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Theros Cube



Creature (255)

Planeswalker (5)

Land (37)

Enchantment (37)

Artifact (16)

Instant (66)

Sorcery (40)

Theros-block cube.Contains 456 cards, where all cards are Theros-block except cycle of Lifegain lands, Dual Karoo Lands and Vivid Lands.

There are 169 common cards, 137 uncommon and 150 rare/mythic rare. Most cards from the block are present, about 100+ cards have been cut. These cards that have been cut has been so due to either being too narrow in use (Heroes' Podium), bad synergy with the cube draft format (Mindreaver), generally very unpopular draft cards and also cards that have much the similar roles, typically the different kinds of vanilla "fatties". There are still som less popular draft cards left in the cube, this to allow different draft strategies as well as having proper answers to the different threats present.

How to draft:Each player drafts 3 boosters with 15 card. Each booster contains random: 3x rare/mythic rare, 5 uncommon and 7 common.

Max.8 players.

This means that all besides one common card will be used, about 85% of the uncommon and 50% of the common card will be used with full 8 player draft.


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