They say once you get Mono, you can't get it again...
Well I've gotten it multiple times! I love the simplicity and the challenge of making a semi or very competitive deck using one colour.
This deck's main purpose is to get out a bunch of 0 or 1 drops and make them big for very little cost, thanks to Battlefield Thaumaturge, who actually can be hard to get rid of, thanks to his heroic and the simplicity with which he allows these spells to be cast on him.
(Ornithopter+Ensoul Artifact or Darksteel Citadel+Ensoul Artifact makes for a 5/5 flyer or 5/5 indestructible on turn two (abilities stay if I'm correct). These will prove problematic and can get out of hand.
Because I can only have 4 Ensoul Artifacts, I need other ways to make the little big.
Battlefield Thaumaturge is amazing in this deck, allowing all my "X" spells being cast for just their coloured mana (Icy Blast, Curse of the Swine). This can tap the defenders standing in the way or exile creatures with tons of +1/1s on them and make them little piggies. *Note that because of Battlefield Thaumaturge's ability, when tapping, it can also tap him for no additional cost to make him hexproof for the rest of the turn.
The game enders in this deck are Polymorphous Rush and Hour of Need, which can turn a bunch of my little 0 and 1 drops into big beasts (Oh I really like that Stormbreath Dragon!).
On turn 3, with Battlefield Thaumaturge out, I can make 2 4/4 flyers, or on turn 4, after their big 4 drop, I can make 3 copies of it and do some real damage, OR pay 1, tap their entire board with Icy Blast and then make 2 copies of said creature and do some more damage!
Phyrexian Revoker is amazing. Enough said.
Since I need to get in to do damage, Icy Blast is key here. And because I'll more than likely have a 4/4 on the field by then, its Ferocious ability will have a better effect.
I need to know if this deck is as good as it can be - I'm really open to main and sideboard recommendations!