The plan is to ramp, cast Damia, and flood the board with creatures while refilling the hand every turn. I threw in basically every Sliver I could find, but here are some highlights. Basal Sliver Starting alphabetically, this one is great for ramping, and you probably dont need to feel bad sacrificing a couple Slivers in order to cast Damia...or, for example, a Rise of the Dark Realms. Sacrificing creatures for value is among the best things you can do when leading up to a Living Death.
Darkheart Sliver As with before, you can sacrifice a bunch of Slivers to gain lifeor, more importantly, to put them in the graveyard. This can also be a great reactionary play to others Wrath of God effects, allowing you to benefit from your creatures despite their dying.
Dormant Sliver Odd in that it prevents Slivers from attacking, thats often fine in Commander if other players have a lot of blockers. It might overshadow Damia sometimes, but it is a Sliver in her colors, so I think it deserves its place. When you want to attack, just sacrifice it to another Slivers effect.
Gemhide Sliver and Manaweft Sliver These are both Slivers and part of the ramp package. With multiple low-cost Slivers and a few turns of tapping for mana instead of attacking, they can ramp quite a bit. And a Wrath is fine, as the mass-reanimation spells in the deck mean digging deeper and deeper into the deck is a good thing, even if most of it ends up in the graveyard.
Mindlash Sliver The first iteration of my Damia deck included Words of Waste. This Sliver is like a Words of Waste creature, and discarding with Damia on the battlefield isnt really a bad thing, as it means youve just essentially cycled the card.Psionic Sliver This is a weird one, but with toughness-boosting effects from other Sliversand perhaps a Fungus Sliveryour creatures will really be able to put the Prodigal Sorcerer beatdown on the battlefield.
Reflex Sliver Hooray! We get haste without having to play red!
Screeching Sliver Speaking of digging deeper into the deck even if it ends up in the graveyard, heres a great Sliver for milling ourselves in order to fuel a powerful Twilight's Call or the like.
Toxin Sliver This is a pretty good combo with Spitting Sliver.
Eternal Witness As much as Im not a fan of format staples, its hard for me to imagine not wanting to run Eternal Witness in most green decks. Ive always been a huge fan of the graveyard, and sometimes, you just need to use something again.
Rise of the Dark Realms, Living Death, and Twilight's Call Ive already basically covered these in the discussions of the individual Slivers, but these spells can provide huge impact for the deck. With all the small creatures running around, it can be easy for them to die a few at a time during the course of a game. Cast one of these at an opportune time, especially with an Akroma's Memorial on the battlefield, and the combined might of the new Sliver army can potentially just end a game.
Hivestone With a deck full of Slivers, this might seem like an awkward choice, but hey! What about Eternal Witness, right? Actually, I think its just fun to combo it with Damia. Giving her +3/+3 and trample could be fun, sacrificing her for 3 life in response to a Terminus would be quite handy, and her deathtouch makes her potent with Psionic Sliver. I wish there were a way to run Crystalline Sliver to offer her protective abilities, but I guess Asceticism will have to help us out with that.
Nihil Spellbomb and Bojuka Bog With Living Death and Twilight's Call around, access to these is pretty important. I guess theyre nonbos with Rise of the Dark Realms, but Id like to think just recurring all of my Sliversif it comes to thatwill be enough.
Glissa, the Traitor This probably hasnt been the strongest card in either iteration of my Damia decks, but Glissa has been in both, and she is very powerful for only 3 mana. Shes a great attack deterrent, and the benefit of repeatedly rebuying Wayfarer's Bauble and Nihil Spellbomb cant be overstated. Playing lands consistently in Commander is super-important.