Operation: Desert Storm

Commander / EDH Pedrodamus


Strixhaven Update #1 —April 24, 2021

Removing Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar for Crackle with Power. I liked the idea of Kediss ramping me up on one hit with Neheb because it could catapult me to a win, but the minute I saw Crackle spoiled I knew I had to slot it in here. I feel like both cards are a means to the same end, winning, but there is SO much synergy with Crackle in this deck, while Kediss only synergizes with Neheb connecting on an opponent.

Daedalus19876 says... #1

Seems like a pretty good Neheb deck! I am surprised not to see Wheel of Fortune in here, though -- just not affordable? I'm a great fan of Winds of Change in mono-red: it's great for screwing up decks that carefully search their library for specific cards, or manipulate their topdecks. Have you considered Gemstone Array to let you save mana over turn boundaries? Finally, I am a huge fan of Abrade and Lightning Bolt in EDH: Bolt hits a LOT of relevant commanders, and can be a Dark Ritual in this deck.

July 7, 2020 11:58 a.m.

Pedrodamus says... #2

TypicalTimmy Thanks, dude :]

July 21, 2020 9:45 p.m.

Pedrodamus says... #3

Daedalus19876 I've been replacing conditional draw with cards like Commune with Lava because more often than not people do not want me drawing cards. I have been eyeing Wheel of Fortune to take the spot of Risk Factor. I kinda like Gemstone Array for scenarios where i'm out of gas and i just need to store mana for upcoming turns, I did not know that card existed lol. Winds of Change is an excellent disruption card! Thanks for the ideas!

July 21, 2020 9:55 p.m.

XinZhao says... #4

Omicron Prime

Bolt Bend would be a great card to add in here, Maybe drop Reverberate

April 21, 2021 9:57 p.m.