
Enchantment (2)

Creature (1)

Artifact (1)

This is my build of Muldrotha for use in my playgroup, so the list is more tailored to what I frequently play against and meant for multiplayer. Thus, we also try to keep a rough area of power for decks as well within the group, please keep this in mind with any critique. This is why some cards are not included in the deck such as Strip Mine or Contamination . We do have the power to lock down opponents, but it's not as efficient. This deck would fit someone who is looking to play Muldrotha, where our opponents still have a chance to win and get some good interaction in. A bit in between casual/competitive, as we do have Mindslaver in the deck.

The goal here is to play the board state until Muldrotha can make an appearance and lock down our opponents. We've got plenty of tricks up our sleeve to do so, and to top it off, they just keep coming back!

A key to this engine running really smooth, is Ashnod's Altar . This will allow us a sac engine that will also generate us mana either to recast the sacrificed creature, or cast something more important, and recur later. We also have our alternate sac engine Sidisi, Undead Vizier . The deck still runs without having these on the board, but much more efficiently if so. You typically should be grabbing the altar with Final Parting or Sidisi, Undead Vizier as a first pick, unless there is a threat you are trying to search an answer to.

These guys are taking care of the board as far as creatures go in several different ways: Hostage Taker , Plaguecrafter , Duplicant , Fleshbag Marauder , Noxious Gearhulk , Ravenous Chupacabra . Hostage Taker Being quite the powerful card for the deck, allowing us to nab something good from our opponents (feels good to take their Sol Ring ). Duplicant In case we have some other pesky players trying to recur their creatures as well. Then of course Fleshbag Marauder & Plaguecrafter to try and sweep a few under the rug.

The rest of the creatures are going to be our techs. I'll mention what our goal is with each. One of our MVP's is going to be Spore Frog , not much explanation needed here, great for keeping pressure off us for a minute if an opponent has a lot of creatures or a few fatties we just can't deal with at the time. Attach Helm of the Host to anger a few people. As well, it may force opponents to attack other players in the game. Acidic Slime another best friend, this one is taking out the big threats. Much like Spore Frog , not much needed for explanation, drop this guy to hinder someone big time. Then we have Siren Stormtamer , not the greatest pick, but can still help us out greatly in this deck, of course does fall short to sweeper spells. Glen Elendra Archmage a better choice in my opinion, I just currently don't own a copy. Spellkeeper Weird is mostly grabbing our counter spells, occasionally you may want to Final Parting or Rise from the Grave with it. Now one of my favorites in the deck Faerie Artisans . This card can really put a stall on the game for the opponent, especially if you can back it up. Basically our opponents don't want to play their bombs as we get them too, which can lead to some great shenanigans if they do. We've got some extra land drops via Wayward Swordtooth and The Gitrog Monster . One of our heavy hitters Gonti, Lord of Luxury is going to hopefully steal some nice things from our opponents, maybe even some alternate win cons for us! Finally Wrexial, the Risen Deep is going to do us some good with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth out. We can play some juicy spells for free!

Artifact facts! We've got a few here to help us push through our game. Standard includes, we have mana rocks Sol Ring and the like. Elixir of Immortality as a defense against us either milling out, or our opponent trying to exile our graveyard. Oblivion Stone to wipe up when needed. Skullclamp is not the greatest in the deck as we don't have too many creatures we can kill with it for drawing, but it does find it's place at times. Will be looking for something that fits better but it's here for now. Mindslaver is a great addition to the deck, usually taking the turn of the opponent who has the best odds of giving us advantage to the board either via spells we want to cast, or swinging their creatures into sure death etc. Another nasty tool we have is Helm of the Host . We can equip it to any creature that is going to give us the edge at current state. We may even equip it to Muldrotha to play multiple same card types per turn!

Enchantments! We've got some more tricks to pull with these. Animate Dead is quite the powerhouse for us. Combined with Dreamborn Muse we can typically find a bomb and play it for only 2 mana! Deadbridge Chant is not only giving us more options in the graveyard for Muldrotha, we even get to either have a creature enter from graveyard or put something back in our hand. Win-Win! Kaya's Ghostform Really good in the deck for keeping something we need on the board safe, even from exile! You could use Journey to Eternity  , but running Muldrotha as commander, Kaya's Ghostform seems like the better choice. Mystic Remora is way to good not to include. Not only do we draw lots of cards from this, we usually only keep around for a turn or two, sac and replay for that needed card advantage. The Eldest Reborn coming back a few times can really tear into our opponents plans, and we get their planeswalkers on top of it?! Profit. The Mending of Dominaria is a tricky one, if not careful you could shuffle your options back in, but it can be very useful if we're needing answers in our graveyard, or we've got too many lands in the graveyard but not on the board.

Walkers. We've only got a few here, but they fit the play style nicely. Ashiok, Dream Render to mill ourselves and exile graveyards. Kiora, Master of the Depths will drop cards for us in the graveyard. Kiora, the Crashing Wave is usually nerfing something until we draw an answer. Then we have Vivien, Champion of the Wilds giving us vigilance and reach, but mostly being able to cast creatures with flash. Muldrotha flashed in end of turn is very satisfying. Another Win-Win!

Spells, Spells, Spells. We've got a few counter spells here to kill any win cons or table turning cards. Scapeshift is going to thin the deck and bring us some lands we want like Command Beacon or Bojuka Bog and if we have The Gitrog Monster out, well... cards a plenty! Final Parting is a double tutor for us. Windfall for some digging. Fortune's Favor is just all profit.

Now for some win cons outside of just beating face. In a 1v1 setting our optimal win is going to be 10 mana and Muldrotha on the board with Mindslaver . Nuff' said. In any setting we can setup Dreamborn Muse + Helm of the Host to mill our opponents. We'll be safe with Elixir of Immortality in that instance.


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92% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Kraken 9/9 U, Octopus 8/8 U
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