
This isn't a big, special, combo sort of deck, just a cool version of control that has taken me to some fair games against a lot of different types of decks. A lot of people are playing Blue/Black versions of control, but in the current meta a nice splash of White can take you quite far.

In the Mainboard:


  • Anguished Unmaking Normally control decks have some difficulty removing permanents from the field that aren't creatures. But with the White in this deck, you have instant-speed removal for anything that isn't a land that may be giving you troubles. Enchantments, Artifacts, Planeswalkers, or even a pesky indestructible creature just get removed for the price of 3 life.

  • Anticipate A very obvious control spell. Early mana searching if you're having or are going to have trouble making your land drops, or a way to search up an answer when you need it.

  • Disallow This is a nice counter spell with a lot of flexibility. The additional abilities it can stop help take care of the odd Aetherworks Marvel triggers that might go off when you don't want them to, or cancel a Westvale Abbey   transformation after the sacrifice cost. However, because of the small amount of things the extra ability can do, there are only two in the deck as opposed to a playset or three.

  • Fatal Push An excellent removal spell for small creatures. Due to the many things in the current meta that go past two CMC and the inability to easily get Revolt in this deck, there are only two copies in the deck.

  • Fumigate The field wipe that you'll splash white for. It gets rid of everything without exception, and gives you life for the trade.

  • Glimmer of Genius If you aren't running a playset of this in a competitive Blue control deck, I don't know how to help you. Besides to tell you to run a playset.

  • Immolating Glare A great spell to kill things that are threatening you. If a creature sticks on the board, there's a good chance it's swinging at you since yours will most likely be clear. Sometimes it's worth it to let a creature land to throw it into this and bait out protection spells at the opponent's expense.

  • Jace, Unraveler of Secrets One of the best Planeswalkers for a control deck, his +1 gives you great card advantage, and his -2 allows for some form of protection if there's one thing on the board when he drops. His ultimate basically shuts down a game to an instant win if you've controlled the board well enough. Because of the main phase nature of them, he's the only Planeswalker in the deck right now.

  • Negate Am obvious counterspell. Doesn't hit everything, but hit's a lot of things for a small amount of mana.

  • Ruinous Path A necessary sorcery-speed evil. Removes a creature or a Planeswalker, which makes an excellent removal spell, and even gives the option of an awaken ability if it's necessary or available.

  • Scatter to the Winds A counterspell that allows for an awaken ability if it's available. But since it doesn't have any extra value beyond that, just a one-of.

  • To the Slaughter The replacement for Murder when you're trying to allow as little on the board as possible anyway. And if you have delirium, excellently moves a planeswalker and a creature off the board.

  • Void Shatter The best counter spell in standard at the moment. Some people argue for Disallow, but this card stops any sort of recursion, and cuts off a card from being re-cast by Torrential Gearhulk or anything of the sort. As such, it's the playset counterspell in the deck.

  • Yahenni's Expertise A smaller board wipe, hits a lot of things, and allows you to cast a kill spell for the big creature that might remain. Not as efficient as Fumigate, but doesn't hit your own Torrential Gearhulk


  • Sanitarium Skeleton I already know you're wondering what this is doing here, but trust me, this card is great. It has recursion with nothing but mana cost, which beats out a lot of other recursive cards. Any removal spells on it are lost as one-for-one card spells, and in a control matchup it's the biggest annoyance against your opponent. One Blue/Black Control deck I played against used Lost Legacy against it after activating a Blighted Fen to remove it just because they couldn't deal with the single damage each turn. Beyond control decks, it's a nice early blocker or just a damage chipper while you counter their spells.

  • Sphinx of Magosi An underused card that has a lot of value if it lands. Draws out removal spells to counter and allows you to have a way to draw to possibly find counters, while continuing to make it much bigger.

  • Torrential Gearhulk If you ask why I'm running this I'll block you. If there's a way to do that on this site. Incredible value in a single card.

In the Sideboard:


  • Authority of the Consuls An excellent one-drop that kills the Saheeli combo while it's out and helps fight against aggressive decks. Also helps gain a lot of life in token-based matchups.

  • Blessed Alliance Gets around protection spells if there's a single attacker, and also allows you to kill indestructible threats like Ormendahl, Profane Prince   and is a great throw in for creature-based matchups that gives you lower cost spells that kill attackers and gain you life.

  • Dispel Amazing for control mirrors and fighting protective combo decks. Handles counter wars with a flair of mana left over.

  • Fumigate An extra board wipe to fight multiple creatures and gain life in the process.

  • Lost Legacy A great card to destroy combo decks or help fight control mirrors by reducing their abilities to either counter or draw.

  • Transgress the Mind A great hand-disruption spell to fight control mirrors or take away a combo piece before it can hit the field early on.

  • Yahenni's Expertise Another board wipe to make sure you find one if it becomes pivotal in a matchup.


  • Gonti, Lord of Luxury A deathtouch blocker or attacker that steals you a card. Great in a lot of slower games to take something and use it against them.

  • Kambal, Consul of Allocation Perfect for longer games where a small drop gains you lots of life and takes a lot as well. Amazing in control mirrors late or mid game if you can stick it and protect it.

  • Sphinx of the Final Word Only really good in control mirrors, it sticks and stays if the opponent can't resolve a total board wipe or edict effect.

  • Thing in the Ice   An early blocker that will mid or late game bounce an opponent's board back to hand or your own Torrential Gearhulk and start swinging for a lot of damage.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

25 - 8 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

9 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Energy Reserve
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