

The deck contains enough 1 and 2 drop creatures to be able to play an aggressive board state in the opening few turns, whilst having later game cards to come in and reinforce, or build up a board state again




  • Knight of the White Orchid – a 2/2 First Strike that almost always allows you to get an extra land on the field if played correctly, great for speeding up the deck
  • Precinct Captain – another 2/2 First Strike that will need to be answered to or blocked otherwise your board state increases with Soldier tokens
  • Thalia's Lieutenant – similar to Champion of the Parish, except this card gives a +1/+1 token to each other Human when entering the field


  • Mirran Crusader – valuable 2/2 Double Strike with Protection from Green & Black, good against cards like Tarmogoyf


  • Hero of Bladehold – late game reinforcements, giving Battle Cry and 2 Soldier tokens onto the field when she attacks

Other Spells

  • Path to Exile – White staple
  • Honor of the Pure – turns all the little white creatures into bigger white creatures, very good with the amount of cards that get put on the field
  • Brave the Elements – protection from a good majority of board wipes, or to allow big swings with potentially unblockable creatures
  • Gather the Townsfolk – extra bodies on the field, extra triggers for Champion of the Parish & Thalia’s Lieutenant


  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben – very strong card against control/burn type decks, although can affect the speed of your Path to Exile/Honor of the Pure in more aggro, creature based decks
  • Mentor of the Meek – another draw engine for those grindy matches or for hand recovery, all creatures except Hero of Bladehold will activate his ability
  • Pay No Heed – alternative to Celestial Flare, no creature sacrifice so worse against Bogles (unless the creature already has protection from opponent spells) but better against Infect, as they usually have protection when swinging for near lethal damage, and have used up most of their pump spells in the hand. Also great against cards like Eidolon of the Great Revel for when wanting to dump your hand to the field
  • Return to the Ranks – good vs board wipes, kill or counter spells
  • Tormod's Crypt – graveyard hate
  • Suppression Field – Planeswalker/Artifact/Activated Ability hate (other than mana abilities)
  • Sundering Growth – Enchantment/Artifact hate
  • Fracturing Gust – Enchantment/Artifact hate, especially good against Affinity and Bogles
  • Wrath of God – board wipe


  • Stony Silence – Artifact shut down
  • Grafdigger's Cage – good against cards like Collected Company, Snapcaster Mage, Kitchen Finks, Lingering Souls
  • Secure the Wastes – late game board presence boost, or recovery card from a board wipe
  • Burrenton Forge-Tender – protection from red and grants protection from a red source of damage, good against Anger of the Gods, Pyroclasm or Eidolon of the Great Revel

Other Possibilities

  • Kitchen Finks – good against burn or board wipes, gets buffed from Honor of the Pure
  • Mark of Asylum – creature protection from burn
  • Auriok Champion – Protection from Red & Black, and gains life for each creature entering the field
  • Mirror Entity – good card vs burn/large creatures, as it can give a blanket base power boost to all the creatures. Can also be used as a wincon to hit the opponent hard with a board full of pumped up creatures
  • Elite Inquisitor – another 2/2 First Strike creature, except this one has Vigilance too. Also the protection from Vampires/Werewolves/Zombies, should the need arise
  • Fiendslayer Paladin – 2/2 First Strike Lifegain, and can’t be the target of Red/Black spells or abilities from your opponent, particularly good vs burn, and also kill spells
  • Celestial Flare – good vs Infect/Bogles where this is usually a single target

missing expensive cards/cards I don't yet own


FNM 03/06/16 - 3rd place (Won vs Living End, BW Sisters - Lost vs Infect, Jund)

FNM 24/06/15 - 3rd place out of 10 (Won vs Burn, Jund - Draw vs BW Aristocrats brew - Lost vs Lantern Control)

FNM 08/07/16 - 1st place out of 6 (Won vs Abzan, BW Sisters - Lost vs RW Burn)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 6 Rares

7 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.72
Tokens Clue, Human 1/1 W, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Andres decks, Play
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