Operation: Desert Storm
Commander / EDH
2022 Updates —Aug. 28, 2022
Sooo, this deck has seen a bit of a revamp, but it's still in essence the same deck...you keep the foot on the gas, make a lot of mana, and burn the table out. I've removed Aggravated Assault from all of my decks because you just have to be a better player than relying on a BORING two card win on the spot combo. Yeah, the card can win me games on turn 3 if I get a god hand and no one has interaction, but I rather finesse wins out with skill than windmill a dumb combo. I do still think extra combats are essential in Neheb so I added World at War, Relentless Assault, and Seize the Day, which can very well be gg for the table if you have enough gas in hand. Speaking of gas, I've added the following to keep the cards coming: March of Reckless Joy. Reckless Impulse, Rob the Archives, and last but not least Memory Jar. I've also added some draw lands like War Room, Bonders' Enclave and Arch of Orcaza because you want to keep the cards flowing from your deck into your hand any way you can. I've made some changes to rocks like Ruby Medallian, which seems to make it in and out of deck, but I've come to realize how strong the medallians are , especially in a deck that wants to storm out. Tibalt's Trickery and the new Wild Magic Surge should be strongly considered for EVERY mono red deck, so they're in here now. Last but not least, I've added Strionic Resonator because double Neheb, or Inferno of the Star Mounts (also new) triggers are realllly nice.
Pedrodamus says... #1
XinZhao I like Reverberate in the deck because of it's versatility, I will have to evaluate cards like Bolt Bend for protection because my playgroup has definitely become keen that they can die on any given turn against Neheb.
April 24, 2021 12:27 p.m.