The synergy between Raise the Alarm and Obelisk of Urd is crazy, can basically make Raise the Alarm zero mana if used on your turn right before you cast Obelisk of Urd or if you use Raise the Alarm on your opponent's end step, you can use them to cast Obelisk of Urd really cheap on your turn.
October 8, 2014 10:26 p.m.
And I feel like those Crater's Claws could just be 2 more Lightning Strike s because with this deck you want to go fast and be using your mana every turn, and without any ramp, you're not getting the full potential out of Crater's Claws
October 8, 2014 10:28 p.m.
Seeker of the Way is an amazing card. The Prowess pump gives him really solid value when trading damage.
and the lifelink that you get when you trigger it is truly incredible. (warrior is almost a soldier right?)
Devouring Light is an incredible removal card. Especially when you have vigilant creatures.
You should consider Gods Willing and Feat of Resistance as they protect you from removal. and you can also use them to punch through defenses when you need to
Check out my take on Jeskai aggro Literally Khan't Even - it has some parallels with your deck
October 8, 2014 10:51 p.m.
Lastly you should ramp up your creature base, at 16 (14 really not including the gods) you're going to lose them really fast to removal and board wipes. Akroan Crusader is great with Launch the Fleet so having 4 of those would help a lot. Soldier of the Pantheon would be golden here and is another card that you should have 4 of. So how about -3 Deflecting Palm , -2 Arc Lightning , -2 Blinding Flare , -2 Oppressive Rays , -1 Spear of Heliod , -2 Iroas, God of Victory , -1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , -2 Crater's Claws , +1 Lightning Strike , +2 Obelisk of Urd +4 Akroan Crusader , +4 Soldier of the Pantheon , +3 Raise the Alarm , +1 Purphoros, God of the Forge .
Now lets work on the sideboard, how about this (this list is assuming you followed all my suggestions above so naturally it might have to change) 3x Erase , 3x Deflecting Palm , 1x Lightning Strike , 2x Magma Spray , 2x Magma Jet , 2x Banishing Light , 2x Iroas, God of Victory
Right, so that was a ton of suggestions and I sort of reworked the whole thing lol but hopefully you like it and take some of my advice!
October 8, 2014 10:58 p.m.
I woud remove the Banishing Light and instead go for an Obelisk of Urd . Right now the soldiers are way to squishy. Also Preeminent Captain is probably not generating enough soldiers, i would suggest replacing him with a Fabled Hero .
October 10, 2014 5:30 a.m.
alchemist4533 says... #7
Just putting this out can't have your deck named that without Stab Wound ...I don't care that you are not running black.
but for real, while I agree with ParadoxNL that your deck needs something, I really think Preeminent Captain
should stay in. Fabled Hero
needs more targeting spells to make him scary.
there are some things that could speed up this deck. I understand you don't have many mountains, but Chained to the Rocks may be a consideration.
Also, sideboard Suspension Field to trade out with Banishing Light when you know you will be exiling creatures. Otherwise, I think this will be a great deck to play with.
Have you considered any card draw mechanisms to keep the threats coming?
October 10, 2014 9:20 a.m.
yeah, Tormenting Voice was originally in the list for card draw, right now my threat production late game is Return to the Ranks which assumes they've removed at least some of my early game board, hopefully I'll have a Hammer of Purphoros out and be able to swing back in.
I will definitely consider Obelisk of Urd , I just need to find a spot for it. thanks for the ideas and the +1's!
October 10, 2014 11:17 a.m.
I was really glad to see this , im trying a red white deck myself havent seen too many around, though im red heavy. I get crusader is in their for the tribal factor but hes still very weak, raise the alarm while costing 2 instead of one is better in this deck. His heroic effect is going to be reliably triggered in this as you wanna save Feat of Resistance for your better cards and launch the fleet is a one off and only 4 isn't reliable
October 19, 2014 10:34 a.m.
+1 overall though, take a look at mine and see what you think Red tokens/rush/burn
October 19, 2014 10:35 a.m.
@((Rocklobsterfin)) Yeah, I'm really considering putting in 3x Ajani's Presence but am again, unsure as of yet what to take out.
