I have been tweaking this deck trying to make it more consistent. I am having quite major problems with getting too many or too few lands (I rarely get screwed by not having the colors I need). The deck started out as Simic and has evolved to Temur to splash in Fling as a another way to get through a clogged board.
The deck revolves around getting a pummeler to 20/20 and swinging unblockable or sacrificing to fling to hit the opponent for lethal. Everything in the deck is dedicated to building energy, pumping pummeler, finding pummeler, protecting pummeler, and finding a way to get around any potential blockers. I used to run Bristling Hydra at the top end as a large body for another energy sink, but decided to go all in on pummeler.
Prior to splashing red, it worked fairly consistently, but I felt that splashing red for fling would give me additional ways to get around a clogged board besides Slip Through Space. Once I tweaked it to Temur, everything went to hell. I have been playtesting for hours and have only gotten a single good draw out of ~20 games. Most times I draw too much land or not enough. Rarely anything in the middle. The prior version of this deck has the same 20/40 land to spells ratio and seemed to work great with that. The other big issue was drawing 3 of the same card within the first 4-5 turns. (Yes, I know how to shuffle. The deck I was playtesting against was very consistent the whole night and I shuffled each in the exact same manner.)
So the major questions I pose are:Should I stay Temur or go back to Simic? Are my mana issues a symptom of wrong number of lands?Should I rework card counts and turn some 4-ofs into 3-ofs?
Any and all advice is appreciated. I am willing to mess with the deck quite a bit to try out new variations.
Thank you in advance!