Risky Jund

Modern* Spazik008


Darkened1 says... #12

If it weren't for the playset of AT this would look much better. In practice, you will be providing your opponent with too much land as well as deck thinking them in the process. You want to be selective and hit bombs and other hastles with AT, not running 4 to hit everything with.

October 9, 2018 10:23 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #13

Darkened1: the effect of deck thinning is extremely negligible. and once the game gets to the mid/late stages, the extra mana won't matter. the opponent will likely have the mana they need anyway. if ramping and deck thinning the opponent mattered, Path to Exile wouldn't see play. Assassin's Trophy is still an obligatory 4-of. its a card you want to see every game, and its certainly not like you'll often see all 4 in a single game like you seem to assume.

October 9, 2018 10:32 p.m.

Darkened1 says... #14

I get it, AT is a fantastic card. It's the best removal spell in Magic- but it's not a path. They get an untapped land. You want to hit Karn, you want to hit KCI, you want to hit Leylines. All the things we would have otherwise needed out of the sideboard, we now have a perfect answer in the main. Still, though. An untapped land (and more) is a big deal.

October 9, 2018 10:46 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #15

Darkened1: a single untapped land is not a big deal. i never said it "was" a path, but its very similar to a path.

October 9, 2018 10:55 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #16

I just figured that since Assassin's Trophy can hit Karn Liberated, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, Ensnaring Bridge, Krark-Clan Ironworks, Gurmag Angler, and many other key permanents it was worth a slot in Jund because of all the problem archetypes it shores up. For example, I was able to completely cut my Fulminator Mage from the sideboard because Urza's Tower is less of a problem now, and Karn Liberated himself can just be hit with an Assassin's Trophy anyways, which also frees up space from Dreadbore. I was able to cut Maelstrom Pulse as well because I need less heavy firepower and already have other sweepers on the sideboard.

Giving your opponent a land obviously helps them, but unless you're playing against Scapeshift, Amulet of Vigor, or another land race deck it's not critical after the first few turns. Ideally I would save the Assassin's Trophy for last, using Lightning Bolt and Kolaghan's Command to take care of the easy stuff and keeping my heavy firepower for when the big guns are needed, like if they were to suddenly somehow slam a Primeval Titan onto the table.

October 9, 2018 11:33 p.m.

Darkened1 says... #17

Yeah. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with his Jund list, I just think it's too trigger happy on Assassin's Trophy. With Modern being a format where most things are CMC 3 or less, another land (UNTAPPED) is a big deal. And with 4 in the main Bloodbraid has a better chance of cascading into one. At that point you don't have an option to hold onto it.

I'm going 2 in the main for my Sultai list, and 1 in the sideboard. I want it to float by every now and then so I have the firepower of this incredible removal spell- but can't have too many for obvious reasons.

Against Colonnades, Teferis, Karns, KCI, Leylines, etc. it'll shine most. I just think the couple extra copies should sit in the sideboard so that once you know you're going up against Tron, for example, you can go all balls to the walls on Assassin's Trophy.

AT+ Surgical Extraction? They won't survive.

October 10, 2018 8:25 a.m.

DragonKing90 says... #18

Darkened1: again, that extra untapped land is not a big deal, for reasons i've already stated...and considering the decks that just got top 16 at the modern open in columbus (where i live) last weekend, i'd take 4 AT mainboard in a heartbeat.

October 10, 2018 10:55 a.m.

Darkened1 says... #19

Good luck!

October 10, 2018 11:02 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #20

I haven't even thought of Assassin's Trophy and Surgical Extraction together yet. erection intensity increases

October 10, 2018 11:07 a.m.

DragonKing90 says... #21

Extirpate also works really well with its "split second" ability.

October 10, 2018 11:17 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #22

Cascading into Assassin's Trophy is always a thing. Blow up whatever you want on their side of the board. And if they respond with a Fatal Push, no harm done. Gives them less ways to deal with Tarmogoyf.

October 10, 2018 2:18 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #23

Not my deck or conversation but she's says what I've been saying about AT even though she doesn't like Decay. Basically you don't want AT in the early game but it's great in the late.

October 10, 2018 5:42 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #24

itachi45: i'll still say shes wrong. #4assassin'strophymaindboard. btw, she hasn't played a "lot" more matches with Assassin's Trophy than anyone. the card has been legal for 6 days...

October 10, 2018 6:44 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #25

itachi45: if her advice is less than 4 AT mainboard, its not that solid.

October 10, 2018 7:03 p.m.

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