't recover. Post-board game two was a grueling match nearly taking us to time. We wrapped up with four minutes to spare in the round as he had boarded in Regal Caracal with Radiant Destiny and Metallic Mimic's on the field. He got up to 55 life at one point and before swinging for the win. Game three went to turns resulting in a draw for us both.
This Draw put me into an easier bracket against others with Draws setting me up for success until the later rounds.
Tournament Results: 0-0-1 (1-1-1 total)
RD 2: Hour of Promise (2-0)This was a simple matchup that ended in 30 minutes. Game one started with a Bomat Courier and Scrapheap Scrounger applying most of the threats. After casting Hour of Promise and fetching for their sixth and seventh lands, two zombies were created leaving me to cast a Rekindling Phoenix to continue the push. A Vraska, Relic Seeker was played their next turn prompting a boarded-in Vraska's Contempt for the next match. The opponent drew nothing but lands and the game was quickly closed out.
Tournament Results: 1-0-1 (3-1-1)
RD 3: UR Pirates (2-1)First turn Storm Fleet Seeker followed up with a Warkite Marauder put me on the defensive. I drew back-to-back Fanatical Firebrand's and a Magma Spray allowing me to control the board state. Game two was a decent match as they boarded in Kari Zev, Skyship Raider's slowing my ground assault. After losing that match, I boarded in both Chandra, Torch of Defiance's for two Bomat Courier's and on turn five I was able to close out the match.
Tournament Results: 2-0-1 (5-2-1)
RD 4: WB Vampires Part I (2-0)Surprisingly I was able to gain more life than my opponent in game one due to missed land drops for them and me hitting my curve. I drew only one mountain leaving me to swing with the firebrand's and Aethersphere Harvester's for the win. In game 2 my opponent boarded in Authority of the Consuls playing it turn one slowing this victory to ten turns. This win felt good after the long GW ats games.
Tournament Results: 3-0-1 (7-2-1)
RD 5: Temur Energy (2-0)Bristling Hydra was the only main threat my opponent could keep on their board. Spot removal and Thopter control solidified the match win.
Tournament Results: 4-0-1 (9-2-1)
RD 6: RG Monsters (2-1)This looked as though it was a mirror match until a turn three Servant of the Conduit hit the field ramping them into their Glorybringer's and arnage Tyrant. This was one of the more difficult matchups of the day thus far.
Tournament Results: 5-0-1 (11-3-1)
RD 7: WB Vampires Part II (0-2)With only needing one more win to make it to day two, my confidence level was high. A turn one Concealed Courtyard and Legion's Landing
set the tone for this matchup. They took game one on turn eight by flooding the board with tokens. Game two saw a similar end with a surprise Crested Sunmare after attacking for the turn. I was deflated at this time. This will prompt the addition of Hour of Devastation going forward.
Tournament Results: 5-1-1 (11-5-1)
RD 8: UB Control (0-2)Already feeling letdown by the prior match, I shook my opponent's hand and was immediately informed that his deck was borrowed from a friend and he was on fire today with it. The typical bells and whistles found in the UB Control net decks were found in his build. I boarded in my Silent Gravestone's and Scavenger Grounds to combat his The Scarab God in game two but I was no match to his Ghonti, Lord of Luxury additions.
Overall, this was the best tournament I have participated in and felt completely comfortable playing the deck. I am excited to see what Dominaria has to offer going forward. Going into round seven, I was sitting in 44th place before dropping to 119th then my final standing of 292nd.
Final Tournament Results: 5-2-1 (11-7-1)