@((raptor77)) Thanks for the comments, but "His heroic effect is going to be reliably triggered in this as you wanna save Feat of Resistance for your better cards and launch the fleet is a one off and only 4 isn't reliable" has got to be the most backwards confusing comment I've ever read, mind clarifying what you're saying here as a lot of it contradicts itself...
October 19, 2014 noon
rocklobsterfinn says... #15
I would take out Hammer of Purphoros for Ajani's Presence any definitely replace Banishing Light with Chained to the Rocks
October 19, 2014 3:59 p.m.
I'd hate to lose hammer but it has slowed the deck down so far. Chained to the rocks worries me when I'm only running 4x mountains in the deck, I could swap it to 6x mountains and 7x plains...
I think I'm going to make that swap xD.
October 19, 2014 4:11 p.m.
Nice deck.
I would try 2x Phalanx Leader in place of 2x Preeminent Captain . Phalanx Leader can do what the Obelisk of Urd is while advancing your position on the field. He costs less than the captain but you may have to adjust for the two white.
Vanguard of Brimaz is worth a look too.
Unless you really need the the +1 power, I'd swap 3x Feat of Resistance for 3x Gods Willing and probably add another in the sideboard.
October 19, 2014 6:43 p.m.
Stoke the Flames would go fairly well in this. Especially with your vigilant creatures
October 19, 2014 6:48 p.m.
The majority of the purpose behind this being a soldier themed deck was because of preeminent captain so that I can produce a board and protect it at the same time later in the game if I get slowed down.
I do want the +1/+1 from feat so for now I'll stick with that instead of God's willing, but I get where you're going with it.
I do however think that Phalanx leader fits better than Urd and replaced 2 for 2. Thanks for the Suggestion!
As far as stoke the flames, I like it, I would just need to find a place to fit it.
October 19, 2014 6:54 p.m.
GeeksterPlays says... #21
Hey, I like the take on Soldiers being Boros colours. My mono-white might give you some pointers if you want to check them out here: Soldiers of the Sun's Champion
For your sideboard, I'd suggest dropping the Deicide in favour of Erase . Ok so it doesn't remove all copies of a God, but unless you are seeing lots of Gods being played around your local games save yourself the mana cost.
Aegis of the Gods is a waste, imo. I've yet to see any winning deck running it, and I've seen a lot of losing decks with it in. Replace with some more effective removal; Magma Spray is perfect against early-game aggro especially against things like Bloodsoaked Champion as the dead creature gets exiled. Devouring Light can be paid with using only creatures; tap yourself out and then suprise your opponent with a convoke spell during their turn! They won't see it coming, and with Brimaz making vigilant tokens, you should be OK with having some creatures open to tap.
The main thing to consider is going into Game 2 of a round; knowing that you have mostly small creatures your opponent should be siding in things like Anger of the Gods , Bile Blight , maybe Duneblast and any other mass-removal type spells their colour pools allows for. Think of a way to combat that, maybe switch up your tactics in Game 2 to be more defensive by siding in some higher-toughness creatures that won't be affected. Or go more controlling, use Last Breath . Kill Shot , Lightning Strike , Magma Spray , Searing Blood and the like to run them out of ideas before dropping in your threats.
October 20, 2014 7:14 a.m.
All great ideas and thanks for the comment!
I'll probably drop the 4 aegis for 2x god's willing and 2x magma spray and maybe 2x of the lightning strike for 2x stoke the flames.
October 20, 2014 12:43 p.m.
Check out The heroics go marching in. Turn 4-5 kill std!!! It's a very similar build, maybe we can get some ideas from each other.
My buddy came up with this build and changed his local meta with it.
November 5, 2014 8:07 a.m.
Havok.Bane says... #24
Ever thought about adding Preeminent Captain in here since you kinda got a soldier theme goin here?
November 5, 2014 2:13 p.m.
Yes, I had him in the deck for a long time but in the end his 3cmc just slowed the deck down more than he benefited it.
Rhokshida07 says... #1
I see that a Hall of Triumph (all of your creatures have white) or an Obelisk of Urd would be well placed in this deck. Otherwise, very nice! :)
October 8, 2014 9:46 p.m.