Izzet Control

Standard* zsedcx22


JPODS0717 says... #1

Might i suggest switching out SB Divination and main board Weave Fate? The extra mana can make a big difference, especially since you can cast it a turn earlier. In fact, i would just remove Weave Fate entirely. The instant speed draw is nice, but two cards for four mana isn't. I would also highly recommend 2-4 main board Stubborn Denial. It chumps their turn 1 Thoughtseize, and is so much better in play than it might seem. Most people do not wait an extra turn to cast their big spells, so it makes it very easy to negate them. I would also recommend mainboarding 2 Disdainful Stroke. It can negate every walker and heavy hitter in standard besides a select few, and those can be dealt with by countless other control possibilities.

December 1, 2014 2:52 p.m.

zsedcx22 says... #2

I appreciate the comment and have taken your advice as it seems fairly sound.I admit that I am not normally a control player, but the idea seems fun for me.

December 2, 2014 8:38 a.m.

JPODS0717 says... #3

It's all good. I've been working in izzet control since i started playing (zendikar block), so i know a thing or two. As for your sideboard, i would look into Phyrexian Revoker and Tormod's Crypt. I don't know what decks you normally face, but revoker takes out planeswalkers, etb abilities, and countless others. Crypt gets rid of all delve abilities and reanimator, so it is a fairly sound thing to have, I would drop to 2 AEtherspouts and 2 Anger of the Gods to put in 2 revokers and 1 crypt.

December 2, 2014 11:03 a.m.

JPODS0717 says... #4

I just noticed that you don't run Treasure Cruise. Those would be much better to add than divination because you can potentially get an Ancestral Recall off of it, but it doesn't always have to be. If you do decide to, i would recommend adding 2-4 Shatter sideboard because your opponent will most likely run tormod's crypt against you.

December 2, 2014 11:06 a.m.

JPODS0717 says... #5

Control is better than you Playtest

Standard JPODS0717


This is a very basic idea of what i would do with the deck; It hasn't seen any playtesting or tweaking, however.

December 2, 2014 11:34 a.m.

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