Dragons? Dragons. Dragons!

Standard* Skxawng


nateblego says... #1

Not sure that you should be running Dig Through Time as a four of in a four color deck. Maybe cut a copy for a Painful Truths or Anticipate? Cool deck, and I love the description. +1

January 3, 2016 3:11 p.m.

gamefiend says... #2

The biggest thing you need right now is land. 23 is too low for the size of your curve. A control deck like this wants 26-27 lands to make sure it misses no land drops at all.

I think that you could drop:

for 4 land:

Rather than cards like Exquisite Firecraft and Dispel and 1 Despise, I think you can put 4 Painful Truths into the deck. Last, I'd trade the second Despise and 1 Crux of Fate with 2 Negate. Negate does a lot of what Dispel does, but also stops planeswalkers and sorceries.

I think expanding the mana base and getting some more generally applicable cards will back up your removal engine (Crackling Doom + Foul Tongue Invocation + Radiant Flames is pretty strong) and make it more consistent.

January 3, 2016 4:27 p.m.

Skxawng says... #3

Thanks for the suggestions! I've tried to incorporate what both of you said and it definitely plays more consistently with the increased land count.

January 4, 2016 11:31 p.m.

YourDeckSucks says... #4

WOW this deck sucks. XD jk Gawd I hate control, Red aggro for the win.THE BEST WORLD IS A WORLD WITHOUT CONTROL DECKS!!

January 11, 2016 2:29 p.m.

forbin240 says... #5

I think you have misread Infinite Obliteration for your sideboard plans. You can't name Gideon, Ally of Zendikar or Rally the Ancestors. You can only name creatures.

January 22, 2016 12:51 p.m.

Skxawng says... #6

forbin240: Someone had mentioned that before, and I just haven't changed it yet. My bad!

January 22, 2016 5:37 p.m.

Mortalkillzone says... #7

Hi there!

I like the deck as I tried splashing for Ojutai as well when BFZ came out for my Grixis dragons deck. The main issue that I ran into and I feel you will run into is color screwing. If in your opener you have Crackling doom and Silumgars scorn, it is impossible to play both of them in any decent sequence. Similiarly you can be hard pressed if you have silumgars scorn and then a draconic roar unless you get out a shivan reef. My suggestion would be to switch Silumgars Scorn with Clash of Wills or stubborn denial. I think in a 4 color deck it just makes sense to not have double colored spells so early before you can search for your tapped battle lands. I did find however that it was easier when I shifted my grixis only deck more to one color. Was easier to have double red for Thunderbreak when I shifted the deck heavily towards red so when I fetched for mountains there was less of a chance it would screw me over. Just my 2 cents though!

February 8, 2016 10:52 p.m.

Skxawng says... #8

Mortalkillzone Yeah, sometimes the white for Crackling Doom is relatively tough to find (Even though 7 of my fetches can find it). However, I think the 4-of Polluted Delta solves that issue most of the time - it fetches any of my colors.

Also, I'm rarely trying to slam a turn-4 Thunderbreak Regent anyways, and by the point I'm comfortable casting it my manabase is usually pretty stable. But yes, being stuck on Crackling Doom and Silumgar's Scorn sucks lol.

And about Clash of Wills / Stubborn Denial: Clash is too inconsistent. Sure, sometimes it can be cast for x=1, and that's fantastic, but there's too many times when it's a worse Cancel. Scorn is always a consistent 2 mana that usually becomes Counterspell. Also, Stubborn Denial can be a better Dispel, but once again, it's still too inconsistent for me.

Thanks for the advice though! I'll try to play around with it but I think I like this result.

February 9, 2016 7:41 a.m.

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