Current Mardu warrior build. Splashing red for
Crackling Doom
and Kolaghan's Command because they're that good.
Sample turn 4 kill
Turn 1: Land, Bloodsoaked Champion or
Mardu Woe-Reaper
Turn 2: Land,
Chief of the Edge
. Attack for 3.
Turn 3: Land,
Arashin Foremost
, giving double strike to either of the previous warriors. Attack for 9.
Turn 4: Play a removal spell if necessary, attack with everything for (3x2+3x2+3)=15 damage. You can also play a land (if you have a 4th at this point) and dash
Mardu Strike Leader
to push through damage if you don't have removal.
Most decks don't mainboard Radiant Flames, so the earliest board wipe you're likely to see in game 1 is on turn 4 or 5. That's why it's important to pressure them hard and force them to use their targeted removal on your early threats. The real threats in this deck are at 3 and 4 CMC.
Mardu Strike Leader
, in particular, should usually be the last creature you play. Use your other threats to draw out their removal or board wipes if they have them, then continue to smash face until they die.
The removal spells in this deck are chosen particularly to kill bigger creatures that can wall off your attack. Kolaghan's Command is an exception because it can be used to recur a dead warrior. The two damage + a first striker (e.g. a 3/2
Battle Brawler
) can surprise kill tougher creatures like Siege Rhino without trading your creature.
If you anticipate your opponent bringing in more sweepers in games 2 and 3, side in the Duresses and potentially the Valorous Stances (if they are also playing creature targets that it can hit). You will need to play a slower and more careful game 2 (especially if you are on the draw) and avoid overcommiting to the board. Bloodsoaked Champion and
Mardu Strike Leader
are all stars here, as is Kolaghan's Command. Games 2 and 3 are about persistence and incremental damage, rather than a mad race to 20 damage.
The manabase might need some tuning.