The Fae of Death.

Modern nerdydolly


enpc says... #1

Looks really cool. Has a real throwback to the classic Lorwyn Faerie deck design. Would you benefit from a bit of card draw? you could swap out either Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek (maybe run 2 of each) for 4x Gitaxian Probe or Peek .

July 4, 2014 1:51 a.m.

nerdydolly says... #2

@enpc; Thanks! I really like Peek . I had Gitaxian Probe in the deck, but took it out. I'm still trying to tweak the deck to allow more room.

July 4, 2014 9:38 p.m.

drakendark says... #3

you seem to have a very expensive, but very good thing going on with this deck. but I'd just like to share some of my faerie favorites in your color scheme

Oona, Queen of the Fae

Notorious Throng

Oona's Prowler

I have an older legacy blue/green faerie deck that is feared among my play group that you might appreciate. Fierce Faeries

December 14, 2014 3:27 p.m.

Rathaelix says... #4

Faerie love :)

From my experience/opinions I have some suggestions.
I'd say go full Bitterblossom, if you can. You really want 4 of this card. It's a game winner.
Gitaxian Probe does not do a lot for you. With 4 of both Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize and 2 Vendilion Clique you are more than able to spy on your opponent. You could also tone it down to maybe 3 of Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize.
Instead I'd advice some more removal. Sometimes we just can't stop the opponent from getting down important creatures and you want some more ways to deal with the board. I'm experimenting with Bile Blight myself. Solid choices include Smother, Dismember, Victim of Night and Disfigure. They all fill different roles and I think having 1 of each works well. Also Murderous Cut and Tragic Slip which can be awesome but it can be harder to find a situation calling for them.
Spellstutter Sprite should not be underestimated :) I'd say go 4 of those. Scion of Oona on the other hand. 4 might be a bit much. Compared to playing lords with say a Merfolk deck, faeries don't have a lot of creatures. You only want the Scion if you have other faeries on hand. It's not unrealistic to have 2 Scions on hand and no other faeries, which would be unfortunate.

I like that you have Faerie Conclave in the deck deck. I'm interested in how well that works :)

March 14, 2015 5:46 a.m.

nerdydolly says... #5

Thank you so much for the comment and suggestions. These are my reasonings for certain cards:

  • Bitterblossom, in the meta I play in would kill me much faster if I ran a playset instead of just the 2. My wincon for my meta group is not faerie overrun, but to control my opponent until I have Scion of Oona out to swing with Batterskull.
  • I'm curious as to what you mean when you say "Gitaxian Probe does not do a lot for you?" Its a card that a) allows me to look at my opponent's hand to accurately know what to control (as well as to know what my opponent is playing), but b) it also allows me to draw a card which is NEVER a bad move.
  • I like having a playset of Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize because it allows cards like Extirpate and Surgical Extraction to just go balls deep and ruin my opponent. It allows me to take our specific pieces for certain decks in my format (like Splintertwin or Kiki Twin).
  • Removal is good against certain decks, but countering your opponent then removing all copies of said spell from the game sounds way better than letting it resolve. Because, let's face it, if my opponent resolves a creature like Kiki or something that combos off at instant speed, attempting to kill or remove isn't going to benefit me. And that's the type of decks I've been playing against. I have Dismember in the sideboard and Go for the Throat mainboard, for just in case instances. Murderous Cut could totally backfire if I don't have anything in the graveyard. Its a dead card.
  • When I ran a playset of Spellstutter Sprite I always ended up getting screwed over because I wouldn't have any faeries in play. (This was also during the time I had 4 Bitterblossoms in the deck). I think running two Sprites gives me a chance to counter without getting flooded with Sprites and having nothing to counter.
  • I added 4 Scion of Oona due to the fact that its my wincon. If I get one Scion of Oona out, equip Batterskull, then cast another Scion of Oona, I pretty much get there because they buff each other and give each other Shroud, thus protecting them effectively. My fiance actually plays a Fish deck, so I know the understanding of buffing a lot of creatures, but if I can buff two creatures significantly AND have them cover each others' asses, I think its worth having 4 of. Also, I think having 2 Scion of Oona in hand and no other faeries isn't terrible because they aren't exactly helpless faeries - they kick some major ass. And with Gitaxian Probe, I have the chance of drawing into more faeries. And with new cards coming out in DTK, I'll have more draw chances.
  • Faerie Conclave is a lot of fun because it gets the buff off Scion of Oona, and personally, I just love the card and I have always loved the card since I started Magic.
March 15, 2015 10:41 p.m.

Rathaelix says... #6

Sounds like you have good reasoning behind your choices :)
Now that I read my comment I suddenly feel like I'm not justifying mine too much. But I guess I could write a small novel about each card :)

What I meant about Gitaxian Probe was that it's a fine card, but I think there are more important ones in faeries. I love it in combo where it thins out the deck. You have 10 other cards that lets you see the opponent's hand. That increases the risk that it will do less IE. reveal fewer cards, that you haven't already seen. And if you already know their hand then you are just cycling a card. So I think it could just as well be another card. Although how much you need to see the opponent's hand is of course meta dependent and subjective. You know the meta of your group.

My experience with faeries comes from playing at FNMs and against my roommate. For me the big three has been Cryptic Command, Bitterblossom and Mistbind Clique. I feel like the other parts can change but these three are the ones that win me games.

March 16, 2015 5:36 a.m.

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