Gutter Burn

Modern FullmetalD


IzzetGod says... #1

If you are running Disperse in Modern, I'd replace it with Boomerang as the card bounces lands as well for the same CMC (it's Double U which is the only bad thing about compared to Disperse . But it's worth it!) As well as adding a set of Lightning Bolt which will do amazing with Guttersnipe and Nivix Cyclops !

I'd also drop Mercurial Chemister as he's too slow for the deck. I used to have a Nivix Cyclops unblockable deck with Artful Dodge as well. I ran Mercurial Chemister in there; he was way too slow for the deck.

August 6, 2014 4:03 p.m.

FullmetalD says... #2

thank you for the advice IzzetGod Lightning Bolt is something I really wanna put in, just don't own any, may just have to invest in some, also Boomerang is something I shall pick up thank you for the suggestion, I'll probably take out Mercurial Chemister any suggestions for a replacement? I was thinking maybe Spellheart Chimera for some flying protection and the added synergy?

August 6, 2014 5:34 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #3

FullmetalD - Well as for replacing Mercurial Chemister ; I'm assuming he was mostly played for his card draw? If so, Serum Visions would be a good replacement. When I had my old deck, I couldn't afford Serum Visions (not too mention it was a Standard deck I had Summer before the Innistrad rotation. But afterwards turned it Modern) so I ran Think Twice which really helped a lot with Guttersnipe and Nivix Cyclops triggers (the Flashback triggers both twice). And Think Twice is a very in-expensive card to invest in if unable to get a hold of any Serum Visions .

As for Spellheart Chimera , he's an excellent guy in these decks, but with this deck probably focusing on Nivix Cyclops for Turn 3 drop/Turn 4 major damage; you still might be able to throw the Chimera into the Sideboard, and add a couple more Instants/Sorceries. Delver of Secrets  Flip is a nice quick Flying Creature that works wonders in these decks!

I'm glad to help out! +1 for the deck! Red/Blue is the best color combo for decks! (Izzet?)

If you would like to see how my deck has changed from having Nivix Cyclops to ditching him completely, my deck is here: Izzet Working?

August 6, 2014 5:50 p.m.

FullmetalD says... #4

IzzetGod - thanks again for the advice yeah i'd looked at Serum Visions a bit out of my price range [trying to keep to a budget so that the wife doesn't shout at me lol]

Think Twice however has made me do just that, so I'll side that for now, can definitley see the synergy there :D.

I did take a look at your deck and I like it a lot don't wanna copy or anything as that's not my style... however if I can acquire it Keranos, God of Storms looks interesting and instead of Spellheart Chimera I might main Phantasmal Image , can't hurt to have cheaper copies of Nivix Cyclops and more importantly Guttersnipe ready to pop down!

+1 for Izzet Working? good show ;).

August 6, 2014 6:04 p.m.

FullmetalD says... #5

Having said that didn't realise Phantasmal Image was as costly as he is hmm .....

August 6, 2014 6:08 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #6

FullmetalD Yeah, Serum Visions and Phantasmal Image are pretty pricey (I myself only own 2 Phantasmal Image at the moment)

Aso, I noticed the update you did to the Sideboard. How effective do you find Hands of Binding ? If you've Sideboarded it in; what do you Side out and what decks do you use it against? I love Double Negative! Except competitively; Counterflux is better against control match-ups. But I do like Double Negative against decks that use multiple Stack combos, as well as Infect and Burn (when they decide to play all their spells on the stack at once lol).

August 6, 2014 7:48 p.m.

FullmetalD says... #7

Hey IzzetGod I'd probably side out one of the burns like Searing Spear for Hands of Binding and it's synergy with Invisible Stalker is great as each time you attack you're getting that control element as well as the trigger for Guttersnipe so it out damages the burn in the end anyway, and I'd just side it in if I decided the control would be more beneficial than just a straight extra burn.

I really like Counterflux and as you said would be my card of choice for competitive for sure over Double Negative ......and this is gonna sound cheese but I just love the artwork of double negative I think it's a beautiful card :P

August 6, 2014 8:05 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #8

FullmetalD - Hahaha yeah. The artwork for Double Negative is awesome! I was just mentioning from a competitive view; Counterflux is better lol.

August 6, 2014 10:10 p.m.

kingorion says... #9

I would NOT suggest subbing in boomerang for disperse because the double U cost outweighs the land bouncing. After playing this kind of deck for so long, I have noticed that too often I get stuck with a bad combination of lands that prevent me from playing spells that cost more than 1 of a single color.

August 7, 2014 12:59 a.m.

FullmetalD says... #10

Hey kingorion cheers for the tip, I had decided to go with Mana Leak as my instant removal anyway as per my update, but I know what you mean those double mana costs can sink you, which is why even though I adore Double Negative I'm hesitant to put it in main board.

August 7, 2014 5:11 a.m.

seakeal says... #11

Yoooo get yourself some Treasure Cruises. With everything in your graveyard you could easily delve for 7 and the 3-card advantage is huge. Also, Weapon Surge is a cheaper (by mana) mass pump spell that might be effective with your tokens. Runechanter's Pike as well. I run a couple of those in my Izzet deck at the moment and it turns your basic Guttersnipe into an effective blocker and insane beater. +1 cause Guttersnipe is a beast, check out my aggro delver Your Basic Delver-Dredge-Storm-Lifegain Deck if you want some ideas from that.

November 13, 2014 1:56 p.m.

seakeal in this deck using Treasure Cruise would give him a disadvantage. Due to the fact that his running Spellheart Chimera.As for my thoughts on this deck. This is just me, I would replace Lightning Strike, Lightning Bolt. Lightning Strike in this case only ups your avg. CMC. Over all its a great style deck I love playing Izzet, Maybe sideboarding Counterflux for either Remand or Vapor Snag. Over all this deck is pretty solid, just needs some custom changes after you playtest it some.+1

November 13, 2014 2:55 p.m.

FullmetalD says... #13

Thank you very much for your comments guys, I've certainly got some playing around to do! I'll get some more play testing under my belt after securing a few new additions ;) and I'll update the results here!

November 14, 2014 7:44 a.m.

razvaniorga says... #14

Hey, I was just checking out your deck, and noticed you considered Reverberate as 'catnip' for Guttersnipe. Just wanted to make sure, you know the copy of the spell doesn't trigger Guttersnipe's ability since it's not cast? I personally like Vapor Snag in that slot to clear the way for your Nivix Cyclops and provide tempo, or Gitaxian Probe (now this is catnip, a free cantrip, a view of your opponent's hand, and triggering YP/Guttersnipe on the same turn you cast them).

Anyways, best of luck playtesting!

November 25, 2014 1:51 p.m.

Skinkesvin says... #15

May 6, 2015 5:17 a.m.

FullmetalD says... #16

Hey Skinkesvin I did have Young Pyromancer in here at one point and it didn't work so well!

I found that Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest working with Nivix Cyclops can put out some serious hurt.

May 6, 2015 5:32 a.m.

FullmetalD says... #17

replaced Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest with Temur Battle Rage, much better fit!

May 11, 2015 2:51 a.m.

ironcore says... #18

How about,

Kiln Fiend

May 28, 2015 5:15 a.m.

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