

Description design inspired by Spotred
with his amazing deck deck:countermyth.

Since Faeries were in standard in Lorwyn block I have liked the idea of the deck. It provides a unique way to play control as the creatures have flash. That enables the pilot to play almost entirely re-actively. You can play control and then turn on a dime, drop a flier and put pressure on. Or you can sit back in a control position while Bitterblossom slowly does the job.
The deck has always been fringe and I have often found myself pushed to play other decks as the meta didn't have room for the deck. But I still love the way the deck functions, so with every new set I try to make it work better.

Table of contents

  1. Deck concept
  2. Core
  3. Creatures
  4. Control
  5. Manabase
  6. Sideboard
  7. Match-ups - IN PROGRESS
  8. Runner up cards - IN PROGRESS
  10. Other Faerie deck you should check out
  11. Contributors

Deck concept

Ever tired of having to make the choice between saving mana for countermagic or risk playing important stuff with sorcery speed? With faeries you get to cast (almost) everything with instant speed!
Faeries are aggro-control. The deck can quickly turn around from a passive stance and start attacking the opponent. With Bitterblossom the deck can put pressure on for you, while you sit back ready to answer the threats that the opponent might want to cast. Here follows the tale of the Fae...


Bitterblossom is the card that puts us in a pleasant position as a control deck. We save our mana for control spells while the 1/1 fliers put a slow clock on the opponent. It's possible to win without it but it just makes things easier.

The Faerie tribal is an amazing bonus as it lets us champion Bitterblossom with Mistbind Clique and it improves the effectiveness of Spellstutter Sprite.

Beware of the life loss. Bitterblossom takes some time to build an advantage. We have to be careful of when we attack or block with the tokens. We need 4 turns before the tokens have dealt more damage than Bitterblossom has. And 7 turns before the tokens have dealt 21 damage for lethal. Ideally we can prevent the opponent from interacting, but if not we can remove Bitterblossom with either Mistbind Clique or Cryptic Command.


Spellstutter Sprite is a lovely double barrel gun. Played right it can often work as well a Mana Leak and all the while provide a 1/1 faerie.

Vendilion Clique is so good that most blue control decks play up to 4. Getting a 3 power flier is good bang for the buck. But we also get the chance to spy on and manage the opponent's hand or cycle a card from out own hand. And with Scion he's protected and hits for 4.

Mistbind Clique With a 4/4 flying body forces the opponent to do something and fast. We often want to resolve this in the opponent's upkeep. He can only cast instants then. When the Mistbind dies we can potentially regain a Vendilion Clique.

We want make sure that we have a faerie to champion, or else Mistbind will fizzle. If the opponent can interact it might be too dangerous to cast.

Scion of Oona is the leader we need. With a few tokens we can quickly ramp up some damage. And having flash he can be played as a combat trick. Not only that. Providing shroud he can fizzle spot removal and debuffs on other faeries. Remember that Bitterblossom is also a faerie, which means that he can also save Bitterblossom from stuff like the uncounterable Abrupt Decay. However he's not cheap and can easily be removed and we don't want him unless we have other faeries for synergy.

Snapcaster Mage Getting to recast a discard spell, counterspell or removal while putting a creature on the board is strong. With the low CMC of the spells in this deck Snapcaster really shines. We get a lot of options and they are available early in the game.



  • 3x Ancestral Vision Getting this much card advantage often pushes a win through.


This is why we play flashy faeries. We want to keep up mana for countermagic. Countering is what makes us able to stop comboes and all kinds of cards besides creatures. We can counter really dangerous creatures but we can just use removal otherwise. We want to save countermagic for big threats, at least if playing against combo. The bonus for countering creatures is making sure that any "enter the battlefield" effects don't trigger.

  • 3x Cryptic Command The control toolbox. The 2-for-1 is what takes us towards the win. Tapping down the opponent's creatures often buys another turn or pushes blockers out of the way. The bounce effect can target what our removal can't. And it has great value vs. stuff like a Tasigur or Angler.
  • 1x Countersquall The 2 damage should not be underestimated. The deck has shifted slightly towards more removal which makes the non-creature clause less of an issue.
  • 1x Mana Leak Counters mostly anything as long as it's in the early game.
  • 1x Spell Snare Modern has a lot of good two drops. Snare enables you to play a Bitterblossom turn 3 and counter their 2 drop, when you're on the play.


