Hyper Aggro, Naya Zoo/Burn

Modern mb131rc


I know a perfect card against Splinter Twin in Naya colors. It's Naya Charm. Turn 3, instant-speed tap all of their creatures (i'm not sure if they can get Splinter Twin out before turn 3 but be cautious). One other card i love is Holy Day, 1 CMC to dodge Twin for one turn,that's definitely something. Anyways, always loved the idea of Naya Zoo and i believe Naya is an underrated Shard. Love the deck home skeleton, +1

May 3, 2015 1:41 a.m.

mb131rc says... #2

Eh with Hushwing Gryff and Path to Exile i feel like i have enough answers for twins. I love this deck because it usually can win by turn 3 or 4. And it does very well vs other slower Zoo decks

May 3, 2015 2:05 a.m.

That is true. If i had that kind of budget i would go for a playset of Paths but it's like $30 and to many that is no bueno

May 3, 2015 2:26 a.m.

Silverpandaria says... #4

Seem pretty nice indeed, very fast and consistent. I would however consider swapping out either a double land or 1-2 of the fetches for basics. Maybe 1 Mountain and 1 Forest /Plains.

Mainly to not make enemies Path to Exile become free removals. I was playtesting your deck against my own (have to admit your deck would've won most rounds :P) but when realizing my paths didnt come with any drawback It became easier to throw them at anything like Nacatls or a pumped swiftspear. I wouldnt want to give my real opponents that. 2 basics would make you at least get a nice land in return for losing a basher.

Anyway go Naya! :D

May 3, 2015 5:41 a.m.

mb131rc says... #5

Yeah deep down I know I should run basics in my mainboard.

May 3, 2015 8:56 a.m.

kameenook says... #6

Sideboard basics? I think you could easily justify maindecking the 2 of those.

May 4, 2015 9:11 a.m.

mb131rc says... #7

yeah i have since MB the basics just havent updated

May 4, 2015 9:09 p.m.

misfit_fiend says... #8

I really like the deck


May 11, 2015 4:31 p.m.

Duckling says... #9

I see how you're going for consistently quick damage, but would Vexing Devil be a good 1 drop for this deck?

May 11, 2015 10:02 p.m.

mb131rc says... #10

possibly. ive been messing around with 18 and 18 lands to try and phase out lightning ball

May 13, 2015 6:11 p.m.

hunkers says... #12

Splinter Twin is banned thanks to Wizards so we no longer have to sideboard against that completely broken deck.

March 24, 2016 6:10 p.m.

hunkers says... #13

No one does Nya Zoo anymore. Kird Ape, Loam Lion, and Experiment One are no longer looked at :(.

March 24, 2016 6:12 p.m.

mb131rc says... #14


yeah i need to tweak the sidebord the hushwings for sure need to be switched outand yeah zoo is falling in popularity and moving towards a more burn centric deck

March 25, 2016 3:28 p.m.

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