Gruul Aggro/Midrange deck. Pretty self explanatory.
First we got Creatures.
Longtusk Cub: This guy can get big in this deck with all of the energy it's building.
Khenra Charioteer
: 3 drop 3/3 trampler that gives everyone trample? Not bad.
Voltaic Brawler: This guy is a great turn 2 guy. His pump ability is great.
Servant of the Conduit: Just some extra Ramp in the deck for the late game threats.
Bristling Hydra: This guy right here. If he makes it to the battlefield, it will be hard for your opponent to get rid of him since you can make him Hexproof.
Glorybringer: This is one of my favorite cards in standard right now. Nothing wrong with a 4/4 flyer with haste for 5 mana. He can also get rid of a threat early on or paired with Soul-Scar Mage he can drop some threats to below threat level.
Attune with Aether: This adds to extra mana fixing early game and can even trigger a prowess on Soul-Scar Mage or add more Energy to Voltaic Brawler, Bristling Hydra, or Harnessed Lightning.
Blossoming Defense: This card is some value. It not only pumps but it also gives a creature Hexproof. You can use it on Bristling Hydra after you used up all your energy on a Harnessed Lightning. Or you can use it to beat face as well.
Fling: I have always loved the flavor of this card. I intend on using it as a game ender when I swing for a lot and they have a small amount of life left. Or as a response to removal. It's always fun to chuck a creature at an opponent when they try to get rid of it.
Harnessed Lightning: Pretty self explanatory here. Creature removal. Pairs quite nicely with Soul-Scar Mage.
Shock: More burn. This can be used for spot removal or to burn face. Pretty good. I wish it were a Lightning Bolt.
Abrade: This is great against Vehicles and those stupid hulks. Or it's more creature removal. Great card.
Hour of Devastation: A great boardwipe. There is a guy at my LGS that plays a Bolas deck that this card does almost nothing to. I needed to read that card a little better before that match.
Magma Spray: A little more removal but this is more for the pesky zombie decks that people like to play.
Prowling Serpopard: I love this card. It's a 4/3 for 3 that can't be countered and makes creatures noncounterable. Wat....
Sweltering Suns: This is just more mass removal but aimed mostly at token decks or decks with smaller creatures. Which there are a lot of small creature decks in my current meta.
Soul-Scar Mage: This guy is pretty fun in a deck like this since it is pretty heavy on the instants and sorcery spells. Plus with the creature burn he can turn a threat into nothing and can even take out Gods since it is -1/-1 counters.
I hope you like my deck! Please leave a comment or Upvote if you like it. If you have suggestions please let me know. I am trying to keep it Rotation Proof though. That is why I don't have some of the dual lands I should have. I might need to get me a Playset of the Rootbound Crag since that is getting reprinted in the new set. I really want to find a way to get Samut, the Tested in this deck too. He would be a slayer. Any help would be appreciated.