Omnath Smash!

Commander / EDH MaksWell42


I'm gonna flippin kill you :)

March 7, 2016 3:11 p.m.

MaksWell42 says... #2

Zach, I'm so looking forward to you trying. Counter that shit, bro.

March 8, 2016 1:39 a.m.

MaksWell42 says... #3

Oh, Zach, you have no chance now.

September 26, 2016 1:03 a.m.

MaksWell42 says... #4

When I get Pathbreaker Ibex, here in the next week or so, it will be replacing Wolfbriar Elemental. Though I love the token outlet, he too regularly hits the field from Primal Surge wasting the opportunity to get the wolves. Pathbreaker will allow for larger runs of damage almost 100% of the time.

December 3, 2016 8:53 p.m.

MaksWell42 says... #5

So, I got Pathbreaker Ibex in; it took the Wolfbriar Elemental slot as assumed, but I also added Vigor and Thousand-Year Elixir. The deck honestly feels complete and that makes me mildly nervous. For now I'm going to focus on adding the remaining Legendary Eldrazi to the side board and then I may consider this a finished project.

December 5, 2016 4:44 p.m.

MaksWell42 says... #6

Planning on replacing Seasons Past with Greenwarden of Murasa. With Greater Good in there it just seems like an obviously better card. Especially since I'll be getting him out with primal surge every time that I'd currently get stopped at seasons. Bringing the non permanent count down to three makes Primal Surge an almost positive win condition. Especially since I'll likely get it back in hand for with enough mana to cast another time right away.

December 6, 2016 1:32 a.m.

MaksWell42 says... #7

Recently switched in Lotus Cobra and surprisingly enough I'm giving Lifecrafter's Bestiary a shot. That slot will likely be replaced with Paradox Engine when I get ahold of one, but as is the scry effect and the occasional card draw is a least effective and less likely to deck me out than the Regal Force I replaced it with. For now the deck wins a fair number of its games. Again to a point where I don't think much can better it. We'll see what happens, though.

January 20, 2017 12:55 a.m.

MaksWell42 says... #8

Lifecrafter's Bestiary didn't last long. Was a fine addition, but didn't actually add to my ramp or draw the way I'd need it to in order to leave it in. Paradox Engine on the other had went right in and is staying until its inevitable banning. I thought the same of Selvala. Maybe they'll let me keep the engine, too.

February 2, 2017 1:31 p.m.

spiritwolf13 says... #9

Is there a reason for no Akroma's Memorial ? It usually ends games.

June 17, 2018 3:07 p.m.

MaksWell42 says... #10

Just a higher drop than I prefer to have in there usually. I think if I were to drop out the sideboard effect it would quickly replace Spawnsire of Ulamog, but that is more janky and has been more my style than just swinging over big. Great recommendation, though. Thank you!!

June 17, 2018 9:02 p.m.

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