Huppster05 says... #2
as well as you cant champion any faerie with Misbind except for bitterblossom when you have a scion on the field
September 2, 2016 3:12 a.m.
Huppster05, thanks for checking out the deck :)
You might want to take a closer look at Mistbind Clique and Scion of Oona. They do in fact only specify Faerie, not Faerie creature. Scion's +1/+1 specifies creatures as that is the only thing that would make sense.
September 2, 2016 4 a.m.
Rathaelix can you champion a Faerie when that faerie has shroud? (I'm pretty certain that's what Huppster05 was getting at in his/her second comment)
September 2, 2016 4:10 a.m.
Nevermind, I found the answer, the champion ability doesn't target so you can use it on faeries that have shroud thanks to Scion of Oona
September 2, 2016 4:13 a.m.
Atraxa_Daddy says... #7
This feels...sloppy. why would you not just run 4 Remand for counter set? and plainswalkers just don't work in modern. 3 turns?! thats assuming someone doesn't smack her during that time. I would hit you with Void Snare as soon as she got to five, or with any other deck just attack her every turn. I suppose this deck could work, but for $1300 you could do a lot better.
September 12, 2016 1:11 p.m.
Duskstrike, thanks for checking out the deck and for your excessively condescending comment.
I don't find Remand better than Mana Leak in this deck, which is why I run about the same amount of each.
I'm curious where you play modern, since you got the notion that planeswalkers don't work in the format. Jund is currently one of the most popular decks and they often run 4 Liliana of the Veil. Every blue deck in modern (execept Merfolk) run Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Flip. And there's even a fairly popular deck based on Nahiri, the Harbinger. Not sure what you mean about 3 turns?
Void Snare seems like a fine answer to a planeswalker, though honestly I have never seen the card played i modern.
I can't argue with the deck being expensive. I like control decks and blue cards tend to be on the pricey side. I have the expensive cards from long ago so I built the deck, since I like the way faeries play :)
September 12, 2016 1:46 p.m.
Atraxa_Daddy says... #9
When a plainswalker enters the battlefield it has a certain number of loyalty countersm each plainswalker takes a certain number of turns to reach enough counters to hit enough for their final ability. Lilana takes 3 turns to build, and then a final turn to activate. As for Void Snare the sheer number of counter based permanents is astounding in modern. Thus, Void Snare seems like a good option. I can also pair it with a Black Sun's Zenith to avoid hurting my creature allong with my opponents creatures.
September 13, 2016 12:37 a.m.
Duskstrike, at this point I'm not sure whether you're trolling. I know loyalty counters are ;)
Planeswalkers in modern are rarely played for their ultimates. Liliana of the Veil's +1 and -2 are so good that you don't need to ultimate. It's about 2-for-1'ing your opponent, by getting an effect while leaving a threat on the board.
September 13, 2016 2:30 a.m.
Atraxa_Daddy says... #11
I suppose youre right. For someone that runs a lot of counterspells and cards like Kira, Great Glass-Spinner a lot of stuff (like plainswalkers) seems like a moot point to me. Another thing i will do is Silence + Isochron Scepter So i can actually play angels ;) sorry i was such an asshole, i've had a very, very stressful last few days
September 13, 2016 10 a.m.
Isochronic scepter is not really modern playable. Especially at the moment. I think only one person really does and that is DesolatorMagic on YouTube. Liliana of the veil can take takes games on her own though. That aside. How do you feel about ub "sword" (coughCOUGH. god that name makes me angry.) That recently topped versus your current 75? Would you take inspiration from it? At the moment I myself put my fae deck on pause and switched to merfolks. But I do keep up with everything for my own.
September 14, 2016 2:20 p.m. Edited.
continuum, which UB Sword deck are we talking here? :)
I've put faeries on hold myself. I've just built UW Spirits for modern. Those are similar in many ways, but I like that spirits get to be more aggressive.
September 14, 2016 6:35 p.m.
Hah. SCG renamed it to UB Faeries within the last 10 hours. But sites like MTGgoldfish still refer to it as UB Sword Control.
September 15, 2016 12:08 a.m.
Seems like a solid list. I like the Kalitas. And there's no denying that swords are good. I used to play 2-3 in faeries and probably still would if it wasn't for Kolaghan's Command.
It's been some time since I've played the deck though, so my understanding of the meta might be a bit dated.
September 15, 2016 3:42 a.m.
