Sit down. Stand up please. Lay down, drink this.
vampirelazarus says... #2
Ha, auto correct... usually, I never fall victim to it.
I used to have Go for the Throat in the sideboard, but I took it out, because, like you said, it's meta dependant, and my meta didn't need it. If I were to take this to a higher event, I'd definitely put it back in the sideboard, just in case.
June 1, 2014 4:57 p.m.
Quantillus says... #3
Lingering Souls is very good against affinity and other decks that just want to grind out card advantage or one-for-one you (like Jund). Very good as a one of in your main too, so you can do a value rites package for something like: Snapcaster Mage , Lingering Souls , Gifts Ungiven and one of your board wipes.
I don't think i'd be unimpressed with receiving any of these two in my hand.
If i was on the other side, i'd bin snappy and gifts, but wrathing and then making dudes still seems solid.
You could play a one of Think Twice too. Which is probably better in that package than a wrath (unless you need to make up some tempo all at once of course).
You probably also need a 3rds wrath. Either DOJ or Damnation depending on how you feel about your manabase.
July 25, 2014 4:21 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #4
i actually took out DOJ, as I was never really in need of it in my meta.
I can't really argue with your points on the other suggestions, I played againsta BUG gifts list on Tuesday that ran white for souls, and it seemed to be pretty effective.
I've mostly been playing pod lately, so when I get around to coming back to this deck, I'll take those suggestions into consideration.
tooTimid says... #1
Cool deck! I'm a huge fan of Esper gifts, and this is a great take. +1.
I guess it's sorta meta dependent but it seems like Go for the Throat is much better then Doom Blade . Especially if you're dedicating a whole three spots to it.
Also just thought you should know, Rites, not Rights. In your description you have Unburial Rights
Anywhoo, good luck!
June 1, 2014 4:42 p.m.