I was wanting to add a couple snapcaster mages,just wasn't sure what to take out. Same with spell snares and dig. Are you sure the sword is unnecessary? Everytime I playtested with it the untap ability has really helped,but of course I've been testing against computers and not actual people. Should I put another equipment in its place?
May 11, 2015 7:24 p.m.
And as for geist,hes just one of my favorite creatures and I saw a few list ran him so I threw him in lol
May 11, 2015 7:25 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #5
Keep Verdict for sure.
As for the sword, if Elves were still mad popular and making up a large portion of the meta along with BUG Delver, I'd say maybe it's okay to meta call with FeFa, but it's not. I'd throw it in the sideboard for certain matchups though. I'd actually also toss in one or two Spell Pierces.
May 11, 2015 8:27 p.m.
Counterspell should definitely be switched to something like Daze or Mental Misstep.
the sword of FeFa should be Sword of Fire and Ice in mainboard. you can have FeFa for certain match ups.
I would just make Mishra's Factory two more Wastelands for more control
May 11, 2015 9:53 p.m.
mental misstep isnt legal in legacy and i havent seen sword of fire and ice in many legacy decks.
May 11, 2015 9:55 p.m.
The deck looks okay, although a few cards are making me scratch my head. Why is Standstill here? Other than being force food, I can't really think of a reason to run such a build-around-me card. Also while Supreme Verdicts good and you have the manabase to cast it, unless you are expecting lots of critters in your meta like Elves, Gobbos, Fish, and/or more brew decks like Deadguy, move it to the sideboard. Like SV Sword of Feast and Famine is more of a sideboard card unless your meta calls for it. Usually Sword of Fire and Ice is the 3rd equipment of choice in legacy for pro-red, ability to shoot down just about any creature in legacy, and the fact it gives card draw is the big thing. If the meta has a lot of Swords to Plowshares, things like Death and Taxes, and burn/bolts Sword of War and Peace might be worth looking at as well, although personally I think it's a sideboard card. Squeezing in cards like Daze, Spell Pierce, and Spell Snare is tricky as their numbers are dictated by your meta/expected meta but they are really good. Maybe cutting out a Counterspell or both as the the UU to stop a spell can be really hard at times and the cheaper counters usually work just as well, cutting one of your beaters (geist/TNN) as having 3 of them as well as your utility creatures is more than you need in a control deck when it comes to smashing face, but the meta can prove this wrong so I would cut this last for making room for other things(and by cut I really mean is put them in the sideboard in this case). Running 4 of Lightning Bolt and Swords to Plowshares is probably wrong unless everyone is running a bunch of creatures (death and taxes, elves, gobbos, fish, and I don't mean delver decks as they don't run that many creatures). Trimming the numbers on each, moving some to the sideboard and some really cutting from the deck) can free up room for the counters. You'll probably only want around 6 between the maindeck and sideboard considering how much drawing and filtering the deck has.
For a first deck though this is rather good.
May 18, 2015 1:26 p.m.
I have standstill in the deck because almost every stoneblade decklist I've seen runs a few and I'm running supreme verdict because everyone is telling me to lol but as for everything else you are probably right,I chose feast and famine because I thought the untapping lands ability would really help in a control deck but sword of fire and ice is probably much better.thank you for all your help :) it is very much appreciated!
May 18, 2015 2:36 p.m.
Just because everyone's running it doesn't mean it's right. Delver, Death & Taxes, and Miracles will laugh and those among the best decks right now. In a less creature focused build(all snaps/cliq/SFM, none of your other creatures) it's probably fine, but here it's a great way to stick in cards with better synergy with what you're doing. Cutting them for a counter and an extra Ponder could be good or even sneaking Sensei's Divining Tops in to make sure you have what you need at any time.
Also what's your sideboard like? Without knowing your meta it's hard to know what's necessary or not. Things like Red Elemental Blasts (or even their counterparts if reds big in your area) graveyard hate like Rest in Peace, catch alls like Engineered Explosives, things like Flusterstorm form storm, or even a copy or two of Meddling Mage.
May 18, 2015 7:13 p.m.
I haven't made a sideboard yet since I'm not completely finished with the deck,there isn't much of a legacy meta where I'm at to be honest so I'm definitely learning the meta from here. I know that sounds odd but I really enjoy deck building and legacy seemed like a fun challenge. I really appreciate all your help,I've already learned quite a bit from you.
fluffybunnypants says... #1
Looks pretty solid. I would probably run one or two Snapcaster Mage, possibly a few Spell Snares and definitely two Dig Through Times mainboard.
Feast and Famine is unnecessary mainboard, and you'll probably want to cut Elspeth as your main wincons should be TNN or ulting Jace as they are going to be the most solid and reliable. Geist seems awkward in Legacy, mainly as it will actually require a Feast and Famine to be actually feasible against a large portion of the meta.
May 11, 2015 7:12 p.m.