superlinkx says... #2
This is mostly the state my deck is in now (after a couple trades go through, at least). Can't afford Elspeth or Sorin right now, though I'd personally prioritize sorin as he can help me stabalize faster, which is the one area this deck can struggle with. Despise is garbage, and this deck runs enough removal that it's not that big of a deal.
Still working out how I want to use Thoughtseize. I've found disruption to be less than stellar with this deck, especially when it costs me two life. The deck is built to take a bit of an early game beating, so each life is important. I'm trying a variation with 3 mainboard, though I'm still not sure how well it will work out.
Hero's downfall is better for removal, other than it's expensive, and doesn't hit anywhere near as many targets as utter end. Utter End typically works out for me when I need it, so I tend to like it in this build, besides the fact that it's cheaper to acquire.
Athreos is great in this deck, and I'm currently working on acquiring two.
When I can, I'm going to make the following changes:
+2 Wingmate+2 Athreos-3 Reaper-1 Murderous Cut
If I ever find myself with enough money for Sorin, I'll likely swap him in for the Genesis Hydra's.
MaulerX says... #1
you dont need reaper of the wilds. even tho it is a pretty good card. athreos is good, sorin is almost a must. and elspeth is a must in this format. need thoughtseize in the main and despise in the side and instead of utter end, get heros downfall. and put utter end in the side
October 25, 2014 5:05 p.m.