
We don't know where Emrakul is...

... But she'd better stay from Tarkir.

She's gonna get tickled if she does.

Counterspells - the best cards

Removal - in case a creature resolves shudders

  • Crackling Doom : You're declaring attacks? Mardon't do that. Have a bolt. Also, hexproof-proof.

  • Draconic Roar : Sarkhan duct taped two Lightning Bolts together and gave it to Atarka, the cuddliest tickle monster.

  • Foul-Tongue Invocation : It's basically a better Warleader's Helix (not really, but it's still good). Hexproof-proof!

  • Crux of Fate : This is the most productive thing Nicol Bolas has directly done. Too bad this actually never happened. #BlameSarkhan for good tickle monster wraths.

Draw & Disruption - totally fair Magic

  • Dig Through Time : Banned in Modern and Legacy? No, no... Perfectly fair card that lets me draw two of my best seven at instant speed.

  • Painful Truths : 3 life is irrelevant when you're ripping SHEER VALUE.

  • Duress : Legalized peeking for 1 mana.

Tickle monsters that fly

  • Sphinx of the Final Word : I wanted him to be a dragon, but when I asked the Dragon of the Final Word, he said "no." ....... He's still great. Not the best, but still great (especially in the mirror).

  • Thunderbreak Regent : The tickle monsters bolt you if you touch them back.

  • Dragonlord Silumgar : Apparently theft and creature trafficking are fine with the Silumgar clan. i mean, I'm fine with it too. Give me more tickles!

  • Dragonlord Ojutai : He Anticipated that he would set a 4-turn clock, and he did!

  • Dragonlord Kolaghan : She tickles things right away, and for good. Unless you're fine with losing 10 life.

Other fun cards that cannot be categorized

Although this deck is very much built to be a hard control deck, this can also be played quite aggressively (similar to Mardu Dragons). Because of this, I'm going to offer two slightly varying playstyles.

The punchy strategy

  • Play your win conditions as soon as possible. Leaving mana up isn't necessarily important. Sure, those Silumgar's Scorns are helpful, but save them to counter removal spells, not win conditions.

  • Focus on racing your opponent with cards like Dragonlord Kolaghan and Thunderbreak Regent . 2 dragons on the board wins the game extremely quickly. Use your removal spells on bigger bodies or potential blockers.

  • Even if Draconic Roar can't kill any of their creatures, use it for the critical burn points.3 life is the difference between a Dragonlord Kolaghan kill in 3 turns and one in four turns.

  • Play out your hand, and be as efficient with your mana as possible. Once you have your finisher on the board, make sure your opponent can't turn the corner. Make them focus on your attacker and the suite of spells you're casting every turn. A topdeck fetchland still fuels a Dig Through Time and filters your draws!

  • Play lands according to cards in your hand. If you have a Thunderbreak Regent in hand, get two red sources as soon as possible! The sooner you're able to cast it, the better.

  • Your opening seven should have more than 2 lands, at least one of them being color-producing. 6 or 7 lands are bad too. Keep what will help you ramp into gas as fast as possible.

  • Win with aggression, not attrition :)

The evil strategy

  • ALMOST ALWAYS LEAVE MANA UP. Unless the only card in your hand is a creature or an Ob Nixilis Reignited, never tap out. Hexproof creatures die to Crackling Doom, remember. Even if your hand is full of junk, make your opponent worry about that Negate or Dig Through Time you might have in hand. Untapped mana is sometimes more intimidating than the cards it has the potential to cast.

  • Get all cards out of your opponent's hand as fast as possible. The sooner they're forced to topdeck, the sooner you're free to punch in the face. Pounce on removal as soon as it becomes relevant. Duress as soon as you can cast it in order to force plays (Collected Company in response, for example) and plan your next turns accordingly. Counter anything that may be remotely relevant, but creatures that are better off dying to a Foul-Tongue Invocation might as well resolve.

  • Play aggressively. Quickly diminishing your opponent's answers doesn't mean getting rid of all of your own. Don't be conservative and cast all your removal if you're still at 17 life. Let your opponent feel comfortable to play out their hand, then destroy the most relevant cards (or cast Crux of Fate). The less you do, the more comfortable the feel, and the more risks they take. This leave more options for you to ruin their dreams. Dragonlord Silumgar is in the deck for a reason - leave options open!

  • Play lands with the future in mind. If you have Silumgar's Scorn in hand but you think casting Crackling Doom will be better off, focus more on planning for spells you might draw rather than firing off cards in your hand. The manabase is very tricky, especially with the heavy double blue, black, and red spells. Plan for your best spell at that particular moment, even if it means you have to sit back on the spells you already have (unless the situation is too dire to wait for that).

  • Your finishers are relatively sparse, so play them as conservatively as possible. If they have a hand full of answers, don't play into their removal. Wait until you can counter their answers before you decide to tickle.

  • Just as before, your opening 7 should have between 3 and 5 lands. If you don't have any early-game control, ship it back! The first 5 turns of the game are your most important, so make sure you'll be able to develop a consistent manabase and prevent their board from developing. No win conditions in there? They'll come.

  • Take it slow! Impulsive decisions are the worst kind, so consider every Dig Through Time and every Ojutai trigger. The future is more important than the present for you, so plan for it!

