Went 3-1-0
First game was a weird deck with Unexpected Results that felt like a really bad, random reanimator. Went 2-1-0 only because I flooded like crazy in the beginning game where I held a bad hand.
Second game was Eldrazi Tron. Went 1-2-0, stomped it in the first game with a quick combo. Even though he never even had tron online, game 2 and 3 where really hard fights since he had a very strong sideboard plan (brought in 14 cards against me) and had answers all the time. Kept my combo down with removal and had the ghost quarters to kill Township. 2nd game was sealed by All is Dust and second game I couldn't get any card advantage going successfully. I think some of my budget choices played into that loss.
Third game (went 2-1-0) was against a black-based Waste Not deck that I have never seen before and that could pull out a surprise win on their turn 3 with their nut draw of 2xLiliana's Caress+Simian Spirit Guide+Burning Inquiry, Game 2 was close and more grindy one where I topdecked Collected Company for the win. Game 3 he didn't generate enough value and I won by smashing face.
Last game was UR control with Kiki/Pestermite/Exarch combo, went 2-1-0. Won the first game due to a mistake of my opponent where he tapped out at the wrong time where I could combo off in response. Second game he straight up out-valued me (Electrolyze is not a card this deck wants to see), but third game he couldn't get snapcaster value due to graveyard hate and a bit of flooding, his answers dried up and I comboed off.