Power is Everything :D

Commander / EDH* Troommate


Enyeto says... #7

You can't have Blood in the deck. The Flesh side prohibits it for this color identity. Otherwise amazing Deck so far. I recommend Birthing Pod to help upgrade another way. When both are on the board, Mayael is nasty. +1

June 3, 2014 12:41 p.m.

Troommate says... #8

Thanks Enyeto after playing a game with my mate he told me it wasn't ok mid game :D. Taken it out Birthing Pod sounds like it could be a fun idea will have a look at my Converted mana cost for my creatures and see if I can add it in.

June 4, 2014 4:42 p.m.

adalwolf says... #9

Ya great start!! might wanna check out Angelic Arbiter , Blazing Archon as cheaper adds. You can check out my Mayael deck below for more ideas.

Mayael Stomps You Playtest

Commander / EDH adalwolf


July 25, 2014 7:39 p.m.

Troommate says... #10

Thanks adalwolf Blazing Archon looks fun as to play will have a look around and see if he's in any of my mates folders :D. trying to reduce cards from the deck at the moment a bit stuck :D.

July 26, 2014 10:52 a.m.

xannada says... #11

I like this deck, I think your on a good path! I've seen plenty of decks that do what yours is trying to do better; however, I like that yours seems to be built on a budget and I can ALWAYS appreciate that! I look forward to seeing how you tweak this deck in the future.

July 27, 2014 5:11 p.m.

Troommate says... #12

Thanks xannada :D been slowly building up using my mates trades

trying not to spend to much on it :D.

Loving the Mayael the Anima ability to get huge guys on field cheap.

July 28, 2014 8:37 a.m.

_SeriosSkies_ says... #14

Get Blazing Archon and Sterling Grove off the maybe board and into the deck....Any extra "go search for Lurking Predators " effects aren't bad and Blazing is one of the strongest 8+ drops out there next to Iona.


Spectral Force Mayael the Anima (you have an extra in the main board adding to your count)Bloodthorn Taunter Bramblecrush (You should have these types of effects on creatures or things that trigger off your creatures like Aura Shards )Paleoloth Sprouting Vines (If i want land fetchers get things that put them directly into play and that search for 2 or more.)Tempt with Discovery while this card doesn't seem bad on paper you excel your opponents so much more than it will ever help you. Especially when you have things like Skyshroud Claim or Explosive Vegetation as an option.

You have a ton of 1-4 drops that say "Tap to add one mana to your mana pool"....these aren't bad, but in a format where board-wipes are the answer to single threats your small mana accelerators will get lost in the crossfire. I would opt for more mana rocks, or my favorite cards like i listed next to Tempt with Discovery above. - (as a personal preference i use land grabbers over rocks and bodies...they're just 100x more effective imo.)

I have a lot more to say but i have to head off for work. I'll elaborate more into detail in a later post.

August 22, 2014 5:21 a.m.

iKevin1215 says... #15

Garruk, Primal Hunter would be great in here for a ton of card draw

August 23, 2014 5:16 p.m.

Go for Eladamri's Call over Signal the Clans and Skyshroud Elf over Elvish Mystic. He could replace Druid of the Anima, too, if you wanted.

August 23, 2014 8:46 p.m.

Troommate says... #17

Thanks for all the suggestions _SeriosSkies_,iKevin1215, ClockworkSwordfish got a lot or reworking of my RL deck to do :D.

Also Special thanks to _SeriosSkies_ this is my first commander deck I've tried to make the comments were really helpful in adjusting the different cards present in the deck in relation to the format.

August 24, 2014 6:38 a.m.

_SeriosSkies_ says... #18

My first commander deck was a Rhys the Redeemed ...literally just "does it spawn tokens? stick it in"...had that for the Looongest time..then sold it for standard material, used friends decks on and off till c13 rolled in, where i made my Oloro, Ageless Ascetic my home boy...shortly after that (a month give or take?) i picked up a cheap marath deck and that started my Mayael journey...I mean i love my oloro....but i put so much research and time into Mayael. i know all the small details about percentages and chance, what are good ideas for the deck and bad. the three different common archetypes of it so on so forth....If you have the time its not a bad idea to read up on some of the notes people put foot work into...its kind of amazing. Anyhow im rambling and quite passionate about this topic .=)

Meant to get back at this but i couldn't remember the deck name and tappedout's drop down bubble wasn't showing it...time to help you get to that magic 99.

August 24, 2014 2:02 p.m.

_SeriosSkies_ says... #19

Cut: - Wear - See next- Rain of Thorns - See next - Bramblecrush -creatures like terrastodon and Woodfall Primus over instants and sorceries- Where Ancients Tread - see next- Warstorm Surge - this seems good on paper...but it essentially reads "Waste a turn doing nothing while simultaneously getting all the aggro the table has to offer"..if you really want to run one, run Purphoros, God of the Forge - Naya Charm - this seems like a multipurpose tool...its not, its just bad.- Banishing Stroke - You don't run the top deck control version of Mayael...this will either be a random and not as helpful as it should be tuck for (W), or a helpful tuck for 6....6 mana you could of used on your commanders ability.- Illusionist's Bracers - another seems good on paper card...the problem here is, your opponents will usually never let this sit on your commander for more than one activation, if that.

Next comment will be on your creature package.

August 24, 2014 3:43 p.m.

Enyeto says... #20

Avenger of Zendikar + Purphoros, God of the Forge from Tooth and Nail is pretty scary. I saw Craterhoof Behemoth in your maybeboard, that plus AoZ is also a show stopper.

Doubling Season or Parallel Lives may be worth it, since you have several ETB token triggers.

August 25, 2014 8:42 a.m.

_SeriosSkies_ says... #21

Onto creatures: Mayael is slow....there is nothing you can do to make her fast. So every creature you play (minus mana producers...those we will just call "squishy rocks") has to have a huge presence that says " i'm scurry deal with me" . You may be thinking a few lower drop 5/x do nothings(or close to nothing) can help early game!...sadly they're just aggro producers that are all bark and no bite. ------------------- Always have 30+ 5/x's. and dont ever count anything below 5 power towards your creature count. they will always be support cards and minus well be artifacts or enchantments for all you care on how they will be used. -------------------------- Next thing to consider is "Does this creature do a lot on its own" if one of your big things is a self driving tank...it only gets more amazing to put 5 of these next to each other.---------------------Based on this i would cut : Gaea's Revenge Garruk's Horde Gustrider Exuberant Kamahl, Pit Fighter Paleoloth Rakeclaw Gargantuan Spellbreaker Behemoth and 1-2 of your squishy rocks. ----------------- and with this im done commenting for awhile. sorry i basically flooded the comments (=P) but this gives you a good 18-20 you could cut across all my comments.------------------------- Have fun and may the little timmy in us all be appeased by the naya gods.

August 26, 2014 11:23 a.m.

Enyeto says... #22

Don't remove Spellbreaker Behemoth , if it's out you can hardcast the majority of your creatures and nothing can be done about it. Similarly putting in Grand Abolisher will be an additional insurance.

August 26, 2014 3:42 p.m.

Troommate says... #23

Thanks _SeriosSkies_ and everyone else :D for the comments got alot to think about reworking and removing cards as we speak :D. Hopefully will be a more solid deck :D.

Have been slowly building this deck for a while and all you guys on Tappedout have really helped me out :D.

August 26, 2014 4:07 p.m.

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