Oath of the Gatewatch Standard is a pretty diverse format. Overall, it's a lot more aggressive than we're used to. I'm going to list a few relevant archetypes and my sideboard plans against them. I'll also explain why I've made these decisions... They have been quite thought out!


This deck is extremely fast and can kill me before I can cast a spell sometimes. My life total becomes a lot more precious and the big removal spells become less relevant. I have to rely more on my removal than my counterspells, and wincons are even farther away.


  • 2x Painful Truths: 3 life is a little more relevant when I'm most likely losing a lot more than that by the time I'm casting this.

  • 1x Dig Through Time: This is a bad card to have stuck in my hand. I would much rather have a strong removal spell.

  • 1x Duress: This hits a few relevant spells, but I'll already have more than plenty of counterspells for them. Probably not needed.

  • 1x Silumgar's Scorn: Cheap creatures are usually not worth countering. I'm keeping 3 because spells like Hordeling Outburst and Become Immense are still very dangerous.

  • 1x Ob Nixilis Reignited: He's too slow, and he's going to get killed before he creates a major shift in tempo.



This deck can be extremely explosive and can flood the board thanks to cards like Dwynen's Elite. Once again, my life total is more precious and I have to focus more on removing their major wincons before I can even consider casting mine.




This matchup can be extremely bad for me. Most of the time, I'll have a way to counter Rally the Ancestors , but the real issue in this is Nantuko Husk . Once I can find a way to get past that card, this matchup is cake, especially with Dragonlord Kolaghan on the board.




This matchup is relatively easy for me as long as I don't screw one way or another. All of their creatures are cheap and most of them die to Draconic Roar . My biggest concern is the Den Protector / Deathmist Raptor combo, so killing morphs while my opponent is tapped out will be key.


  • 2x Painful Truths: This card isn't necessarily bad, it's just the card I feel most comfortable without.



This deck is just plain confusing for me. The cards I'm most worried about are Crackling Doom and Abzan Charm because they kill my creatures so easily. The creatures in this deck aren't necessarily tough to deal with, so I think I just try to win out in the attrition race and not die to Soulfire Grand Master .




Abzan decks get stomped quite frequently. Honestly, I'm probably not going to sideboard at all unless something goes terribly wrong and I die to a rogue card. I might board out Painful Truths for God-knows-what, but I think this matchup is fine.


This is a very aggressive deviation of my deck, so cards like Crux of Fate may or may not be relevant. My two other colors pull me ahead, though, so I don't intend to change it a whole lot.


  • 2x Painful Truths: Why is this card even in here?! Because RIPPING 3 GAME 1 = VALUE. After that, it's kinda bad.


  • 2x Encase in Ice . Just a good tempo card that slows them down enough for me to stabilize.


This matchup is actually fine. my counterspells do overtime except against the Titans and World Breaker, and all of my good removal spells for them are in the mainboard (Crackling Doom and Foul-Tongue Invocation. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is the only concerning card in this matchup, so I'll have to bring in hate for him. Dragonlord Silumgar is fantastic against him already, but I need more than 2 cards. Don't worry - I'm keeping Painful Truths this time!


  • 2x Duress: None of their spells (besides Ugin) are really worth snatching, so this comes out.

  • 1x Ob Nixilis Reignited: He's just not relevant enough here. I'm keeping my Painful Truths for card advantage and I have plenty of removal already.

  • 1x Sphinx of the Final Word : He's not relevant enough. I'd rather have more answers to Ugin.



This matchup is almost identical to the R/G Eldrazi match, except Whisperwood Elemental is a little spooky.




This deck isn't necessarily a thing, but Reality Smasher is Reality Smasher, so why not? Crackling Doom and Foul-Tongue Invocation already put me in a good spot, so really, I don't see a whole lot to change here. if I need to sideboard anything, I'll figure it out at that moment. I'll probably just take out Painful Truths (sorry).


This deck has Crackling Doom, and boy, does it hurt. Time to bring in all of the answers and bring out all of the irrelevant spells! This is actually so bad, I'm going to board in one more card than I board out! 61 cards hurts me more than you think, but this is how it must be.




This is another weird deck that I honestly don't know what to do against. I'm very open to suggestions.


Yay, a control mirror! My big plan is to draw or wn with aggression, so it's time to take out all of the weak cards and bring in the safe ones! Sphinx of the Final Word is sweet here!


  • 4x Foul-Tongue Invocation: I have way too much removal for a control mirror. This one is just the worst of the three cheap ones.



This is the closest to a mirror I'm ever going to get. I'm relying on my red spells to push me over in advantage to hopefully win with attrition and aggression. As long as I avoid misplays, I'll be fine!



If you have any more archetypes for me to add in, I'll be more than happy to!

This deck has proven to go head-to-head with the best decks in Standard extremely well. It is constantly changing and, sadly, will only be relevant for a short amount of time. Oh, well. Dragons will still be here.

Comments and suggestions are very appreciated! However, please explain why one card would strictly be better than the one it would replace so I can consider it and respond correctly :)

Thanks for reading!



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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 7 Rares

11 - 8 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.79
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited
Folders oath otg stuff
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