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On more of a serious note, this is a control deck that can answer almost any threat that another deck throws at us, while also burning and dropping threats, the most powerful of which is Assemble the Legion, a card that mono-black devotion has absolutely no answer to. In addition, using red instead of black allows us to use Anger of the Gods keeping us afloat vs aggro with pseudo Supreme Verdict 5+. Meanwhile Turn / Burn and Reprisal in the sideboard combats Mono-Green Devotion and b/w midrange decks running Obzedat, Ghost Council

The Cards

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The Utility

-Jace, Architect of Thought - This card is awesome. It can crush aggro decks, it can dig us answers for big creatures or full boards and can fetch us a wincon with his final ability. Whats not to love?

-Keranos, God of Storms - This guy is one of the main reasons i'm actually playing America Control. It prevents us from being mana flooded, draws us cards and can be a win con all on its own. (Considering cutting down to a one of)

-Elixir of Immortality - This card can gain us some life against aggro decks, and more importantly, can recycle our wincons is they all get killed.

-Sphinx's Revelation - Yep. This card stabilizes us lategame and draws us a hand full of cards. Not much to say about it that you probably don't know.

-Azorius Charm - Does pretty much everything, it can gain us a ton of life when our tokens attack, it can draw us a card at instant speed and it can bounce a annoying creature so we can counter it the next turn.

The Removal

-Turn / Burn - a card that can kill pretty much every creature in the format, most importantly the pesky Obzedat, Ghost Council .

-Magma Jet - A overall versatile card, it can kill a -2ed Jace, it can fight back against aggro and can dig us deeper into our deck.

- Detention Sphere - can handle any big creatures and can fight the nuisance that Pack Rat is.

-Banishing Light - We're running this as Detention Sphere #5

-Supreme Verdict - We all know what this card does.

-Anger of the Gods - We're mainly running this as Supreme Verdict 5 and 6 vs aggro.

The Counters

-Dissolve - Best counter in standard right now. Its mana cost isn't too restrictive and it digs us deeper into our deck.

-Syncopate - We're running this as a 1 of for a cheap early game, and can stop those big bombs that people tap out for late game.

The Wincons

-Elspeth, Sun's Champion - This card is an amazing wincon. It can defend itself, it can wipe the board if its clogged and can reliably end the game in a few turns. I would run 2 if i had more money.

-Assemble the Legion - This is the general wincon in this deck. Its hard to remove, shuts down mono-black and is a overall well rounded wincon.

-AEtherling - Who doesn't love this guy?!? Evasive, hard to kill and can put the opponent on a 3 turn clock.

The Sideboard

-Anger of the Gods - we have 2 sideboarded to help vs the aggro matchup.

- Celestial Flare - Extra creature removal vs midrange decks and can deal with naya hexproof.

- Counterflux - Sideboard in for the mirror match where this can stop their bomb dead in its tracks.

-Magma Jet - 2 sideboarded for more spot removal vs aggro and for the extra digging it gives.

-Pithing Needle - Shuts down annoying planeswalkers and creatures. Especially important because BUG walkers may become a thing.

-Ratchet Bomb - Can completely kill any token strategy and can be sideboarded in vs mono-blue and left at 4 counters to scare off other jaces and Master of Waves

- Reprisal - Spot removal to combat those pesky midrange and devotion decks.

-Turn / Burn - Same as Reprisal, but can deal with Stormbreath Dragon and Bloodbaron of vizkopa

Things i need feedback on...

Should i cut the Anger of the Gods from the mainboard for early game draw?

Should i play 1 more Sphinx's Revelation? If so, what should i cut?

Should i cut Magma Jet from the sideboard and/or the mainboard? If so, what should i add?

Should i run 2 or 1 Keranos, God of Stormss?

For now i cant get more shocklands so the lands are where they are.

Thanks for Reading!!! Please leave some feedback and drop a +1 if you enjoyed the deck! And don't forget...

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Revision 6 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Ajani Vengeantfoil acquire
-3 Dissolve maybe
-4 Electrolyze acquire
-1 Elixir of Immortality maybe
-1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion maybe
-1 Flooded Strand acquire
-1 Glacial Fortress acquire
-1 Izzet Charm maybe
-3 Jace, Architect of Thought maybe
-3 Lightning Bolt acquire
-2 Lightning Helix acquire
-3 Magma Jet maybe
-4 Mana Leak acquire
-3 Snapcaster Mage acquire
-2 Sulfur Falls acquire
-1 Syncopate maybe
-1 Wrath of God acquire
-1 AEtherling maybe
-1 Assemble the Legion maybe
-1 Keranos, God of Storms maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #96 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 8 Rares

18 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Deck Wishlist
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