Operation: Desert Storm
Commander / EDH
A few changes —June 23, 2020
- Browbeat: conditional draw with opponents usually taking the damage because they don't want you drawing into a finisher...Risk Factor might be on the outs for this same reason.
- Fireball: I feel there are enough X damage spells to cut this one
- Thran Dynamo: Removed this in favor of the 0 cmc Mana Crpyt, for obvious reasons
- Shivan Gorge: just not good enough unless you have a damage doubler
- Nettle Drone: i had a tough time cutting this guy because he puts in work with the number of artifacts i run, but he falls into the pitfall of one of those cards you hardly ever see so when it comes time to make a cut, he doesn't make it
- Light up the Stage: I like these type of effects in Neheb so i wanted to add more of it. Commune with Lava is SO strong and while this isn't the same number of cards, 2 cards is nothing to snooze at, and if you double it even better!
- Reiterate: I like doublers in this deck
- Mana Crypt: Neheb doesn't care about the loss of life. You want come out of the gates strong and fast.
- Twinning Staff: a spell doubler, DOUBLER, with built in doubling? Sounds good!
- Ramunap Ruins: way more versatility than Shivan Gorge, plus it's a desert you can sac to Scavenging Grounds