Game plan:
Whenever a deck is made, a common goal or a strong consideration often goes to what busted draws it can have, a calamity deck with a perfect curve for example, or what crazy combination of things to drastically alter the game. Just look at a card like Nexus of Fate and five drop teferi from last meta or wilderness reclamation and expansion//explosion now. This deck proves to do something similar, albeit not as absurd.
Kiora and Weaponsmith
Kiora and weaponsmith bring strong utility to the deck and offers an even stronger duo. Kiora can untap weaponsmith to give us four colorless mana as early as turn three. Meaning we can cast an early mystic forge, or cast it on a later turn without having to spend any colored mana. It also allows for a 4/4 stonecoil on turn three, triggering the kiora passive, or a turn four 8/8 stonecoil on some occasions.
Weaponsmith works well with golden egg. Not only can his abilty cast the food artifact, it can also utilize the 1 cost sacrifice to give us color mana to keep us shifting through the deck. Witching well is much the same as he can activate the draw ability for half the cost.
Kiora adds much needed ramp and card draw. How we best utilize her passive is by playing vantress gargoyle and stonecoil. How we best utilize her minus is situational. Scenarios you might encounter are untapping the following: gargoyle, mystic forge, emry, castle vantress, or weaponsmith.
Tezzeret and Mystic Forge
These two cards are the primary win conditions. Its a slow way to win and can be fragile but an insanely powerful combo when together. Stonecoil becomes an extra large beater for zero, Ugin reduces the cost of artifacts so they become easier to cast, well shifts through the top, Kiora draws us cards, egg draws cards, Golos potentially keeps the mill going, and it all blends together. Either the opponent dies to Tezzerets plus ability or the life gain/damage output is enough for lethal next turn. The only way to stop the win at this point is planar cleansing or dealing with tezzeret and wiping the board individually
The answer to our fragility lies with this card. In this deck she is not a one costing value creatures on curve, although its certainly not bad if it turns out to be the case in some matches, but a recursive engine. If our mystic forge was countered or destroyed, we still have a chance. If tezzeret and mystic are on the battlefield, stonecoil can be cast from the graveyard as a huge threat over and over again. Same with late game vantress gargoyle. I think of her as a worse eternal witness
A side combo to help the deck run smoothly with a lot of burst potential. Either two golden eggs or one guild glove and we have five different colored mana. Weaponsmith helps a lot here too
General sideboard guide:
Spy glass-
Usually takes place of glass casket. All the fire of invention heavy planeswalker decks are the reason for four. In case of a mix, take out two gargoyle.
Cry of Carnarium-
Safe bet to replace Emry and Golos versus aggressive decks because they are too slow
Way to outgrind slower decks. Takes place of glass casket
Replaces Kiora. Honestly don’t know a better way to combat Golas decks without effecting our own game plan
Ritual of soot
Versus decks who go bigger than two toughness, GBx midrange for example. I take out two Gargoyle since the 7/6 dino is one roughness too high to block
Versus artifact heavy matchups or versus attrition decks. Usually move one Mystic Forge and one Stonecoil Serpent or one glass casket to sideboard