The first deck that I built in Magic: The Gathering was a 60-card casual White Knight deck. To my surprise, my friends told me that it was Modern-playable, but I doubted its success. 1 year later, I'm here returning to my roots in an attempt to take advantage of new cards (For example, Fiendslayer Paladin) so that I may make my first competitive Modern deck!
The Knights Themselves: The most important card (and my favorite MtG card ever) is Knight Exemplar. I'm running a play-set of her for obvious reasons, as giving my Knights +1/+1 and indestructibility is crucial in dishing out fast damage. Of course, cards like Mutilate still cause major problems, so there's some tinkering I will have to do to make my knights fully invincible.
Some more obvious choices are Student of Warfare and Hero of Bladehold. Student of Warfare makes for an amazing one-drop beater, and makes it possible to run a one-creature-only hand if I must, especially since I can usually buff her to a 3/3 first striker turn 2. As for Hero of Bladehold, battle cry always helps, and churning out 2 1/1's every turn makes for more damage and blockers if I need them. Too bad they aren't knight tokens...
Kinsbaile Cavalier is a card that I have a love-hate relationship with. It's an amazing Lord for knights, but I don't like the mana cost. Still, it beats Silverblade Paladin, which was my previous choice.
Now for the newest additions to my deck. Mirran Crusader is... well godly. A 2/2 double striker with protection from black and green is amazing, especially given black decks kill my best knights all the time. When I pair it with Angelic Destiny or Elspeth, Knight-Errant's +1 ability, it wins games.
You've probably noticed that I'm running Fiendslayer Paladin as well. I used to run a play-set of Knight of Meadowgrain, but I've decided to up the ante for a major reason. Red-burn spells and black-kill spells are the major two causes of death to my knights. With Mirran Crusader and Fiendslayer Paladin having protection from the major kill spells that I hate (cough cough Doom Blade) my deck preforms better. Plus, life link and double-strike is awesome.
To wrap things up creature-related, we have Leonin Skyhunter and Knight of the White Orchid. To be honest, Leonin Skyhunter is there for the flying, which I need a lot. Knight of the White Orchid is a decent Turn-2 fighter, but bringing out Plains from my deck just makes things run smoothly.
Other Spells: Starting with Instant-spells, we have Brave the Elements. Though it protects my knights from spot removal like Doom Blade and Dreadbore, it doesn't stop Mutilate, which is something I need to find a way around. As for Path to Exile, well a turn-one exiling spell is always good. Not to mention I could combo it with Knight of the White Orchid to force a second land out of my deck.
When it comes to enchantments, Honor of the Pure is an obvious must-have. It helps with an early-game Mutilate, and helps bring out damage. Angelic Destiny is usable with most of my knights (I don't like swinging with Knight Exemplar), especially with Mirran Crusader. Being able to swing for 12 on turn 4 is always nice.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant makes a cameo in the deck, especially with her second +1 ability. Chances are I won't be able to use her -8, but if I do, the game will end in my favor.
Sideboard: This is where I need help. I'm not good with sideboards, so I will take any and all suggestions!