Removal spells is our clean up for creatures that fell though our counter net. This happens a lot against aggro when the opponent throws down creatures before we have mana for countermagic.

  • 3x Fatal Push The new kill spell on the block. Push really helps the deck by lending early defense vs. aggro, like Disfigure, but unlike Disfigure it holds up far longer into the game. Even without revolt it can take out a Goyf or a Death's Shadow.
  • 1x Go for the Throat The only deck it's really bad against is Affinity. Kolaghan's Command has pushed artifacts a bit to the side in Modern.
  • 1x Murderous Cut Running just one of these makes delve cost risk free and a very cheap kill spell can be added to the arsenal.
  • 1x Victim of Night Though the cost can be a liability I find it important to an (almost) unconditional kill spell.


Faeries are short on good one drops but spot discard fits in here nicely. Against Bogle you can win the game by discarding their hexproof creature. It's also invaluable to get to see their entire hand. However these lose potency as the game goes on.

  • 2x Thoughtseize though the 2 life may hurt, we need something to pick off what Inquisition can't.
  • 2x Inquisition of Kozilek a lot of threats are under 4 mana cost. Not losing 2 life from Thoughtseize is important in this deck.


I like to go for 23-25 lands including 6-8 man lands. This way you always get enough lands and they are less often dead cards. River of Tears is perfect, black mana on your turn (discard) and blue on the opponent's (countermagic and faeries). I tried to omit fetch lands, but now that Fatal Push is here, they have too much upside.

  • 1x Pendelhaven This is perfect for boosting combat vs. stuff like Lingering Souls. It can just be seen as a land that makes generic mana.
  • 3x Creeping Tar Pit Really pulls its own weight. Coming into play tapped we can be play around. Otherwise it just provides the right mana and can deal winning amounts of damage in standstill situations.
  • 3x Ghost Quarter With lands doing all kinds of things in modern it's important to be able to deal with them. With Ghost Quarter we can build in some defesne vs. Tron and manlands in Affinity and Infect.
  • 3x Mutavault Most people play 4, but I like 3. The colorless can be a big problem sometimes. That said Mutavault is really good especially in Faeries. It gets buffed by Scion of Oona and can get championed by Mistbind Clique.

  • 1x Ceremonious Rejection Vs. Affinity, Eldrazi and Tron.
  • 2x Damnation Vs. Eldrazi, Jund/Junk. Apart from being an x-for-1 Damnation takes out sticky creatures like Reality Smasher.
  • 1x Dispel Vs. Burn and Control. Trades well with burn spells and counter proofs your own spells.
  • 1x Duress Vs. Combo. 6 mainboard discard spells is not always enough.
  • 2x Engineered Explosives Vs. Affinity and Jund/Abzan. incredible low and wide removal. Takes out Goyf, Ooze, Grim Flayer.
  • 1x Hero's Downfall Vs. planeswalkers. The deck lacks ways to deal with planeswalkers.
  • 1x Hurkyl's Recall Vs. Affinity.
  • 1x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Vs. Burn.
  • 2x Rain of Tears Vs. Tron.
  • 3x Surgical Extraction Vs. Combo. A stellar supplement to target discard. With this and a Thoughtseize you can have a combo piece completely removed on turn 1. Also a good follow-up to counterspells.


  • Death's Shadow
  • Eldrazi Aggro
  • Red Deck Wins
  • Affinity
  • Jund
  • Abzan
  • Merfolk
  • UrzaTron
  • Grixis Control
  • UW Control
  • UWx Midrange
  • Lantern Control
  • Scapeshift
  • Mirror
  • Dredge
  • Storm
  • Elves
  • Ad Nauseum
  • Infect
  • Reanimator
  • Living End
  • Mirror


  • Why not [[]]
  • [[]]



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Revision 37 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Cavern of Souls main
+1 Pendelhaven main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #26 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

32 - 8 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

5 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Spike decks - Competitive/Tournament, future deck ideas, yes, booooooooooo, New Modern Ideas, Inspiring Decks, Modern, 5. Inspirations, Decks, coisas a desenvolver
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