What about Quickling so you can bounce stuff like Spellstutter Sprite or Vendilion Clique
October 8, 2016 10:59 a.m.
Eiyros, thanks for checking out the deck :)
I tried out Quickling a good while ago, but couldn't quite get it to work. I think the problem was that is was too slow to bounce creatures to play them again. Then another Vendilion or Mistbind Clique would be better. But I still really like the idea of bouncing a Faerie to fizzle a removal spell :)
October 23, 2016 4:53 p.m.
WesomeNight says... #18
how does this go about removing Blood Moon once it's on the board?
November 28, 2016 2:42 a.m.
I know that you added the polluted deltas to trigger revolt for push, but there's no basic swamps in the deck. This means that drawing delta prices you into getting watery grave if you need black. Eg a hand of Tar Pit T1, island/cavern/mutavault T2 and delta T3, with Bitterblossom and Liliana, it would be nice to be able to not not have to take 3 life to play Lili.
January 12, 2017 9:20 a.m.
Also, with the most recent bannings and printing of fatal push, I foresee the meta slowing down and for big mana decks like Tron, Eldrazi and Valakut to become formidable forces once more. Whenever these decks get stronger, burn inevitably follows up to prey on them. How does this deck perform vs those 4 archetypes, and are there any changes you'd make to the main or sideboard to tune it towards those.
January 12, 2017 9:25 a.m.
Chazb10, thanks for checking out the deck :)
You are right about the lands, I'm not done tuning the manabase after the changes.
With regards to combo decks like Valakut, I would say that a control deck is well positioned.
Tron is both good and bad. Pyroclasm is bad for us but can be countered. And planeswalkers are tough to deal with. However we have many ways to mess with their mana: Mistbind, discard (can target Expedition Map), Spreading seas.
Eldrazi is beatable if we can counter or discard their big threats. Which can be done as long as they don't get a dream hand and ramp insanely quick.
Burn has been a tough matchup. We need lifegain. I thought about adding Sword of Light and Shadow for that. Also the matchup should get better with Fatal Push.
I'll be tuning the deck once I get some Fatal Pushes. It's been a while while since I've played, but a set release always gets me back :)
January 16, 2017 8:28 a.m.
I can't lie I've wanted to make faeries for about 2 years now, and with fatal push it might finally be time. I love the tuning process so I'll probably come up with my own list based off this. Thanks for the reply!
January 17, 2017 6:53 a.m.
LoneDesecrator says... #23
Have you considered Collective Brutality on the main/sideboards? I've used and seen it used against Burn, and if you're very lucky, its a 3-for-1 against them.
Very much like your build of faeries, though a bit on the higher end financially for my tastes, but I can agree with how and why Liliana of the Veil is on the mainboard.
January 31, 2017 4:07 p.m.
BattleDragon says... #24
I really love Dismember, but with Fatal Push now available, I'd consider running 3x Fatal Push and 0x Dismember. Helps you out in faster matchups, and is overall more versatile, even at just 'destroy creature 2cmc or less'.
Second, I'd run 4x River of Tears by dropping a Darkslick Shores. Its just too good in your build.
Third, you could drop some cards like Go for the Throat in order to carry a pseudo kill spell for nonland permanents like opposing Lillianas, even if its just a bounce spell.
Fourth, I like the idea of Snapcaster Mage. It just feels right, and since only a 4th of your deck is tribal it shouldn't bother. Everyone likes snapping a 1cmc removal/counter spell back!
Maybe double check your main description? I ran into a couple typos :P
Otherwise, brilliant deck +1
Sidenote: Sorry if thats a lot up there, I just like the deck :) If you ever want to make a 3 color variant of this, Red or White could do amazing. White means Path to Exile and a plethora of potential sideboard cards (though thats not neccessary), while red could help you handle land based strategies and creature rush decks (I think).
Do you have any advice on what really pairs well with hand disruption like Inquisition of Kozilek? I really want to make a B/Something deck, but I just can't find the right color. Maybe blue?
February 9, 2017 4:07 a.m.
Love the description!
I am actually considering getting into modern with U/B Faeries deck, but I am afraid it's too underpowered. I do not own any of this cards, so I'd have to build it from scratch. Is it worth it? How does this deck do at FNM?
Huppster05 says... #1
actually it doesnt provide shroud for bitterblossom because scion says faerie creatures
September 2, 2016 3:11 a.m.