Small pool for FNM this week as people are still getting used to places being open for games. The deck performed well although it had some substitutions during day of game as I was missing some of the lands (1 triome, 3 pathsways, 1 Fable passage) and substituted them with extra copies of temple of triumph and malice. I also worked in 2 copies of Clackbridge Troll and trimmed the Shatterskull Smashing
Flip for the room. Other cards missing were the 2 copies of Bloodchief's Thirst in the sideboard which were replaced with Agonizing Remorse.
Overall score was 3/0
Match 1: Mono Red Aggro 2/1
Game 1: opponent went first and barely pushed though a win with an ember cleave for exact lethal while I was trying to race them with a flying cub warden. This match actually took about 20 min to finish because we traded off a lot of early cards we drew and they did lifegain against me by using The Akroan War against one of my Cubwarden. Sorry I am not going into too many of the details as it was a grindy match and can't remember all the details.
-sideboard- Valki, God of Lies
Flip x1 and Clackbridge Trollx2 out, Murderous Riderx3 in
Game 2: While being on the play, this was a close match as our opponent dropped Roiling Vortex on turn two limiting our times we can recover with our lifelinkers. Game ended with Strict Proctor having been mutated by Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt along with Cubwarden creating value blockers and catching a small window of lifegain edging us out of the game on a turn he tapped out.
Game 3: Opponent got another early Roiling Vortex but we managed to cheat Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger in on turn 4 when they tapped down burning a Hushbringer we placed on turn three as bait for burn spell so we could try and play a second copy with Kroxa. We followed turn four up with a copy of Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt on the Hushbringer causing a quick win.
Match 2: Mono Red Aggro 2/1
Game 1: Opponent got the play and we stumbled on land draws missing the turn 4 land drop. Managed to fight him off for a little bit thanks to Tymaret Calls the Dead, but ultimately done in by the early creatures the played with Faceless Haven pushing that little bit extra.
-Sideboard- Same as previous match
Game 2: On the play we managed to trick in an early Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger with a turn two Strict Proctor. This led to a quick snowball in our favor.
Game 3: Opponent made a sideboard error not understanding how mutate or escape worked and thought it was something they could disable with Sorcerous Spyglass (mutate and escape are not considered activatable abilities, but rather alternate casting costs). This would have been disruptive as it would stop us form using mutate which did win us the game thanks to double mutating Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt on Strict Proctor.
Match 3: Grixis Control (RUB) 2/0
Game 1: This hand was won simply because we drew 3 Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt dropped them from turn 4 thru 6 exhausting all their removal for the thrid one to stick and put in a lot of damage. Once they found removal for the third snapdax, we manage to draw into a Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger that pealed the last of the cards in their hand and finished the game.
-Sideboard- Out Mire Tritonx3, Tymaret Calls the Deadx4, Clackbridge Trollx2 / In Go Blankx4, Murderous Riderx2, Agonizing Remorsex2, Necromentiax1
Game 2: Drew a lot of the discard to pick apart their hand, but took a while to draw threats to go on the board due to how much discard we brought in. Almost lost to opponents Crawling Barrens as they spun it up to have 10 counters and got some hits in bringing us fairly low. Managed to clinch this match to a well timed Murderous Rider paired with some Hushbringers chipping away and gaining us back life.
The deck preformed fairly well. Think there is some room for improvement. The card that felt most awkward play was the Clackbridge Troll and sided it out in most matches, but the card does perform well against certain deck matchups that I am a little reluctant to just pull it at this point. Considering moving Clackbridge Troll to sideboard and bring something like Murderous Rider to the mainboard as removal spell/creature I can mutate onto.
MVP has to be Strict Proctor as it was letting us cheat in the Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger against most decks quickly and sat outside early burn range making it more consistent of a combo then with Hushbringer. It also came in clutch as a mutate target giving us a flying attacker that either hit moderately with lifelink, hit really hard with doublestrke, or in some cases both thanks to Cubwarden/Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions if you have any.