Graveyard based strategies are fun! And now that none are common in the modern meta, it is the perfect time to play one since sideboards are not prepared with hate!
Currently Dredgevine is not placed too well in the modern meta because of the amount of creature-based decks that can continually block. We need a tech to take down all these pesky blockers. Luckily, there is a beautiful synergistic combo that fits right into the shell: Haakon, Stromgald Scourge + Nameless Inversion

Nameless Inversion
is a changeling, it is a "knight card" so we can cast it over and over and over from our graveyard when we control Haakon, Stromgald Scourge. With this in mind, let's go through the deck tech:
Engine Cards

Faithless Looting is a turn one play and why we play blackcleave cliff.
Golgari Grave-Troll has dredge 6, need I say more?
Stinkweed Imp has dredge 5 and is reliable to cast for both DredgeVine triggers and if we are in need of a repeatable blocker!
Satyr Wayfinder helps us play less land and fills the yard.
Grisly Salvage
is an instant, dumps to the yard, and gives us a creature or land? Yes please!
Lotleth Troll
Is an early beater and lets us discard the cards we need in the yard. Allstar of the deck!
Wants in the yard

...well the deck is named after this card...
comes back over and over and over!
Gravecrawler is our main way to get back
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is amazing. One of the few creatures we have that can block, combos with
Nameless Inversion
, and is a zombie to enable Gravecrawler.
The Beaters

Gurmag Angler is a 5/5 for . There is argument to run Tombstalker, but because you need to cast 2 creature cards to get back
, the requirement is a bit much. It is also a zombie that enables Gravecrawler!
Lotleth Troll
hits hard and is difficult to remove!
is a hasty beater that can come out as early as turn 2!

Darkblast is very useful against a lot of decks game one. It helps kill anything with toughness 2 or 1.
Nameless Inversion
is great value with Haakon, Stromgald Scourge and it also just kills a lot and lets us get in for an extra 3 surprise damage occassionally if that will win us the game.
Abrupt Decay is basically the best removal in the format. Helps us deal with lots of stuff including even blood mood by floating the mana!
Murderous Cut in order to remove bigger things like Tarmogoyf and Siege Rhino for only .
Gnaw to the Bone
reads we beat burn and hyperaggressive decks (not infect though).
Spellskite is just one of the best sideboard cards in modern. Good against twin, bogles, burn, and more!
Thoughtseize helps us fight combo and deal with problem cards before they become a problem.
Scavenging Ooze is good in the mirror, any deck running Snapcaster Mage, and can even be relevant against burn.
Golgari Charm is just flexible. Helps us get rid of a swarm of Lingering Souls (and our creatures come back so it's okay if they die. Destroys Splinter Twin. Answers Supreme Verdict and Anger of the Gods.
gives us extra edge against twin, control, delver, merfolk, etc.
Darkblast absolutely destroys some decks! Having access to a second so we see one can be important.
Ancient Grudge keeps us a step ahead against affinity and tron.
Falkenrath Aristocrat is an evasive and hard to kill beater that gives us a sac outlet against exile and for additional
triggers with Gravecrawlers.
Kolaghan's Command is very versatile and perfect for the deck. But we only want to get back
Lotleth Troll
or Gurmag Angler and I don't think that justifies this.